The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1389: Jagged real man

?What do I want?

Qin Yang blinked again, and then seemed embarrassed to realize that he seemed to lack anything.

National rewards are nothing more than money and honor. In terms of money, Qin Yang is not short of money. As for honor, Qin Yang seems to be useless...

Qin Yang had never thought about how much he would get in return before. He felt good about this, so he did it, it was that simple.

Regardless of cultural relics, Qin Yang's arena matches made him feel very cool!

That's the coolness deep into the bone marrow!

"Uh, let me just talk about it, I don't know what I want..."

When the Dragon King heard Qin Yang’s words, he was not surprised at all. After all, he knew Qin Yang very well. He laughed and said, "Well, since you have nothing to want, then I will help you talk about it. Take it, but don't worry, it must be a good thing!"

Qin Yang smiled: "Okay, then it's all over to you, just don't cheat me."

The Dragon King laughed and scolded: "When did I cheat you? You have made contributions to the country. As your boss, I will naturally fight for you relative rewards and honors."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Yes, yes, that's it. You remember to arrange someone to come over. We are now driving the truck with more than 400 cultural relics worth billions of dollars on the street. It feels that each one is close to each other. All of his cars are like robbers..."

The Dragon King was amused by Qin Yang's words: "With Mr. Yang here, what are you afraid of, hey, by the way, you call him Lao Yang? It seems that you are getting along well."

Qin Yang replied triumphantly: "That is, after all, we are partners, but you are not enough, old man. It is obvious that Lao Yang is the supreme and powerful, but you have never told me, let me guess, and pay back at any time. Worried..."

The Dragon King laughed: "It makes you nervous. Isn't that good? Okay, just like that, I will help you arrange everything, and someone will contact you tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang hung up the phone and opened Weibo.

The Weibo with pictures of Xiaoxiang Sleeping Tour and Tiger Cannibalism that Qin Yang posted before has already been turned crazy.

"Xiaoxiang Sleeping Tour, Tiger Cannibalism! National treasure-class cultural relic, Great God, you won back such a valuable cultural relic, those Japanese are not crazy, how are you?"

"Qin Yang, you are a hero, but please protect yourself. After all, many villains can't win, so they will use despicable tricks!"

"Awesome, awesome! It's awesome!"

"I found out that Qin Dashen is very capable of doing things. Something seems to happen where he is, Pengcheng, South Korea, Japan... One movement is more powerful than one!"

"I heard that there are still two days left in the competition. Persevere. You must win to the end!"

"Qin Yang, come on, we will always support you!"

"Great God, I want to give you a monkey!"

Qin Yang smiled, turned off Weibo, opened Fetion, and read the messages his friends had sent to him.

The first thing Qin Yang clicked on was naturally Han Qingqing's.

"Did you win again? Are you okay? It must be very hard now?"

Qin Yang started the video call.

Han Qingqing appeared on the screen, her beautiful face filled with happiness.

"Are you finished?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Yeah, I feel weak. I just took a shower and became a horse to kill a chicken. Now I'm lying down and regaining my vitality."

Han Qingqing looked at Qin Yang with a smile, and the heart that had been hanging in his heart also let go: "You, you are always so desperate, how do you prepare to deal with so many cultural relics?"

Qin Yang replied casually: "Donate it."

Han Qingqing said, without any surprised expression on his face: "Very good."

Qin Yang smiled and asked, "That's a cultural relic worth billions of dollars. Your performance is too indifferent."

Han Qingqing said with a smile: "The people you donated don't feel distressed, and I don't feel distressed. Besides, you don't need money. Doing things that make you comfortable physically and mentally is more important than anything else. It's good to be happy."

Qin Yang remembered something: "Don't worry, I can't take it for a while. I will keep some, and two of them are especially suitable for you. I will give it to you when I come back."

Han Qingqing asked curiously: "What is it?"

Qin Yang chuckled, "Sell it, then you will know it!"

Han Qingqing gave Qin Yang a white look: "I hate it!"

The beauty was flying white, and Qin Yang's mood suddenly became a little happier.

"When are you coming back?"

Qin Yang replied casually: "It is estimated that there will be a few days before the ring is over. I still have two fights scheduled before, and there is a medical match. It should be delayed for some time."

Han Qingqing said anxiously: "You have lost your temper in the ring match, so I am afraid that they will definitely want to beat you to get back face in the medical competition. I am afraid that it will be a swordsman again."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just to learn medical skills after all, not to fight, it's much easier than the ring match!"

Han Qingqing exhorted: "Don't be careless, now Japanese practitioners hate you to the bone. As long as they have any chance to deal with you, they will definitely not let it go!"

Feeling Han Qingqing's heartfelt concern, Qin Yang felt warm in his heart: "Well, I will be careful."

After hanging up the call with Han Qingqing, Qin Yang returned messages to other people who left messages for him.

When he opened Li Siqi's message, he couldn't help laughing!

"Brother Qin, you are so amazing, what a MAN! Real man of iron and blood, I want to kill you, and I can't wait to be by your side now, in your arms, old iron!"

Qin Yang replied: "Old Tie, you are useless in my arms now, now your brother Qin is tired like a dog, and the whole person is as soft as noodles..."

Li Siqi's news quickly replied: "It doesn't matter, as long as I am here, you will be full of motivation, even if it was originally noodles, you will be transformed into a super Saiyan, instantly incarnate into a jagged true man!"

Qin Yang looked at Li Siqi's words, and there was an inexplicable flame in his heart.

This little fairy!

Qin Yang couldn't resist this violent internet temptation, bewildered, and said viciously: "Old Tie, don't be arrogant, wait for me to come back and kill you!"

Li Siqi made a very seductive and confusing gesture: "/hook, time, location?"

Qin Yang was speechless.

This is the rhythm of directly abandoning small chat and directly on the dry goods.

"You are so idle, are you okay now?"

"Yes, the special training is over, just wait for the crew to start."

"Well, I can't afford it, I can't disturb you!"

"Don't run! Be responsible if you flirt!"

Qin Yang was speechless: "The person you are calling has rushed out of the service area, please leave a message if you have anything!"

Li Siqi was silent for a long time before a message came.

"Leave a message to Brother Qin, a true man of iron and blood. It must be very hard to fight alone in a foreign land. Please protect yourself and come back safely and safely, otherwise... you can't do a lot of shy postures. ..."

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