The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1383: Come from the palace!

Qin Yang was indeed injured. Watanabe Ye’s full-strength attack was like a steel hammer hitting the ground. Qin Yang suffered a lot of blows, how could he not hurt?

Qin Yang's muscles and bones were in severe pain. Although there were no breaks, they were probably injured in many places, and there might even be slight bone cracks.

"You come in the car."

Qin Yang got into the truck and looked at Yang Haoran with a little doubt.

Yang Haoran handed over a pill with a delicate fragrance: "You take this pill, and then sit down cross-legged to exercise healing, I will help you!"

Qin Yang suddenly took it, put it in his mouth, and then sat down: "Thank you Lao Yang!"

Qin Yang revolves his internal energy in his meridians. When he walks, he can feel a warm current in the painful places wherever he goes. The aching muscles are greatly relieved, and the internal organs that are injured by the impact feel comfortable all at once. A lot of it, even the painful bones seemed to be soaked in warm water, and the pain quickly decreased.

Yang Haoran sat behind Qin Yang, with his hands on Qin Yang's back, two warm currents entered Qin Yang's body from Yang Haoran's palm, helping Qin Yang nourish and recover.

Yang Haoran's internal qi was naturally pure and pure, and the healing effect was naturally much better than Qin Yang's own internal qi. When Qin Yang opened his eyes from Yungong an hour later, his eyes were full of surprises.

"I feel better, thank you, Lao Yang!"

Yang Haoran smiled and stood up: "We should thank you. If it weren't for you, how could such a large number of cultural relics have a chance to return to China?"

Qin Yang chuckled: "Due to the impact of the previous four days, I don’t think there are any of them willing to challenge me. After all, to challenge me now, you have to put up a national treasure level bet. Although there are many national treasure level cultural relics in Japan, But they may not dare to take a bet, who knows if I will kill the Quartet in a row like the previous four days?"

Yang Haoran smiled and said: "This probability is very high, then I ask you, if someone continues to challenge you, can you still hold it?"

Although Qin Yang's body has been healed much better, if he goes through the cruel and dangerous fighting and gets injured again, then Qin Yang's internal body will be hurt even more!

Qin Yang's expression also has two points of helplessness. Although he still has the ability to press the box like the pupil technique, he used to forcibly increase his mental power and brought a huge backlash effect. If he has not fully recovered, if he is forced to use it again, he His mental power will inevitably receive greater damage and may cause irreparable damage!

Qin Yang was not sure whether these Japanese practitioners would be as crazy as before, with constant challengers, but Qin Yang was ready to fight in his heart.

A large group of bigwigs from all major genres gathered in the rest area, each with solemn expressions, as if they were facing an enemy.

"Watanabe Noo has lost, is there anyone in the Heaven and Human Realm that is better than Watanabe Noo?"

"Qin Yang is indeed very strong, but he has been injured and vomiting blood. You have all seen it. But he has suffered a lot of violent punches from Watanabe. That power can even dent the steel surface of the ring. How can the body be able to hold it?"

"Yes, he was injured! But he also said that he had even more powerful killer moves that he didn't use. What's more, didn’t everyone see the situation a few days ago? When everyone thought he was injured and was going to fight At the time, he became more ferocious than before the injury, and he became more and more unstoppable!"

"MD, it's so miserable. Isn't it true that I am a practitioner in Da Nihon, and I don't even have a celestial realm that can defeat him? This is a shame!"

"Wheel battle is also a shame, but losing it is even more shameful! What's more, to challenge Qin Yang now is to put on a national treasure-class cultural relic. There are only a lot of cultural relics like this in Japan. Can you take out such cultural relics, don't you think you have given him the cultural relic Isn't it enough?"

"It's really jealous. After this battle, his number of cultural relics has doubled again. With more than two hundred fine-quality cultural relics, plus the precious and priceless national treasures, the value of this cultural relic is hard to measure. !"

"I can't beat him anyway. I can only watch the show. Aoki Ryu has completely surrendered and withdrew from the battle. I don't know who will stand up next..."

In the corner, Juchuan Jiangsu looked at the crowd in the distance with a cold expression, his eyes narrowed slightly.


Standing not far from Miyazaki Show, two steps forward: "Sir, I am here!"

Juchuan Jiangsu asked coldly: "Do you think they will still be challenged?"

Miyazaki Xiuzhong hesitated and shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, after all, the stakes for the challenge are too high. Not everyone can take out the cultural relics of national treasure."

Juchuan Jiangsu coldly snorted, "Didn't he say that the value of the bet can be added up? One is not enough, two are possible, and two are not enough, then ten. After all, it is feasible.

Listening to Kikugawa Eju's words, Miyazaki Hidezaki raised his head in surprise; "Sir, are you looking for someone to challenge Qin Yang?

Juchuan Jiangsu said coldly: "I want him to die in the ring!"

Miyazaki Hidenaka asked in a low voice, "What do you mean, sir?"

Kikugawa Ejugawa looked at the direction of the ring, and said softly: "Go and prepare. If no one prepares, then we will come... Killers of Celestial Twenty-seven, they may not be as capable of fighting as Watanabe Notaka, but When it comes to killing people, they are definitely much more professional. If Qin Yang is killed in the ring, no one can speak at all!"

Miyazaki Xiuzhong gave a hum, as the master of the shadow, he naturally controls a large group of powerful practitioners in his hand, and there are also many powerful collaborators. He wants to find out the strength of the 27th realm of heaven and man who are good at killing. The killer is easy.

Although Shadow is just a killer organization in Japan, there are many masters among them. As long as they are given great benefits, this group of people will definitely be willing to come to fight Qin You secretly explain to them and kill Qin The positive rewards are 500 million yen, 300 million for disabled, 200 million for winning, and I don’t want a point for the cultural relics I won back. I give them all. I think they will be tempted! "

Juchuan Jiangsu said coldly: "I don't believe that Qin Yang is really an iron hit, so I won't get tired of him!"

Juchuan Jiangsu's worries did not materialize. After lunch, a team of people went straight to the table where Yang Haoran was sitting, and placed a long box in front of Yang Haoran.

"Xiaoxiang lying in the picture, challenging Qin Yang, gambling on the tiger cannibal, and increasing the prajna forever, do you gamble?"

Yang Haoran's eyes widened suddenly: "Xiaoxiang Sleeping Tour! Who are you?"

The leading middle-aged man said solemnly: "We are from the palace!"

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