The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1413: Wen Yuyan's Covenant

When Qin Yang got up, Han Qingqing had already slipped back to school early, and there were still classes today.

Qin Yang leaned back on the bed lazily, looking at the messy sheets, thinking about the two people's tumbling and tossing last night, suddenly feeling soft and soft in his heart.

It's so sweet.

Before, Qin Yang said that he took Han Qingqing with him when he went to Poland, but after experiencing the things in Japan and the conflict with the time of the final exam, Han Qingqing naturally gave up the plan to go with him.

After washing, Qin Yang went to the hotel, and after meeting with Yang Haoran and others, they found the person in charge of the batch of cultural relics.

Qin Yang chose the Great Prajna Longguang, eight other Japanese artifacts, and a set of Song Dynasty calligraphy that is not particularly valuable. He took that Song Dynasty calligraphy because Qin Yang felt that the top of his living room was a bit empty, and it was just right to hang this calligraphy. Other Japanese artifacts served as the spoils of his trip to Japan.

In the future, when recalling this incident, there is something to prove that it is not?

Zhou Chao took out the documents he had already prepared, and Qin Yang signed it at will. This also meant that Qin Yang officially donated the relics to the Beijing Museum for free.

After completing the signing and handover of the donation contract, this batch of cultural relics has no relationship with Qin Yang anymore.

"Lao Yang, I am here to go to Poland to participate in the competition, so I won't accompany you much. I will return to the capital the next day and visit you again!"

Yang Haoran smiled and said: "Well, you have my phone anyway, please call me at any time. In addition, I will inform you of the follow-up resettlement of this batch of cultural relics."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang smiled and agreed. Yang Haoran is the supreme strong and has no arrogance. This time I also helped Qin Yang a lot. Naturally, Qin Yang hopes to maintain a good relationship with Yang Haoran in the future, and one more such strong friend. , After all, is a good thing.

This is a connection and a good relationship.

No matter how powerful Qin Yang himself was, he was only in his early twenties. Which force or clan really had a death feud with Qin Yang alone was his own strength, wouldn't he be more powerful than the people behind him?

Qin Yang walked through the practice circle, everyone looked at it differently. A small part of the reason was Qin Yang's own ability, but most of the reason was not because of Mo Yu and Miao Jiangong behind Qin Yang?

If it weren't for the powerful contacts of the hidden gate and the prestigious names of Mo Yu and Miao Jiangong, even a small family of cultivation could kill Qin Yang at any time.

What's more, Qin Yang is now a celestial person. If there is any problem in cultivation, Yang Haoran is willing to give pointers, it is a shortcut, such as the three ultimate moves that Shocking God refers to, I am afraid that even Mo Yu himself does not have it. I figured it out, but in the hands of Yang Haoran, he understood the essence in minutes, and then taught Qin Yang in the simplest way. If Qin Yang is allowed to explore by himself, I don't know how long it will take.

Those who are difficult will not, those who will be not difficult!

When the cultural relics were dismissed, Qin Yang didn't need to worry about the rest. The country would naturally send people to deal with them. Qin Yang took the Japanese cultural relics and returned home.

Qin Yang took the picture and posted a Weibo.

"Although I left not long ago, it seems that after a long time, my own place is good. Even the air smells so beautiful. The donation contract has been signed. Maybe it won’t take long before everyone can see those in the Beijing Museum. I have been living overseas for hundreds of years of cultural relics, and I left such ten pieces as souvenirs for myself. It feels so good that I can treat myself with a hot pot in the evening!"

After Qin Yang's Weibo was released, it once again aroused people's heated discussion.

Before, Qin Yang had said that he would donate these cultural relics, but at that time, he just said that he had not donated them yet. Now that the donation contract has been signed, this is already a certain thing. The behavior is thumbs up.

"I have to say, it's too big! For cultural relics worth at least 5 billion, donate as you say, domineering!"

"Qin Yang is the most straightforward and temperamental public figure I have ever seen. It is true! He makes the money that should be earned. He doesn't cover up and is not hypocritical, but he is more upright than anyone else when he is good. I never chase stars, but I I am willing to always pay attention to and support Qin Yang. He is only 22 years old. I look forward to his future life!"

"I donated billions to eat hot pot, and I have to give my own money... Poverty limits my imagination. Please give me popular science. Under this premise, what kind of mood should you feel when eating hot pot."

"This hot pot is really worth the money!"

"Qin Yang has returned to China, I don't know if I will go back to school, I'm going to pay homage to the great god!"

For Qin Yang's good deeds, the Internet is naturally an ode to him. Qin Yang simply glanced at the comments and then forgot the matter.

The evaluation of others is actually not important to him. He will only do what he wants to do. The reason for posting on Weibo is not to make a big name for himself. He just generates some positive results through the things he does. The social significance of, at the same time, this Weibo also draws an equal sign for cultural relic events, beginning and ending.

Not long after Qin Yang's Weibo was released, his phone rang, and it turned out to be Wen Yuyan who hadn't contacted him for a long time.

"Beauty Wen Da..."

Wen Yuyan smiled and said, "Are you back?"

Qin Yang hummed, "I came back yesterday, what's the matter with me?"

Wen Yuyan smiled and said: "It seems that we haven't seen each other for a long time, do you have time to have a meal together?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "There is an appointment tonight, otherwise, you can set the time."

Wen Yuyan chuckled softly: "How about tomorrow night?"

Qin Yang readily agreed: "Okay, you have always been in the Palace of the Three Treasures without any problems. You want to come to me for something."

Wen Yuyan snorted coldly: "If you have nothing to do, you can't make an appointment for You guy framed me to work for you, but you never even show your face. You came when the company started. For a moment, if it’s not like that, I’m afraid you don’t even know the company address.

Qin Yang touched his nose and said with a smile: "We have a different division of labor. You see, although I didn't go to the company to participate in company management, how much I cooperate with your work. The cheeky advertisements on the blog, over and over again, make everyone say that I'm going to get into the eyes of money. Is it easy for me?"

Wen Yuyan was amused by Qin Yang’s miserable words: "Isn’t that what it should be, anyway, the money you make is not in your pocket at the end, you don’t care who cares, let’s talk about it, don’t think I don’t know you That was deliberate. You just don’t want others to deify you for fear of being kidnapped by others’ morals, so you deliberately advertised yourself like this..."

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment: "You can also see this?"

Wen Yuyan laughed and scolded: "I'm planning, no matter how I write a copy, what I want to express in the end, if I can't see it, then I might as well go home and find a man to marry casually... "


Make up 1, it's still 1, want to die~ ()

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