The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1446: Something happened to your parents!

   Qin Yang sat in his seat, quietly watching the players performing on stage in front of him, listening to their performance, even though Qin Yang was so strong in his heart and so indifferent, he still couldn't help but raise two points of tension.

  When you are in the game, you always have expectations, and when you have expectations, there will be a heart of gain and loss, and tension comes from this.

  Although Qin Yang's expected goal is to enter the finals, he has now entered the finals and his goal has been achieved. Naturally, he will look forward to the future. This is also human nature. After reaching a goal, he hopes for a higher goal.

  Nisha sat beside Qin Yang, looking sideways at Qin Yang's slightly squinted eyes, feeling the seriousness in his eyes, and whispered, "How, are you sure?"

   Qin Yang took a deep breath, smiled and shook his head: "I'm not sure, they are all excellent. It is too difficult to win them."

  Nisha smiled and encouraged: "Just follow your usual best condition."

Qin Yang whispered: "The tune I chose is a tune that is more intense and difficult. I want to fight back. If I can play well, I can add points, but it is difficult to talk about it. I am in a good mood. For peace, although you can force yourself to substitute, that emotion is not vivid enough after all."

Nisha whispered: "Playing the piano pays attention to the introduction of an emotion. You can think about something that can trigger your emotions, and then put this emotion into the piano... In fact, you must understand everything I said, and let it go. , The more nervous you are about the results, or the harder it is to get good results, play as you like, maybe it will be effective."

   Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "In fact, there is a bit of inadequacy. After all, my first goal is to enter the finals. Now that I have reached it, I think more."

  Nisha nodded in understanding: "Isn't this normal? People just make small stage goals one after another, and then complete them step by step, so as to achieve success."

   Qin Yang gave a hum, his eyes fell on the stage and did not speak, because it was his turn to play soon.

   Qin Yang's cell phone vibrated suddenly, Qin Yang took out the phone and found that it was his father Qin Hua who had called him.

   "I will answer the call."

   Qin Yang said hello to Nisha, left the seat, walked to a quiet place on the side, Qin Yang answered the phone.


   "Xiaoyang, you and I. Mom probably won’t be able to return home a while later. You can arrange it yourself during the Chinese New Year."

   Qin Yang frowned: "Dad, didn't you guys say you want to come back? How did it change?"

   Qin Hua's voice was hearty and steady: "We are still in Africa. We have encountered something here. We will not be able to leave for a while. It is estimated that we will have to wait a few days..."

   Qin Hua hadn't finished speaking, there was a continuous burst of gunshots in the microphone, and at the same time someone yelled something. The language Qin Hua didn't understand, it should be a small African language.

   Qin Yang's pupils shrank suddenly: "Dad, where are you and what happened?"

Qin Hua obviously didn't want to tell Qin Yang what happened, but the sound of gunfire exposed the danger on his side. He replied helplessly: "Hey, your mother and I have bad luck. I caught up with other warlords who rebelled. The city we are in is under control and we cannot leave for the time being, but we are Chinese. They should not dare to mess around. We will come back after the blockade is lifted after a while."

   Qin Yang's heart suddenly raised his throat, and quickly asked: "Where are you guys, send me an orientation!"

   Qin Hua knew that his son was a cultivator, and he also knew that he was a powerful agent. Since he knew about this, it would be impossible not to say it, otherwise he would not know what he was going to do.

   "We are in the city of Labudi in Gangnea, Xiaoyang, I will take care of everything, don't you know that your father is amazing, don't worry!"

   Qin Yang said without hesitation: "Send me the location, I will come to you right away!"

   Without waiting for Qin Hua to speak, Qin Yang said decisively again: "Dad, don't be aggressive, wait until I come!"

Qin Hua hadn't spoken yet, and suddenly there was a babble of words in the microphone. The voice was very close. It seemed to be yelling or cursing. It was obviously by Qin Hua's side. Qin Yang hadn't had time to ask. Has been cut off suddenly.

   Qin Yang called back quickly, but found that his father's cell phone had been turned off.

   Qin Yang's heartbeat speeds up and his heart is burning.

  What happened to Dad?

   Something must have happened, otherwise it would not be possible to forcibly cut off the phone halfway through the call, and the phone was also turned off. This is either because it happened that the phone was out of power, or the phone was robbed and turned off or the phone was directly destroyed.

   Qin Yang didn't call his mother again. After all, he called back at this time. If the danger is with them, this call might cause them more trouble.

   Qin Yang gritted his teeth, thinking quickly in his mind, Qin Yang had already made a decision in just a few seconds.

Qin Yang called Shaoyao: "My parents were trapped in the city of Labdi in Gunnea, Africa. You guys buy tickets right away, count me and Situ Xiang, and set off for Labdi, we Come with you!"

"it is good!"

   Shaoyao hung up the phone neatly and started planning the trip.

   Qin Yang's heart is in a mess. He never thought that his parents would have an accident in Africa. Speaking of which, the two parents were similar for similar reasons, but now they encounter almost the same thing again.

   I hope that there will be no accidents, otherwise, many people will die in Labdi!

   Shaoyao quickly confirmed the itinerary and called Qin Yang.

   "The earliest plane was at 7 o'clock this evening. We needed a transfer and couldn't go directly to Labdi. We had to go to a nearby city and then take a car to Labdi."

   "Okay, then the plane at 7 o'clock!"

   Qin Yang decided the fastest flight without hesitation, and he wished to fly to Labdi right away.

   Qin Yang was still thinking about it, but the performance on stage had ended unknowingly. After the host had finished the formulaic introduction, he clicked on Qin Yang's name.

   "Next, we have the sixth Qin Yang from China!"

Qin Yang turned his head abruptly, with two hesitations in his eyes. He is now in a state of confusion, with a heart hanging high, and he has no intention of participating in any piano competition at all, but he thinks that the earliest airplanes that Shaoyao just mentioned are all At 7 o'clock in the evening, even if I rushed to the airport now, it would have no effect.

  Since it's your turn, let's play it, lest you be said to run away without a fight.

Qin Yang took a deep breath, stepped onto the stage, but smiled bitterly in his heart. Before, he and Nisha were still talking about mood problems, but now Qin Hua made a call, and his mood suddenly fell into that kind of contradiction, worry, etc. Waiting for the collection of negative emotions, such a mood is really suitable for playing this originally majestic piece...


   Today at my family reunion year, I drank wine with my relatives and wrote a chapter after sitting and waking up for a long time.


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