The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1435: Mingxiu plank road, secretly crossing Chencang?

Qin Yang's eyes were also attracted by this beautiful woman for the first time. He watched her walk in from the passage, and then stopped two places away from Qin Yang.

The woman naturally sensed Qin Yang's gaze. She smiled at Qin Yang, her smile elegant and slightly curled up. Her lips gave people a two-point natural closeness, as if she had a gentle smile on her own.

Qin Yang nodded at the woman politely, but did not start a conversation.

The beauties are beautiful, it is understandable to look at them more, but if you can't see the beauties, you must strike up a conversation, add a Fetion and leave a phone number?

The beautiful blonde woman is wearing a beige windbreaker with a scarf around her neck. Her hair is wavy and hung over her shoulders. She is very fashionable.

Qin Yang retracted his gaze and set his gaze on the stage ahead.

Can't keep staring at others.

Soon, the competition began, and Qin Yang devoted all his attention to the beautiful piano.

A master is indeed a master. The level of the pianist competition here is far from comparable to that of Pengcheng or Japan. Everyone who comes to the stage to participate in the performance is the elite of the piano industry, and they are among the best of the new generation in the piano industry. In the future, there is the potential to become a piano master.

Naturally, Qin Yang was very familiar with the tunes he played. While listening, Qin Yang's fingers on his knees subconsciously flicked, searching for the rhythm.

The blond woman listened very seriously, with a serious and intoxicated expression on her face.

Each player played for 30 minutes. After listening to the performance of two or three players, the blonde woman's expression was not as intoxicated and serious as before, and she began to look around.

When she saw Qin Yang closing her eyes slightly and tapping her right hand rhythmically, the blonde woman's eyes subconsciously focused on Qin Yang's fingers. Looking at Qin Yang's skillful and flexible fingers, her eyes suddenly brightened slightly.

Although Qin Yang closed his eyes, the feeling of being watched made him open his eyes, just in time to meet the faint attention of the blonde woman.

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately showed a polite and polite smile.

The blonde woman smiled and looked back again.

Qin Yang didn't take this matter to heart either, maybe her own behavior inadvertently attracted her attention.

The beauty of the blonde woman was naturally not only attracted to Qin Yang, beside her, a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance in a suit moved to the blonde woman's side, smiling and chatting with her.

Qin Yang glanced over there, and smiled in his heart. As expected, the beauty was attracted attention wherever she went.

The blonde woman didn't seem to like being touched up. After a couple of answers, she went to the bathroom with the excuse of getting up and leaving. After ten minutes or so, when the blonde woman came back, she did not sit back to what she was before. The position, but moved two seats inward, indeed sitting next to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang was a little surprised. He glanced sideways at the blond woman, and then at the middle-aged man who had struck up before. The middle-aged man's face was slightly embarrassed, and he turned his eyes reluctantly, pretending to listen to the performance intently. .

Qin Yang retracted his gaze and met the gaze of the blonde woman. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile.

Qin Yang also smiled, still did not speak, but there was a smell in his smile that he knew each other.

The blonde woman listened for a while, then suddenly turned her head and asked in a low voice, "Are you Chinese? Korean or Japanese?"

Qin Yang tilted his head and answered with a smile, "Huaxia."

The blonde woman smiled and said, "I can see that you also like piano very much. I see your gestures. You are very skilled. I think you should be a piano master!"

Qin Yang replied modestly: "Well, hobby, it's okay to talk."

The blonde woman stretched out her white and slender right hand towards Qin Yang: "Nissa Kirby, American."

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to shake: "Qin Yang."

Nisha retracted her hand and said softly: "Are you here to travel?"

Qin Yang smiled: "I came here specially for this game."

Nisha smiled and said: "It seems that you like the piano very much, and you came over from China to watch this competition..."

Qin Yang pointed to the stage calmly: "I will also be on stage this afternoon."

Nisha was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood: "Mr. Qin, are you a player in the competition?"

Qin Yang smiled: "Yes, in the afternoon."

Nisha's eyes were bright: "Then why is Mr. Qin sitting here?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly, and pointed to the door not far behind: "It's convenient to drive around at any time."

Nisha heard what Qin Yang said interestingly, her face suddenly showed a soft smile: "How do you think they talk, how do you compare with them?"

Qin Yang chuckled: "Let me answer this question for fear of unfairness, or let the referee evaluate it fairly."

Nisha looked at Qin Yang confidently, and smiled and said, "Then I have to listen carefully in the afternoon."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "I hope I won't let you down."

Having said this, both of them stopped talking. After all, this is a concert hall. Although they sit in the back row and speak quietly, it is not good if they keep talking.

After listening for a while, Nisha suddenly stretched out her hand and took out her mobile phone from her windbreaker pocket. The screen of the mobile phone was on, and there was obviously a call coming in.

Nisha hung up the phone, smiled at Qin Yang, stood up, and quickly left the concert hall.

Qin Yang looked at Nisha's back, his eyes slightly strange.

Although I just saw it, that phone seems a bit special...

This thought flashed through Qin Yang's mind, and then Qin Yang threw it behind his It was just a stranger who happened upon him. Why do you want to do so much?

Nisha did not come back until the end of the morning.

Qin Yang left the venue and communicated with Shaoyao. There was still no movement on Hass's side. It seemed that he was not in a hurry, it seemed that he was really here to play.

Qin Yang hung up the phone, lost in thought.

Yesterday, Haas slipped around. Obviously, he knew that someone was watching. He deliberately used this method to find out who was being monitored and tracked. Knowing that he was being monitored, Haas would naturally not contact Kenway to trade easily.

Perhaps Haas deliberately put on a leisurely appearance, which was shown to the watchers, and also paralyzed them. Maybe they contacted Kenway in secret. As long as they find an opportunity to get away quietly, maybe they will directly contact Kenway. Leave Warsaw after completing the transaction.

Is there another possibility?

Qin Yang thought of this, his heart jumped suddenly.

Mingxiu plank road, secretly crossing Chencang?

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