The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1385: pretender

? "You want to place a bet, I took it all!"

Qin Yang was heartbroken, so let's gamble again!

Now Qin Yang has won more than two hundred pieces of cultural relics above the finest quality. If these people are brave enough to collect more than two hundred pieces, it won't be in vain to try their best!

More than two hundred fine cultural relics, including national treasure-level cultural relics, let alone their historical significance, these cultural relics alone are worth at least several billion!

If you win, there are more than 400 pieces worth more than 5 billion. If you lose, then there is nothing. Is it worth the effort?

The news that Qin Yang accepted the bet spread, and suddenly many people rushed over to place the bet.

"I put on my jade pendant that has been handed down for six hundred years!"

"I bet three!"

"I bet on two Chinese cultural relics plus one of our family cultural relics!"

Yang Haoran once again engaged in busy identification and registration, while Zhou Chao, Zheng Meifeng and Situ Xiang were busy with classification and statistics.

They all felt that Qin Yang's gambling was too risky this time, but since Qin Yang opened his hands to gamble, they naturally had nothing to say.

The big deal is all lost.

Even if you really didn't win anything, this competition is considered to be a heavy blow to the face of the Japanese spiritual community. This is a very cool thing. It is not worth it to be able to participate in it in person!

The group of people from the palace saw this scene, looked at each other, and all saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

Soon, it was four o'clock.

The challenger came to Yang Haoran and the others, Zhou Chao stood up and checked his strength.

Yang Haoran suddenly exhorted: "Achao, be careful!"

Zhou Chao nodded, this battle involves a lot, and he must be more careful.

He carefully checked the meridian and acupoints of the challenger, and the twenty-eighth acupoint was indeed closed and unclear.

After Zhou Chao confirmed that he was correct, he turned around and said, "No problem!"

The challenger turned around and stepped onto the ring. When his back was facing the crowd, his tight face seemed to relax a little, as if he had been worried about something before.

Everyone fell silent and looked at the ring silently.

After Qin Yang and the challenger exchanged salutes, they started the battle without saying a word of nonsense.

The challenger is like a wind and thunderous fists. He doesn't seem to take any drugs or use any secret skills, but his speed is not inferior to the previous Watanabe!

Not the normal level of Watanabe, but Watanabe who broke out after injecting himself with medicine!

Qin Yang fought hard with Watanabe in the morning, and his body was originally injured. Now, as soon as he came on the field, he faced such a violent and turbulent attack and immediately fell into the hard fight, as if he would be defeated or even killed at any time.

All the onlookers were enthusiastic, and they really saw the hope of victory this time!

As long as this challenger from the Japanese Imperial Palace wins Qin Yang, not only will Qin Yang’s efforts to win all the cultural relics that he has won over so many days will be lost, but he will also become the stepping stone for this challenger, and the Japanese Imperial Palace will win. Endless glory and popular support!

When everyone thought of this, they suddenly understood why the emperor was sending people to fight at this time.

He wants to tell the people that with him, everything is fine!

Seeing Qin Yang's incomparably embarrassed look, many people are already calculating how to deal with their trophies after they have won, or thinking how tragically Qin Yang left here amidst the ridicule and booing of everyone, and finally feels ashamed. Leave Japan.

Haha, it's a relief to think about it!

Compared with the cheerful and expectant Japanese cultivators, Yang Haoran and the others looked solemn, frowning and watching the scene.

"This is impossible!"

Yang Haoran suddenly said: "How can a practitioner of the Great Stage Realm produce such a condensed qi? This is something that can only be done in the Transcendent realm, but the supernatural strength should also be higher than him. What is this all about? Well, is he half-legged to the extraordinary?"

Yang Haoran muttered and looked back at Zhou Chao: "Are you sure you checked carefully?"

Zhou Chao replied affirmatively: "I'm sure, his twenty-eight acupoints are indeed blocked, and internal qi cannot enter at all."

Yang Haoran raised her brows abruptly: "No entry at all? No entry at all?"

Zhou Chao replied affirmatively: "Yes."

Yang Haoran's eyes flashed, and he stood up suddenly, with a two-pointed anger on his face: "Even if the acupuncture point is not clear, how can it be impossible to enter a trace of internal energy? It is not that even a trace of internal energy cannot enter. If so, there is only one explanation... His twenty-eight acupuncture points are deliberately blocked or closed!"

Zhou Chao and others were stunned: "Teacher, what you mean is that the challenger is not the 27th strength of Heaven and Human, but the extraordinary master of the 28th Acupuncture Point of Heaven and Human. Twenty-eight acupoints, pretending to be the twenty-seventh of heaven and human?"

Yang Haoran sneered: "Besides this, is there a second explanation? No wonder they are so determined. No wonder they dare to bet on national treasures and cultural relics. They use an extraordinary master to deal with an opponent who is twenty-five in heaven. Is there any suspense?"

After Yang Haoran finished speaking, her body had suddenly disappeared in place, and when she reappeared, she had already reached the arena and appeared between Qin Yang and the challenger.

The challenger’s fist was rushing towards Qin Yang with an extremely strong qi, but his fist blasted into Yang Haoran’s palm. The strong qi was like a clay cow entering the sea, and he disappeared. Yang Haoran's fist was also clasped with one hand, unable to move.

Yang Haoran's abrupt movements triggered a huge reaction from hundreds of Japanese practitioners in the audience.

"what are you doing?"

"This can't be beaten, do you want to go wrong?"

"Hundreds of If you dare to shame, we will beat you into meatloaf!"

"Quickly get out of the way, otherwise, you will be deemed to have lost!"

"Isn't this old man an expert in cultural relics? He looks weak, but he is still a master of cultivators. He is really blind. I didn't feel it at all!"

"Yes, this old man is so fierce? He took such a powerful punch by his hand. Could it be that he is extraordinary, the pinnacle kind?"

The middle-aged man from the Japanese imperial palace stood up suddenly and shouted coldly: "What do you want to do, you are interfering with the game!"

Yang Haoran let go of the challenger's fist and stared at the middle-aged man coldly: "You use an extraordinary master to pretend to be the 27th Heaven and Human to fight this arena. You are breaking the rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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