The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1462: Las Vegas


  Nisha's voice was filled with relief: "I heard my friend say that you have rescued your parents and killed Seva. Are they all okay?"

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "My father was shot in his big leg. Fortunately, there is no danger to his life. We are now in the capital of Connea and are in a safe place."

   Nisha smiled and said, "It's fine if there is no danger, then are you going to return to China now?"

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "I will let Xiangxiang accompany them back to China. I will first come to the United States to help your mother diagnose and treat."

   Nisha was slightly surprised: "But now it's not a few days before you celebrate the New Year..."

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "There are still a few days left. I will come and have a look first, and then go back. It’s still too late."

   Since Qin Yang took the initiative to say this, Nisha, who is worried about her mother, will naturally not refuse, sincerely thanking: "Okay, then I won't be polite with you, thank you so much!"

   Qin Yang smiled and said: "You are welcome, I promised to treat auntie before, but I want to thank you for all this for me."

  Nisha smiled bitterly: "Actually, I didn't do anything. I wanted to arrange to save my uncles and aunts in advance. Who knows that things have changed..."

Qin Yang sincerely thanked him: "No, you provided me with accurate information before I arrived early, so that I can find a place in the first time, so that I can save my parents at the most critical time. This is already very important. Up."

   Nisha whispered: "Anyway, it's okay for your uncles and aunts. I will help you arrange when you leave."

   Qin Yang smiled and said: "I haven't booked a ticket yet. Tell you, I'll book the nearest flight. I'll tell you after the reservation is made."

  Nisha is not reluctant, anyway, she also knows that a ticket is nothing to Qin Yang, maybe people want to arrange their own itinerary, and don't want to intervene more.

   "Okay, then you book your ticket and send me a message. I will pick you up at the airport."


   Qin Yang hung up, picked up his mobile phone and booked a ticket to Las Vegas. He had to fly for a long time, but there was no way. Who would have agreed before, and now he still owes favors.

   Qin Yang sent the ticket information to Nisha, and then came to Falcon’s room, exactly three people were there.


   Qin Yang smiled and sat down beside the bed: "Thanks for everyone this time."

Black Panther smiled and said: "What's hard work, we basically didn't contribute much, it was the boss that you did it yourself, but we were an eye-opener this time, boss, you are like a walking humanoid robot. It's so cruel."

   Qin Yang laughed: "I won't say anything polite, everyone is brothers, I came here to tell you that I have something to go to Las Vegas, so I won't accompany you back."

   Shaoyao asked curiously: "What are you doing in Las Vegas? Is it possible to gamble a few?"

   "It's going to be the New Year, even if I want to gamble, I won't go at this time. I went to be a doctor and showed a friend's mother a checkup..."

   Peony oh, he said without hesitation: "Your friend must be a big beauty."


   Qin Yang's complexion became stiff, and he reluctantly retorted: "This world is not a man or a woman. What's weird about this."

   Shaoyao curled his lips: "I said she is a woman, and she is a young and beautiful woman, I am right!"

Qin Yang was speechless: "Yes, yes, it is indeed a big beauty. I met when I participated in the piano competition. They also provided me with information this time. I owe a lot of favor. Can I pay this favor? ?"

   Falcon asked curiously: "Is that the person you contacted before?"

   Qin Yang groaned for a few seconds, and decided to be honest: "Yes, but I suspect that she is a member of the White Witch, and she should have a good relationship with the White Witch."

   As soon as the words came out, all three of Shaoyao changed color.

   "The White Witch?"

   "No? Didn't they complete the transaction?"

   "How did you come to this conclusion?"

  Because the three of them originally came to Poland to assist Qin Yang in completing the task of trading encrypted hard drives for the White Witch, Qin Yang did not hide it from them, and recounted the process of getting to know Nisha.

   "Unexpectedly, there is such a process, Boss, do you want to get close to Nisha's mother by treating Nisha's mother?"

   Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, I should take a trip for public or private."

   "Well, you can also find key characters in the mission when you make a girl. This is no one. The boss is the boss. I have to be convinced!"

   "That's right, this is called talent, um, we all understand you about this, boss, you are called being a country girl!"

Qin Yang was amused by the words of Falcon and Black Panther: "Stop nonsense, my parents will ask you. With Situ Xiang with them, you can take care of them secretly. After returning to the capital, you will all go home for the New Year. Well, when I come back, I will find time to gather again."

   "Boss, don't worry, we will take care of our uncles and aunts."

   "Well, leave it to us!"

   In the evening, Qin Yang and Situ Xiang explained again. The next morning, they all arrived at the airport together.

   Qin Yang sent the group to the plane and stayed at the airport for a while, then boarded the plane and headed to the United States.

   Half-way transfer and long-distance flight, Qin Yang landed at the Las Vegas airport for more than a long time.

   As soon as Qin Yang walked out of the airport exit, he saw Nisha wearing sunglasses and Delphi, the gentleman butler, standing beside her.

Qin Yang dragged his luggage and walked to Nisha greeted him warmly. Qin Yang smiled and prepared to reach out for a handshake, but Nisha stretched out her hands directly and directly Qin Yang gave a warm hug.

   "Welcome, Qin! I have worked hard all the way!"

   Nisha is tall, holding Qin Yang without even padding her feet, the light fragrance of perfume drifts into Qin Yang's nostrils, with such a tickling smell.

   Qin Yang politely hugged Nisha, then let go of his hand, and smiled: "I slept on the plane and got there as soon as I woke up. It's not too hard."

  Nisha chuckled: "Let's go, my grand pianist, the dinner at home is ready, and the best red wine is prepared. We can drink some wine to relieve fatigue, and then you can sleep well!"

   "Okay, I'm looking forward to it... Although the business meal on the plane is not bad, it always feels less comfortable to eat."


   Delphi came up and took the suitcase for Qin Yang. When the three people left the airport, a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle stopped in front of them.

   After Qin Yang got in the car and sat down, Nisha sat beside Qin Yang and smiled and said, "Qin, have you been to Las Vegas before?"

   Qin Yang laughed and said: "The international casino city has been well-known for a long time, but it is really the first time to come. If you have time, you must have a good experience..."


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