The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1410: Can we meet again?

"Miss Yamaguchi, you are welcome to come to Zhonghai to play, and you can also let me do my best as a landlord!"

Outside the security check entrance, Qin Yang shook hands with Yamaguchi Lixiang with a smile on his face.

Yamaguchi Rika finally relaxes completely at this time. No matter what, Qin Yang, the troublemaker, will finally leave, and her mission will be over. Don’t worry about it at any time. The next moment Qin Yang will cause a sensation in Japan. .

"Well, I will definitely go if I have a chance! Please forgive me if you offend anything during this period!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Miss Yamaguchi is polite. It is because of your personal protection that I can retreat all over my body. Otherwise, I might have been secretly killed, after all, there are many people who hate me!"

Who made you do so many things?

Yamaguchi Rika murmured inwardly, but on the surface she smiled and said, "This is my duty!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "When you come to Zhonghai, we are friends to meet each other. I will not treat you as a special person. I will take you to eat Chinese delicacies."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang retracted his hand, waved at Yamaguchi Lixiang, turned around freely and headed for the security check. Situ Xiang and others had already been waiting for him.

Yamaguchi Rika watched Qin Yang and the others go through the security check. After waiting for a while, after confirming that the plane Qin Yang and the others were taking had taken off, she turned and left the airport.

Yamaguchi Rika drove back to the special office, after reporting to Ono, she returned to her office and sat in a chair, thinking about these days, Yamaguchi Rika was inexplicably trance.

"Miss Yamaguchi, your package!"

A voice interrupted Yamaguchi Rika's contemplation. Yamaguchi Rika turned her head, and a staff member put a square paper box in front of her.

Yamaguchi Rika picked up the paper box with some doubts and tore it open.

There was a USB flash drive lying quietly in the paper box.

U disk?

Who gave it to yourself?

Yamaguchi Rika carefully checked the package, but did not find any clues to the sender.

Yamaguchi Rika picked up the U disk and inserted it into her computer. After confirming that there was no Trojan horse program, she opened the U disk. There was only one folder in the U disk.

Yamaguchi Rika opened the folder, her eyes widened.

Shadow list, task record table, remuneration transfer table...


Yamaguchi Rika sat up straight, her eyes widened and looked carefully at the files inside. After a few simple glances, she became more and more frightened!

There are all the information of Shadow!

What even shocked Yamaguchi Rika was that it was clearly written in it. Kikukawa Eju was the boss behind the shadow, and Nobuyuki Kikukawa was the successor of the shadow!

Who sent this to himself? Why did the other party send it to himself alone?

Qin Yang!

Yamaguchi Rika couldn't help but flashed Qin Yang's smile in her mind, just as she thought of Qin Yang the first time when she heard Kikukawa Jiangsu's death, now she also thought of Qin Yang the first time, is it really him?

Is it true that Qin Yang killed Juchuan Jiangsu?

But did I follow Qin Yang next to my body all the time yesterday?


Did you sneak out while you were asleep?

Yamaguchi Rika suddenly remembered that she seemed to be sleeping very heavily with her homework. She was very alert during the day, but yesterday she fell asleep until she was woken up by the phone, and she seemed to have an impression of everything!

Although this is not an accident, when many things are considered backwards, you will find many things that you might have overlooked at all.

If this matter is really Qin Yang, then why does he have to clashed with Shadow’s people, and even kill Shadow’s mastermind, if it is really him, why should he send the USB flash drive to himself, he is not afraid of doubting him to investigate him?

Yamaguchi Rika suddenly thought of the previous incident of Ito Koshiro's murder. Not everyone knew that the murderer was Qin Yang, but there was no evidence to prove it?

Isn't it the same now?

It's just that he gave the USB flash drive to himself, is he want to give the USB flash drive to himself, so that he can earn a credit?


Yamaguchi Rika's mouth was inexplicably cocked for two points, and her mood became inexplicably happy.

When they understood that the Kikukawa Jiangsu father and son were the brains of the killer organization Shadow, their death suddenly became insignificant in Yamaguchi Rika's heart. These guys died more than guilty, and even... died well!

Yamaguchi Rika copied the files and then pulled out the USB flash drive and walked towards the boss's room, her face could not help but a smile that could not help but appear.

Great credit!

It’s absolutely okay to get a promotion and raise salary!

If the boss asks, do you want to mention Qin Yang?

Forget it, let's not talk about him, presumably he doesn't want to be followed anymore, anyway, he has no evidence to prove that he gave it to himself!

That guy... I wonder if I can see him again?

Yamaguchi Rika's steps became brisk inexplicably.


China Overseas International Airport.

Qin Yang took a long breath of air and smiled and said to Situ Xiang next to him: "It's still good at home, even the air reveals a kind of comfort and comfort."

Situ Xiang smiled slightly: "That is just a feeling triggered by your own good mood."

Qin Yang laughed: "Yes, if there is a sea in my heart, Maldives is everywhere!"

Situ Xiang was amused by Qin Yang's words: "Would you like to bring you a bag of sand..."

Qin Yang smiled, and said, "Lao Yang, go, I will take you to the hotel first, and then I will invite everyone to dinner!"

"Okay, this is your site, we listen to your arrangements!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Take a good rest today, and tomorrow we will organize those cultural relics. Anyway, I will pick a dozen or so Japanese cultural relics as war trophies and put them at home. You can just transport all the others back to the Beijing Museum. But it doesn't matter."

Yang Haoran smiled and said, "It's also a cultural relic worth billions of dollars. You are too casual."

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Anyway, it's all earned. I didn't spend a penny. I don't feel sorry for it. Besides, this matter is settled early and I will finish work early. I have to go to Poland and wait until I return from Poland. New Year is coming again..."

Yang Haoran smiled and said, "You have a very fulfilling busy."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I am young and don't know what I want to do in the future. I just want to try what I want to do now.

Yang Haoran praised: "Isn't this good? There are many choices in life, but because of life, many people limit themselves to death from the moment they enter society. Over time, they think they can only do what they can do, but in fact they can do it. Others, and may be able to do better than they are now. Get in touch with some industries and discover what you are really interested in, and then put in enthusiasm and earnest to do it, and you can often achieve greater success."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Just like you like cultural relics?"

Yang Haoran smiled: "Yes, in fact, I didn't major in cultural relics in college before. It was also when I had the opportunity to come into contact with this circle later that I discovered my true hobby..."


After returning home, I can't get the line for a while. . One less chapter, day to make up. ()

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