The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1399: This is digging a hole for me!

? When Kikukawa Shin appeared, Qin Yang was looking at Kikugawa Shin. Madam Ishida seemed to look at Kikukawa Shin too, but his attention was entirely on Qin Yang.

He didn't care if Kikukawa Shin was injured by Qin Yang, because he didn't know Kikukawa Shin and had no friendship with him, but he cared about the consequences of this matter extending to today.

He has carefully checked Kikukawa Shin, he has some treatment plans, but he is not very sure. If Kikukawa Shin was injured by Qin Yang, he naturally dare not treat it. After all, Kikukawa Shin was cured. Wouldn’t Kikugawa Shin take a bite? ?

If Qin Yang didn't dare to cure, then he could win Qin Yang again.

Although Qin Yang was shocked in his heart, his expression didn't look strange, at least he couldn't see any clues from the outside.

As an agent, it would be terrible if he didn't even have the ability to express his emotions and anger.

Madam Ishida observed Qin Yang, only to find that he didn't seem to be any strange, which made him a little disappointed.

Doesn't he really know Kikukawa Shin?

Juchuan Xin was pushed in front of Qin Yang and his medical records and examination results were also projected on the screen.

Qin Yang watched Kikukawa's letter for a few times, then focused on the screen and carefully looked at the information on the screen.

Qin Yang was really looking at it with his heart, because he also wanted to know the specific consequences of that moment.

After reading it, Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he has done everything right, this guy is really an idiot.

If Qin Yang didn't know Kikukawa Xin, he walked up to Kikukawa Xin and started to guide him to speak and take a normal test, as if he was a normal patient, and there was nothing unusual.

In the guest seat, Situ Xiang held the DV video with her face as usual, but her inner heart under her calm performance was unusual at all.

Why is Kikukawa Shin here?

It can't be such a coincidence, so who is arranging all this?

Is it the man behind Ishida or the man behind Kikugawa Shin?

On the stage, Qin Yang finished the examination, frowned, and raised his head: "Can I see his current guardian, or the person who knows the best before and after the accident..."

Madam Ishida smiled and said, "Of course, his family members are in the audience."

Kikugawa Eju and Miyazaki Hidezhong were sitting in the audience. From the moment Kikukawa Shin appeared, the two of them stared at Qin Yang and Situ Xiang intently, wanting to see some clues from these two people.

After Juchuan Jiangsu glanced, his eyes became gloomy.

Qin Yang acted calmly, as if he did not know him at all. This can be explained because Qin Yang did not know Kikukawa Shin. If Situ Xiang hadn’t told him about this, then he saw Kikugawa Shin’s behavior as normal. , But Situ Xiang's reaction was abnormal.

Situ Xiang didn't respond, her expression was as usual, but just because her expression was as usual, this was the biggest unreasonable!

Situ Xiang knew Kikukawa Shin, and the two people had entanglements. Now seeing Juchuan Shin again, especially seeing him like this, shouldn't Situ Xiang's normal reaction be shocked?

Situ Xiang didn't seem to be shocked for a moment. There can only be one explanation, and that is that she knows all this!

At this moment, Qin Yang on the stage made a request.

Kikugawa Eju didn't move, but Shunaka Miyazaki stood up next to him and stepped onto the stage.

Qin Yang glanced across Miyazaki Xiuzhong and asked casually, "Are you the patient's father?"

Miyazaki shook his head: "I am Mr. Xiaoxin's housekeeper. I know the things before and after his injury best."


Qin Yang frowned: "I'm sorry...well, I mainly want to know how the patient was injured and what symptoms did he have afterwards?"

Miyazaki Hidenaka stared at Qin Yang and answered Qin Yang’s question in a satisfactory manner: “I’m not too sure. Someone found Mr. Xiaoxin collapsed on the street corner and called the police. That’s it when he was sent to the hospital. We all said he must have suffered The bad guys may be hurt by something hitting the head."

"After he woke up in the hospital, he seemed to have forgotten everything before. He even forgot who he was and didn't know his family... Mr. Qin, can you save him?"

Qin Yang frowned and shook his head: "His brain should have been severely impacted and fell into a huge disorder. The human brain is very delicate and fragile. I can prescribe some prescriptions to calm the nerves and invigorate the brain to slow it down as much as possible. The disorder in his brain, but whether he can recover depends on God’s will."

After a short pause, Qin Yang turned to look at Madam Ishida next to him: "I don't know what Mr. Ishida thinks?"

Madam Ishida smiled and looked at Qin Yang: "Mr. Qin, you can't help it?"

Qin Yang looked at the smile on Madam Ishida's face, and he shook his heart. Fuck, does this guy have a way?

Qin Yang is not without a solution. From the perspective of pure treatment, Qin Yang still has two methods to try, but I don’t know how successful it is. After all, the brain is indeed a wonderful and fragile existence, but even There are ways, Qin Yang can't use it either.

Qin Yang disguised himself when he started. Even if Ju Chuanxin wakes up, he will not recognize himself, but he knows that Situ Xiang may create new troubles, so even if he loses this round, Qin Yang does not. Will make diagnosis and treatment.

Madam Ishida smiled and said: "I do have a solution, but there are some risks, and the probability of success is not easy to judge. This has to be consulted with the patient's family members, because if something goes wrong, he may be like this, and there will be no recovery. It might be."

Qin Yang frowned and said in a deep voice, "Could it be the oscillation method?"

Madam Ishida stared at Qin Yang, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Mr. Qin also knows this method? Then why did Mr. Qin just say there is no cure?"

Qin Yang cursed in his heart, MD, this is digging a hole for The oscillation method does have a chance of success, but the risk is too high. Once it fails, there is no possibility of recovery forever, so I did not propose After all, many similar patients will gradually heal themselves after a certain period of time. After all, people have the ability to heal themselves. "

Madam Ishida smiled and said, "As long as there is a slight possibility to save people, you must consider it. If this is the only way, you can try it regardless of the risk."

Qin Yang retorted: "We are doctors, we don't have the right to make choices for patients, and we don't have the right to decide their lives, even lives!"

Masaru Ishida said in agreement: "Yes, we really don't have one, but under such circumstances, his guardian has this right!"

Qin Yang still wanted to speak, Kikukawa Jiangsu below stood up firmly and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Ishida, I am the patient's father, and I support you in doing this!"

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