The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1381: Shut up all of you!

Qin Yang has never been beaten so badly.

When Qin Yang was still competing with Situ Xiang in the strength of the eighteen acupoints in the middle of Situ Xiang, the strength of the twenty-three acupoints in Situ Xiang was not a little bit worse, and Situ Xiang also stimulated his potential and exploded his fighting power, which beat Qin Yang. The same was crawling, but the gap between the two was not so big that Qin Yang could easily face it.

After Watanabe's wild violent state now, the whole person's strength has increased to the extreme, and the speed has also soared, even the Phantom Walk is not faster than him, and Qin Yang is in a scene of complete beating.

Every punch that fell on Qin Yang's body was like a huge hammer smashed hard, making people want to split their muscles and bones.

Fortunately, Qin Yang had a weird phantom step. Although the phantom step was easily overtaken by the responsive Watanabe, it could still be used to avoid deadly attacks at critical times.

Qin Yang curled up his body as much as possible, his arms constantly blocking Watanabe's violent attack.

"Come on, Watanabe!"

"Go on, kill him!"

"kill him!"

Someone yelled loudly in the crowd, and more and more people began to yell following this voice, converging into a loud and huge voice.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Situ Xiang watched Qin Yang flying out of the stage like a gourd with a punch, and his eyes were full of worry. Hearing the calls of the onlookers around him, his eyes suddenly filled with anger.

She clenched her fists tightly, turned her head, looked at the fanatical onlookers, and suddenly raised her voice and shouted: "Shut up all of you!"

Situ Xiang's voice was filled with internal energy, and he immediately pulled up the high pitch, and instantly rushed out of the surround of those noisy sounds, resounding throughout the square.

Everyone heard Situ Xiang's cry, stopped subconsciously, and turned their heads to look at Situ Xiang. When they saw Situ Xiang who was angry and furious, their expressions were suddenly different.

"Oh, I'm angry!"

"Haha, isn't this the woman next to Qin Yang? Isn't this going to make you cry in anger?"

"You say shut up and shut up, then we have no face."

"We call us, it's up to you!"

Listening to the cynicism of these people, Situ Xiang shouted loudly, "Qin Yang defeated your 41 challengers. As the winner, should he kill these 41 challengers?"

The hustle and bustle suddenly cooled down, and the person who was still swearing at him also touched his nose and closed his mouth.

In the past four days of battle, Qin Yang defeated 41 challengers. Most of these 41 challengers used secret techniques to increase their combat effectiveness. However, after the attack was weak, the combat effectiveness would be reduced sharply. It would be too easy for Yang to kill them.

However, in these many battles, Qin Yang opened a blood hole in the legs of many people and made them lose their combat effectiveness. He did not take pains to kill those whose combat effectiveness has declined sharply. Instead, he behaved very gracefully. In eleven battles, no one was killed or disabled.

Think about the previous four days, and then think about the slogans that I and others are chanting now. Even a thick-skinned person can't help but feel embarrassed.

Looking at the much quieter crowd of onlookers, Yang Haoran glanced at Situ Xiang with admiration.

This woman has a bit of personality, a bit of temper!

Yang Haoran set his eyes on the court again, frowning slightly, but his expression was not particularly worried.

Watanabe's wild and fierce attack has been going on for a while. Although Qin Yang was embarrassed by him, he has never used secret skills to push his own potential, nor used other tricks. This shows a problem.

He can handle it!

The matter has not reached the point where Qin Yang thought it was the worst!

Yamaguchi Rika looked at Qin Yang who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, her eyes full of shock.

Is he still human?

Watanabe’s attack, every punch and every kick was so powerful, even the steel ring could not withstand his tremendous impact and deformed, but Qin Yang resisted so many attacks so hard that he could still hold it. live?

If it were an ordinary cultivator, with such a powerful attack and such a intensive attack, I am afraid that the whole person would collapse without three or five punches.

"Is his body beaten with iron?"

Yamaguchi Rika subconsciously whispered to Situ Xiang's ear next to him. Situ Xiang bit her lip, her eyes flashed with two different colors.

His body is not made of iron, but he really has steel and iron bones!

On the ring, Watanabe Ye's eyes showed two points of panic. Although he had been pressing Qin Yang violently, he could feel that Qin Yang had not suffered multiple injuries at all!

He seemed to be beaten badly by himself, but in fact every time he dodges the deadliest attack, and Watanabe also found out, this guy is terribly tough. After being attacked so violently by him, I am afraid he would have broken his hand and his foot, but he didn't!

He has nothing to do!

Embarrassed, his movements did not slow down in the slightest. He was like a flexible civet cat, constantly avoiding his own attacks, unloading his violent power, and delaying the game!

The former is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that Qin Yang always delays time to the greatest extent!

He knew what Qin Yang was doing. He was waiting for the effect of the medicine in his body to pass, and this was where Watanabe Ye panicked, because he felt that his physical strength had begun to decay!

Although the temporary decay was not obvious yet, he knew that once it started to decay, it would be very fast from his final collapse!

I originally thought that pure speed and strength would be enough to make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness, but now it seems that even if I inject a potion to explode my strength, I still have to work hard!


With a violent shout from Watanabe Noo, his body disappeared again, and the trick he had used before was used again.

This time, his strength has skyrocketed again, and his unique skills are even more powerful than before!

A series of substantive fist prints continuously blasted from his Dozens of fist prints covered every position Qin Yang escaped, completely blocking his escape path.

There is no other way but to make it hard!

Qin Yang had already seen this stunt once before. Now when he sees him perform it, Qin Yang has already moved the position first, and at the same time he sinks his dantian, punches in an instant, and blasts out a wave of fist marks at an extremely fast speed. A fist print with a powerful qi rushed towards the head.

"Boom boom!"

The qi collided and exploded, but Qin Yang's speed was ultimately not as fast as Watanabe, who had the explosive potential. Although he blocked most of the attacks, several fierce fist marks still fell on him.

Qin Yang's body seemed to be hit by a galloping train, and he flew straight up. He was still in the air, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth...

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