The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1457: I want to send him one!

   Two cars rushed outside the city, all the way to smoke.

   Qin Yang turned back and glanced at the direction of the city gate, but there was no convoy chasing him, and he was a little relieved.

   My father's foot was injured, and there were fragments of a grenade inside. Although the arteries were not injured, the shrapnel had to be removed by surgery as soon as possible.

   Qin Yang remembered that there was a small town about thirty miles away. Qin Yang decided to go to that town to find some medicine and surgical instruments to perform the operation on his father.

   The car only drove a few miles away, and suddenly there was a roar from the sky, and Qin Yang turned his head and looked at his face suddenly frozen.

   Two helicopters appeared in the sky, and flew towards this side quickly.

   "I really caught up!"

   Qin Yang yelled and shouted loudly: "Stop!"

   Qin Yang raised his fist, and the panther behind also chased up and stopped the car.

   "Helicopter, borrow a car to hide, leave the rest to me!"

   Cheetah nodded, lined up the car with the other bright car, and then everyone got out of the car and hid on the side of the car.

   The heavy machine gun in Qin Yang's jeep has finished shooting. Although there is still a box of ammunition, Qin Yang has no plans to use this heavy machine gun. This will warn the opponent, and now he wants to lure the enemy closer.

   Qin Yang quickly lifted the heavy machine gun he had seized from the car, then took out the box of bullets and fastened the bullets.

   "Black Panther, you are responsible for the chain!"

   Black Leopard took two steps with a look of excitement, sitting next to the box of bullets, and quickly cleared it out. Once Qin Yang opened fire, he would help Qin Yang straighten out the bullet chain to prevent interruption of the shooting.


   A group of people all leaned on the side of the car. At this time, the two helicopters had already flown. They obviously saw the heavy machine gun and did not approach quickly.

   Saiwa looked down with the binoculars. He clearly saw the group of people hiding on the side of the car, and he had clearly noticed their arrival.

   Why not use heavy machine guns?

Saiwa took a close look at the back seat of the car, and did not find a bullet box or any bullet chain. He was relieved. It turned out that the bullets in this car had been used up, and it must have been smashed into ruins. The city gate position is the record of this heavy machine gun.

   Saiwa breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still cautious and did not rush directly.

   "No. 1, come on!"

Saiwa called for another helicopter. Although Saiwa was sitting in a much larger one and there were more soldiers following him, but for safety reasons, he let another helicopter go forward and test. .

   After receiving the order from Saiwa, the helicopter quickly moved forward and approached the car on the ground. The gunman leaned out from the side and started shooting.

   Qin Yang took a probe and found that the small plane was approaching, while the larger helicopter with more people was still following behind.

   Qin Yang has strong eyesight, and he clearly saw a person on the helicopter at the rear holding a telescope looking towards this side. Obviously the leader of this group of people, and when he put the telescope down, Qin Yang's complexion suddenly changed.


   The leader turned out to be Saiwa, the leader of the rebels in the city!

   In the previous information that Nisha gave to Qin Yang, there was a picture of Saiwa, which was not very clear, but Qin Yang was still sure that it was Saiwa!

   Qin Yang's eyes dazzled, this guy actually chased him personally!

   is good too!

Originally, after rescuing his parents, Qin Yang planned to return to Labdi to find Saeva to settle the account. How could Qin Yang let him go because this guy treated his parents so much, but now he came to the door by himself and just ended it completely. Pile of grievances.

   Qin Yang lowered his head, first put down the heavy machine gun he was holding in his hand, and picked up an AK.

   "First deal with the small helicopter in front, lead the one behind, and Seva is on the plane behind."


Qin Yang didn’t use the heavy machine gun. Of course, it was not only to attract Saiwa to get close, but to kill Saiwa, but because the helicopter in front was smaller, with only four people, and the helicopter in the back was bigger and more people, and the weapon threatened. Bigger.

If the heavy machine gun is used rashly to alarm Saiwa, then Saiwa will use a more mechanical helicopter to trap Qin Yang and the others, and then call the ground troops to catch up, then Qin Yang and others will not be able to fly, so they want to escape. , We must completely destroy the helicopter in the air.

   The helicopter approached, and the person above had already leaned out from the side. The AK in his hand kept spraying bullets, and the bullets hit the car.

Falcon stuck his head on the other end of the car, raised the AK in his hand and fired at the aircraft approaching in the sky, but the helicopter was moving, and the AK's trajectory was not particularly stable. The bullets on both sides were flying randomly. .

   Just when the Falcon attracted the attention of the gunman on the opponent's helicopter, Qin Yang held the AK and stuck his head out, aimed at the leaning gunman and pulled the trigger.

   The bullet was a little erratic, and flew past the gunner.

Qin Yang was not discouraged. In different environments, the trajectory of bullets would be affected. A little difference in the muzzle would make a huge difference after flying out, especially when the helicopter was flying and wanted to hit. The goal is not easy.

   In such a situation, if you want to hit the target, you must either perform extremely accurate calculations and predictions, or you can lean out with a rain of bullets and attack the area indiscriminately. There will always be bullets that will hit the opponent.

   The AK in Qin Yang's hand naturally cannot cause the effect of a rain of bullets, so he has only one way to choose, and that is accurate prediction.

   Qin Yang adjusted the muzzle slightly according to the direction of the helicopter's and then pulled the trigger again.

   The gunshot sounded, and the man with his head out of the design was shot in the chest, screamed, and fell directly into the air.

   The helicopter pilot was taken aback, and quickly raised the helicopter.

   Falcon turned his head to Qin Yang and gave a thumbs up: "The boss is amazing!"

   Qin Yang raised his head and glanced at the sky: "If the helicopter behind does not come up, we will withdraw in five minutes and I will cover it!"

   Qin Yang wasn't sure what Saiwa thought in his heart, but he couldn't have been consuming here all the time. Once the ground troops followed up, he couldn't run away.

   Fortunately, Qin Yang's worries were superfluous. Saiwa obviously didn't have the patience to call the ground troops to catch up. He was going to kill the people below himself.

   Although the gunman on the helicopter in front was killed, he also confirmed that only the AK below could counterattack, and his helicopter was obviously more powerful, and even had a rocket launcher.

   "Close! I want to send him a shot!"

   Saiwa shouted loudly and urged the helicopter to fly towards Qin Yang. When the distance was close to the range, Saiwa waved his hands loudly.

   "Stop! Come on, send them a shot, I want to watch them blow up!"


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