The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1406: I'm only 22 years old

Madam Ishida heard the cheers from below, and felt sad.

Although there are patients behind, is it necessary?

Even if you all have the advantage and you all win, so what?

And in the field of medicine is comparable to coming back to life?

Madam Ishida had the urge to give himself a mouthful. If he was not so decisive at the time, perhaps he could justify himself with a cheeky face on this matter, but at that time, he didn’t even think that Qin Yang could have this ability, so he just said it. It is normal to declare the patient's death because of his incompetence, but at this time today, it is equivalent to telling others of his incompetence.

If there were only two people at the scene, he might be able to blur the scene, but so many cameras were shooting at the scene. If the people who were shooting were all Japanese, he could still think of a way, but the person who was shooting was Situ Xiang. That is Qin Yang's person!

No matter how he justified it, he couldn't change the fact that he was powerless and Qin Yang came back to life. In this case, it is better to be generous, but to appear aboveboard.

"Avalokiteshvara needles out, King Hades gives way! I heard these eight characters as a compliment before, but through the rescue just now, I found that this is just a description that is close to reality. Mr. Qin’s acupuncture skills, I’m afraid Except for Mr. Mo, no one can do it."

Since you have lost, you should hold the opponent higher so that your own loss will not be so ugly.

Qin Yang heard what Madam Ishida meant. He mentioned acupuncture alone. The implication was that I am inferior to you in acupuncture, because you are so powerful. I am afraid that no one can beat your master, but you may not be good in other aspects. You see, didn't you all lose to me in the previous competition?

Qin Yang didn't say anything arrogantly. Regardless of all the previous arrangements, Makoto Ishida's medical skills were really amazing. If it hadn't been for this sudden accident, Qin Yang would not be able to completely overwhelm Makoto Ishida as it is now.

Now that the victory is in hand, the winner should be more calm and generous.

He is standing here, although it is in his own name, but when others see him, he obviously has more representative meaning.

Huaxia’s medical skills, Huaxia’s doctors...

Anyway, before Qin Yang came to Japan, Mo Yu once told him that as long as he didn't lose or lose face, it was enough. Now he can win a big victory with a little bit of face. This is already a surprise.

"Mr. Ishida passed the award. Mr. Ishida's medical skills are very good. After all, I am still too young. I am only 22 years old this year. I still lack a lot of experience and need more study..."

Qin Yang said this very politely, but he also hides the needle in the cotton, you are very good, but who made me so young, I am only twenty-two years old!

Twenty-two years old, no one else has graduated from university yet.

I've already competed with you, a forty or fifty-year-old experienced medical expert here. Even if you lose, isn't it right? As for now I have won, hehe...

Masayoshi Ishida's face changed slightly, raised his hand to check the time, and smiled: "Originally there were a few patients planned, but the emergency first aid just now consumed too much energy from Mr. Qin, so this exchange will end here , I will be responsible for the treatment of those patients!"

Qin Yang smiled, without much words, and readily agreed: "Okay!"

Madam Ishida stood up and stretched out his hand towards Qin Yang: "Mr. Qin showed off his silver needle skills twice today, which opened my eyes to me. It is a pity that this is Mr. Qin's mastery, otherwise I would love to cooperate with Mr. Qin. Sit down and discuss the secrets!"

Qin Yang reached out and shook hands: "You are welcome!"

Madam Ishida retracted his hand and said, "There will be a dinner later, Mr. Qin and the guests are invited to stay..."

Qin Yang declined to say: "The injection was too exhausting just now. I am a little tired now. I want to go back and have a rest, so I won't attend the dinner!"

As a loser, Madam Ishida doesn’t say much. He only pretends to be concerned: "Well, that’s okay, then we will have another day to communicate. If there is a chance, I will definitely go to China to talk to Mr. Qin and Mr. Mo. Ask again!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

Qin Yang stepped off the stage and returned to Yang Haoran and the others. Situ Xiang left for a while, and when she returned, she gave Qin Yang the needle bag of Guanyin needles, and all the five silver needles from the patient's body were taken back.

Situ Xiang didn't come back alone. He was followed by the rescued Nakamura Tiaoshan's son before. He walked to Qin Yang, and under the eyes of everyone, he bowed respectfully without saying anything.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much for treating my father-in-law!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I just met, Mr. Nakamura, you are welcome."

The man respectfully said: "Mr. Qin is tired today, so I won't bother more. When my father is discharged, we will thank Mr. Qin again."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "You are welcome, I am a doctor. It is my bounden duty to save the dead and heal the wounded!"

The environment is special, the man didn't say much, and bowed respectfully again.

Qin Yang packed up and left, and walked towards the rear passage. Outside the exit of the passage, there was a group of enthusiastic Huaxia spectators waiting for him.

Before Qin Yang walked out the door, there was a burst of lively cheers.

"Qin Yang!"

"Great God, you are amazing!"

"Qin Yang, tell us a few words."

Qin Yang stopped with a smile, looked at the blazing crowd, raised his hands, and arched his hands toward the crowd.

"Thank you for coming to cheer me up. Fortunately, I didn't shame the teacher, nor did I shame Huaxia Medical Art. I must not disappoint everyone..."

Someone shouted, "Qin Yang, how did you bring it back to life?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The patient is actually just a suspended death to some extent. If the correct measures are taken, his body organs can be made to work again. This is like an electric shock when the heart stops beating. I am not a god. But it can't be done."

A woman in her twenties laughed and said, "He may have died in feigned death, but if you don't save him, he is really dead. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is resurrected."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Well, if you say this, it is indeed the same thing."

A man asked with a look of admiration: "Qin Yang, you did two things in Japan this time. Whether it's the ring competition or the medical skill test, you have won a big victory, giving us China a great deal of face. Was it prepared before coming to Japan?"

Qin Yang shook his head and denied: "No, I came to Japan to participate in the piano competition. I was also forced to be helpless for the next two things... In fact, I am a very lazy person and I don't want to fight or try something..." ( )

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