The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1448: No. 1, Qin Yang, China!

   Qin Yang, Shaoyao and others converged at the airport, and they boarded the plane not long before they flew to the nearest city to Gunnea Labdi.

   At the same time, Nisha was also calling for someone.

Qin Yang’s parents were in danger, which certainly delayed Qin Yang’s journey to rescue Nisha’s mother, but if Nisha played a role in helping Qin Yang’s parents, then Qin Yang would be very grateful to Nisha and would do his best. Rescue Nisha's mother.

   This might not be a good opportunity to accumulate favor in advance.

"Quint, you can contact Zarif in Africa and ask if he is in contact with the rebels in Gunnea. If he does not, let him find a relationship and contact the leaders of the rebels in Gunnea Labdi. Rebel leaders always have to buy weapons and ammunition, find people on this line, and they can always get on the line..."

   Quinte asked suspiciously: "What do you want to do with Zarif?"

Nisha said in a deep voice: "Labdi in Gunnea is now launching an armed coup and is controlled by the rebels. There are two traveling Chinese in the city. They are a couple. They are the parents of my friends. We must ensure their safety. , And safely take them out of Labdi, I will send you their names and photos immediately!"

   Quint asked strangely: "Hua Xia couple? What is their relationship with you, how did they find you here?"

   Nisha frowned and said, "They are the parents of a Chinese friend of mine."

   Quint asked: "When did you make friends with China? Why didn't I know?"

  Nisha said impatiently: "Don't be so annoying, okay, I will let you do this, and you can do it well, and don't care about the rest. Is it possible that I have any friends and still report to you?"

   Quinte's tone fell suddenly: "Okay, okay, when I don't ask, you send me the information, I will contact Zarif!"

Nisha's tone slowed down, and she once again told me: "You have to treat this as the most important and most important thing for me. If it weren't for Zarif's line that is always in contact with you, I will do it myself. Let me just say, my friend can heal his mother!"

   Quint's voice suddenly rose a few degrees: "He can heal his mother? Is this true?"

Nisha nodded: "Originally, he promised to go back to the United States directly with me, but in an unexpected incident, his parents were trapped in Labdi. If we rescued their parents, this would be a big favor. He will definitely be saving his mother. Do everything with all your heart... He has said before that he can cure his mother's illness, although he can't fully recover, but it's okay to regain consciousness and even act!"

   Quinte’s voice was suddenly full of excitement: "Okay, Nisha, don't worry! I will personally contact to deal with this matter, there will never be any omissions!"

   "If you have any news, let me know as soon as possible!"

   Nisha hung up the phone, sent Qin Hua and Luo Shixi's photos to Quint, and then hung up the phone.

   Nisha looked at the sky ahead, frowning.

She had previously hesitated whether to accompany Qin Yang in person, but after thinking about it, she dispelled the idea. Although she has Delphi by her side, she is just an ordinary person. Even if it can work with the past, she is limited. Find strength and solve problems neatly.

   As long as the problem can be solved, it doesn't matter whether you have the past or not.

   The most important thing is her identity, which cannot be easily revealed, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

   Nisha breathed out slowly, turned and walked into the concert hall.

   Although Qin Yang left, the game continued.

   Soon, all ten players who entered the finals have finished their performances, and everyone is anxiously waiting for the announcement of the final results.

   Finally, the host stepped onto the high stage in the eyes of everyone.

   He started to announce the ranking of this final. He read it backwards from the tenth place. Those who read it will be invited to the high platform.

   At this moment, not only the players participating in the finals in the concert hall, but also the countless viewers who watched it through the webcast have their hearts raised.

   "Tenth place, Zainov, Russia!"

   Following the host’s voice, Zainov’s head appeared on the huge light curtain behind him, and the total points he had earned.

   Zainov stepped onto the high platform with a look of excitement, but it was mixed with regret.

   can enter the finals, which is already a great honor, but can not enter the top three, it is a lot worse.

   "Ninth place, Quill Roman, America!"

   A burly man walked onto the platform with the voice.

   "The eighth place, Yoo Sung Min, South Korea!"

   Ryu Chengmin stood up, tidied his suit, and walked towards the high platform.

The eighth place is a good result for Liu Sungmin. Although he is also very regretful, he is not too disappointed when he is mentally prepared, and he is not a full-time pianist himself, the piano is just his It's just a hobby, and his more energy needs to be invested in the development of the family industry.

   One name after another appeared on the light curtain, and the players who were not called each had their eyes brighter.

  In Huaxia, countless Chinese audiences who watched the live piano competition award ceremony began to get excited.

   "Fuck, is Qin Yang really going to make history again?"

   "Qin Yang's performance was perfect before, it was the rebirth of Chopin. I think it is absolutely no problem to win the top three, maybe it is the first!"

   "Awesome, Great God Qin! Now it is fifth, no, fourth, and there is still no him, haha, the top three!"

   "The first three!"

   "First! First! Qin Yang first!"

   "At present, there are only two people in Huaxia who have won the first place. If he wins, it will be the third first. This is all historical!"

   "Qin Yang is number one! Challenges are impossible if you don't take the usual path!"

   The host continued to read his name on third place, Danny. Well, France! "

There was another round of enthusiastic applause in the crowd. A man with wide eyebrows and eyes stood up and walked onto the high platform. On the seat of the stage, a man was tense and tense, because so far, there are only two people left. I didn't pronounce the name, he was one of them.

   In the next second, it will be revealed who is the second, and the rest will naturally be the first!

   The host glanced across the audience, picked up the card in his hand, and continued to read loudly: "Second place, Carmaid Wiley, America!"

   The nervous man collapsed with his tight back, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes full of disappointment.

   Second place!

   I am second!

   is not the first!

  Kamai stretched out his hand to cover his face and rubbed it fiercely. Then he stood up and walked toward the high platform with a complex expression.

  On the stage, the host shouted in a louder voice than before: "Now let us use the warmest applause to welcome our number one, Qin Yang, China!"


   Ask for a monthly pass.

   There will be before 12 o'clock~


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