The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1443: Do you have a girlfriend?

"Congratulations, Qin, you are promoted!"

When the results were announced, Nisha immediately congratulated Qin Yang.

For this result, Qin Yang was not surprised. After all, he had listened to a lot of people's performances in the previous games, and he still felt a little bit in his heart.

Liu Chengmin and Hou Lang also looked happy, because both of them were also promoted.

The results of the competition are from high to low. Qin Yang carefully checked and found that he was ranked 21st, Liu Chengmin was 29th, and Hou Lang was somewhat risky, 38th.

"Haha, I'm also promoted! I didn't have any confidence before..."

Among the three people, Hou Lang is only the most excited. After all, compared to Liu Chengmin and Qin Yang, his strength is slightly inferior, and he does not have much confidence in such a competition with many masters.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "We are all promoted. This is indeed good news and it is worth celebrating!"

Liu Chengmin agreed: "Yes, although it is only a victory in the first phase, it is good news after all. We will go to drink in the evening."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang turned his head and initiated an invitation to Nisha: "Nisha, shall we be together tonight?"

Nisha readily agreed: "It is an honor to be able to have dinner with three outstanding pianists!"

"It's almost time for dinner, let's go now!"

The four arrived at the hotel. Because of Qin Yang’s introduction, Liu Chengmin and Hou Lang knew how Qin Yang and Nisha met. They both secretly gave Qin Yang a thumbs up. As for Qin Yang’s words that each other was just friends, they were completely The two directly ignored them.

only friends?

Who believes it?

Qin Yang was also speechless about this. Although he did intend to "hook up" Nisha, he just wanted to get close to her, but he didn't mean to soak her.

Although Nisha was indeed very beautiful and attractive, Qin Yang also regarded it as performing a task, but had no intention of deceiving feelings.

Besides, although this Nisha is only twenty-five or sixteen years old, she is very sophisticated in speaking and doing things. It is not easy to lie to her.

The four of them had a big meal to celebrate their promotion. After the meal, Liu Chengmin and Hou Lang left with witty excuses, leaving Qin Yang and Nisha a private space to be alone.

Qin Yang looked at the two people who left in a hurry, and suddenly felt slightly embarrassed. The reason these two guys were looking for was too scumbag.

watch movie?

What movie do the two big men watch?

Go and see hand in hand?

Who believes?

Qin Yang turned to look at Nisha and found that Nisha was looking at herself with a smile.

"The two of them are really interesting. Is this when we are in a relationship? Give us a chance to get along privately..."

Nisha covered her mouth and chuckled, her face reddened by the red wine was quite attractive under the light of the street lamp.

Nisha explained what was said, but Qin Yang was not so embarrassed, and touched her nose: "They should have misunderstood."

Nissa's eyes fell on Qin Yang's face, and she smiled: "I forgot to ask you, do you have a girlfriend?"

Qin Yang smiled: "Yes."

Nisha's eyes lit up: "Is there a girlfriend, but I haven't heard of it online."

Qin Yang replied calmly: "There are a lot of troubles around me, many people want to deal with me, my girlfriend is just an ordinary person, I am worried that because my affairs are affecting her, so I did not publicize..."

Nisha suddenly praised: "You are very careful. In fact, a well-known public figure like you has a lot of rights and wrongs around him. Naturally, you will receive a high degree of attention as your wife. You are also very good to her. This kind of protection, but will she feel wronged?"

Qin Yang sighed softly: "She thinks this is good, but as you said, I still feel apologetic. After all, it should be upright to fall in love, but now it's secretive..."

Nisha chuckled: "As long as she doesn't mind, there is no problem. Falling in love is a matter for two people. As long as two people feel that each other is good and treat each other well, then there will be no problem naturally. The feeling that celebrities are being followed is actually very bad. They are uncomfortable and have no personal space at all."

Qin Yang nodded and smiled: "Yeah, my fans have increased by tens of millions after the incidents in Korea and Japan. I can be recognized anytime when I walk on the street. I have to wear a hat and glasses when I go out, even at school. I dare not go..."

Nisha was amused by Qin Yang’s words, haha ​​laughed: "Who makes you a national hero? Your attention is more than those of celebrities. There are countless people who like you and love you. If you act like this In the United States, it is said that it must not be received by the president to award any medals, and the people are treated as national heroes."

When Nisha talked about it, Qin Yang remembered something. Before the Dragon King said he would help him fight for rewards, and he didn't know what the final result would be.

"I don't want to be put on the altar. If this is the case, how will I do bad things in the future? I am afraid that if I do something a little bit, I will be drowned by the people's saliva. I will live the life I want to live as an ordinary citizen. , Do what you want to do, that's enough."

Nisha looked at Qin Yang appreciatively: "Qin, you are only twenty-two years old, but you see more thoroughly than many people in their forties or fifty years old. After all, there are not many people in this world who see fame and fortune."

Qin Yang smiled and turned the subject away: "Then... are you going back to the hotel?"

Nisha smiled and said, "It's not far from your I just had a bit of support after eating, so why not take a walk and walk back..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

The two wandered towards the hotel where Qin Yang was staying. Not long after they had gone, a little girl holding a flower suddenly ran over and stopped in front of them.

"Brother, buy a bunch of flowers!"

Qin Yang stopped, his eyes fell on the rose in the little girl’s arms, and then looked to the side. A couple was looking at the little girl with encouraging eyes. They seemed to be the little girl’s parents with their hands. There, I was holding several bunches of flowers.

The couple was well-dressed and the little girl was also very cute. It seems that parents should take their children to the streets to practice life.

Qin Yang smiled and bent down and said with a smile: "Little girl, what's your name?"

The little girl's expression was slightly timid, but she still replied, "My name is Lilian."

Qin Yang smiled and continued to ask, "Are you here alone?"

Lilian pointed to the parents: "My mom and dad are there... Big brother, you buy a bunch. Big sister is so beautiful. If you give her flowers, she will be very happy."

Qin Yang confirmed what he was thinking and smiled and took a bouquet of roses from Lilian: "Okay, I want this bouquet."

The little girl was very happy immediately: "Thank you, big brother!"

Qin Yang gave the money, and the little girl returned to her parents happily. Qin Yang heard her parents encourage and praise her.

Qin Yang turned around and handed the bunch of roses to Nisha: "Beautiful big sister, this bunch of flowers is for you..."


Kavin... make up every day~


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