The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1465: Time Casino

When Qin Yang left Claire's room, Claire had fallen asleep again.

The difference from before is that Claire is a weak sleep instead of the unconscious coma before.

The expression on Nisha's face was full of expectation. Although Qin Yang hadn't officially started the treatment yet, just seeing Qin Yang's methods, the original uncertainty had disappeared.

No matter how much recovery can be achieved, Qin Yang will eventually have a way instead of being helpless like other experts.

At least those experts couldn't wake up the mother from the coma all at once.

"Qin, what, is there a cure for my mother's disease?"

Qin Yang sat down on the sofa in the living room and smiled and said, "Don't worry, although Auntie's illness is serious, there is still a way to treat it, but the treatment process will be relatively long."

Nisha asked in surprise: "Then can my mother recover completely?"

Qin Yang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "This should not be possible. I think the best situation is that the upper body recovers to health, and the lower body is difficult to fully recover. Even if the treatment is completed, I am afraid that I will have to use a wheelchair, but other than that, other people should be similar to normal ."

Nisha was a little disappointed, but she was still very happy. After all, even if she could not completely return to normal, she could restore her sanity and normal life, compared to the current situation, it was already excellent.

"Then what do I need to do now?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I will write a medicine list. You will buy all those medicines. I will stay for three days and do acupuncture for your mother a few times. Then you will give it to you according to my instructions. She can take medicine and massage. After a while, her health will be better, and I will perform the second stage of acupuncture."

Nisha asked with concern: "Then how long will this first stage take?"

"I guess it's about a month. Your mother is in poor health now. Although I used acupuncture and moxibustion to force her to wake up, it actually did some damage to her body, so she needs to take care of her body before the second stage of acupuncture. Otherwise it will cause more damage to her body."

Nisha said obediently: "Okay, I listen to your safety, it's just the second stage of acupuncture..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Let's discuss this in detail when the time comes. If I have time, I will fly over, and I won't be able to lose too much time either."

Nisha breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qin Yang say this, and said gratefully: "Okay, that would be so grateful for you to run back and forth like this."

Qin Yang smiled: "You are welcome, aren't we friends?"

Nisha pursed her mouth, her eyes gladly: "Well, you are not only my friend, but also a friend of our Kirby family!"

Qin Yang chuckled, and wrote a prescription list eloquently, and handed it to Nisha: "Some of these drugs are easy to buy, and some of them are estimated to be a bit more difficult. There should be a Chinese Medical Center in Las Vegas, right? People go to them to find it, even if they don’t have one, but they certainly have channels to buy it."

Nisha took the medicine list, took out the phone and took a picture, sent it out, and then made a call and ordered people to follow the medicine list to buy medicine.

In the afternoon, Claire woke up, and the servant who took care of Claire hurriedly came to inform Nisha.

Qin Yang and Nisha came to Claire's room. Qin Yang performed Claire's first acupuncture and moxibustion, and then gave Claire a bowl of the boiled medicine.

Claire was sweating, and his spirit became languid again. Qin Yang ordered his servant to wipe Claire's body, changed his clothes, and left the room.

Qin Yang sat in the living room for a while, Nisha returned to the living room.

"She fell asleep."

Qin Yang said: "She is still very weak, and she can't promise too much acupuncture. Let's raise her body first. I will continue acupuncture for her for three days. After that, she should not fall into a coma as often as before. But it still needs bed rest."

"it is good!"

Nisha raised her wrist, looked at the wrist watch, and smiled: "Today’s treatment is over, it’s pretty early, or I’ll take you around, we’ll eat out at night, and taste the specialties here. Food, if you are interested, we can also go to the casino for a tour."

Qin Yang looked at the time, it was indeed early, and it was indeed boring to stay in the house all the time. He smiled at the moment and said, "Okay, go out and go around... But if you have something to do, I can go out by myself."

Nisha blinked and smiled slightly: "My task is to entertain you and accompany you. If you say that, is it possible to prepare to find a beautiful girl alone?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Am I like this in your heart?"

Nisha smiled and stared at Qin Yang: "Exotic beauty, even if you have an idea, there is no problem. If you are really interested, I can introduce you to reliable places. The quality of those places outside is not high and there is a lot of trouble... "

Qin Yang smiled bitterly and shook his hand: "The more you talk about it, the more it looks like I'm really not interested in this, so don't worry about it."

The corners of Nisha's mouth were slightly tilted for two points: "Okay, okay, we are friends, and I don’t mind anything, but, for a person like you, how can there be beautiful women around you, as long as you want, there are no beautiful women ..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, yes, there are so many beautiful women around me, and there are all kinds of them, okay?"

Nisha smiled, put her hands in her trench coat pockets, and smiled: "Then let's go."

Qin Yang followed Nisha freely: "Okay, I'll leave it to you next."

Delphi, the housekeeper, was still driving, carrying Nissa and Qin Yang out.

Wandering around one or two representative places, it was almost time for dinner, and the two had dinner together in a five-star hotel.

"I guess you don't have much interest in night scenes. Next, do you want to experience the nightlife in Las Vegas or go to the casino to play a few?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Nightlife is exempted. Anyway, it's nothing more than drinking and dancing. I'll go to the casino. It's also a recognized casino. Since it's here, I have to pay some tuition."

Nisha smiled and said: "Okay, let's go to Time Casino. It may not be the largest casino in Las Vegas, but it is the most stylish casino in Las Vegas."

Qin Yang shrugged his shoulders: "You have the final say. After all, I don't even know where the door of the casino is opened... Time Casino, the name is a bit interesting. It is said that there are no windows in the casino, nor There is an alarm clock, so that people will not notice the passage of time during gambling, and let people stay in the casino as much as possible. This casino uses time as its name, which is quite meaningful..."


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