The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1475: Fried! Fried! Fried!

Since we are at a disadvantage and the number of people is small, we naturally need to create chaos, otherwise how can we escape?

Qin Yang spears like a god, the light bulb above it shatters, and the scene suddenly turns black.

Qin Yang's phantom step started, and his body instantly appeared beside a pile of debris, raised his pistol, aimed at somewhere in the dark, and continuously pulled the trigger.

The moment the light went out, Qin Yang had already seen the scene around him clearly. He used his memory to shoot at two blood wolf members who were close by.

In the sudden darkness, and the shooting distance was very close, the two Snow Wolf members had no time to dodge and fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Delphi had already hugged Nisha and rushed outside like lightning, while the other two Dacheng Realm masters greeted the rushing Kester.

Although the reservoir area is dark, there is a faint starlight. Ordinary people may not be able to see too clearly, but the eyesight of the practitioners is much stronger. Their movements did not stop because of the darkness. Instead, the sharp lights of the sword flashed in the darkness. , Rushed towards his goal.

"Go away!"

Kester yelled and slammed directly over, and the long sword in his hand swept over, with a dazzling brilliance.

The two Celestial Realms also held short knives and daggers in their hands, and at the same time swung a full blow.

They don't know how strong Kester is, but their task is to cover Nisha's retreat in the event of danger.


With the sound of weapons striking, the two masters of the Celestial and Human Realm seemed to be hit by a train, and they flew upside down at the same time. Blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths. The capital of the dagger on the right was swept away, and the body was also swept away by this sword. A big hole was swept out.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yang was surprised secretly, this Kester was really strong!

The two celestial masters joined forces to strike, and they couldn't stop him with a sword!

Qin Yang never thought of going to carry Kester hard. Seeing that his strength was at least extraordinary in this posture, he still had weapons in his hand, and he might be cut in the middle if he couldn't handle two moves.

Fortunately, Qin Yang launched the lightning just now, using the sudden darkness and the pistol assault to directly destroy the two blood wolf members who came for him, and bought him time.

Qin Yang continued to launch the phantom step, and his body instantly switched positions. When he reached the car where they had stopped, he directly touched the trunk.

The trunk was concealed. Qin Yang spread his hand and took out two grenades. He then opened the tab and threw it towards the front of the car.

Someone noticed the movement of Qin Yang's side, and someone rushed towards this side.


The two exploding grenades set off a huge heat wave in the darkness, and countless marbles flew in all directions. The person who had just touched it couldn't dodge, and was suddenly blown out with blood.

With the huge flames of the explosion, Qin Yang saw a figure rushing into Ogle from the other side like a phantom, flashed directly beside Quint, and hit the gunman behind him with a punch. Grabbing Quint, he ran into the darkness beside him.

Hidden extraordinary masters have rescued people!

Qin Yang didn't care about that. To be honest, Qin Yang didn't care too much about Kunte's life and death. He couldn't protect himself now.

Without any hesitation in his hands, Qin Yang opened the car cover, grabbed a few grenade again in an instant, ripped off the handle, threw it out, and squatted down.

"Boom boom boom!"

Although Ogle's people had guns in their hands, they didn't fire a shot at all because they were the first to be concerned about the encirclement of Blood Wolf and others. These people didn't expect that Nisha had so many powerful grenades in her hands!

Not to mention Ogle and his subordinates, even the group of blood wolf masters were scared to dodge everywhere.

That is a powerful grenade, even if it is a practitioner who refines the spirit into the body, it does not mean that they have the ability to hardly carry the grenade to explode.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a series of explosions, everyone who exploded didn't dare to head up. Someone who dodged slowly fell to the ground with blood.


Kester's eyes were red, and his nose was crooked!

As soon as the explosion ceased, two figures rushed out, rushing towards Qin Yang from left to right, obviously preparing to take Qin Yang.

Qin Yang took advantage of the explosion, had already taken down a handful of M4, drew out the handle of a grenade and threw it in the trunk. Qin Yang held the M4 and launched the phantom step in a hurry, and fleeed away. go with.

The two people who approached didn't see Qin Yang throwing anything outside, they only guarded the gun that Qin Yang was holding, but they were chasing the car.


The grenade in the trunk of the car exploded, and there were many other weapon elixirs in the trunk of the car. This explosion immediately caused a more intense explosion.

The hapless guy who was slightly close to the car and seemed to want to use the car to take cover was directly blown to the sky, even if their bodies were as solid as rocks, but after all, they were still flesh and blood. How could they withstand the super violent explosion?

Although the other one was a little farther away, the huge shock wave also lifted him There were five or six members of Blood Wolf who fell because of Qin Yang in the blink of an eye, and Qin Yang took this opportunity to fly fast. Ran to the outside.

"Catch me!"

Kester's eyes were red, and this Chinese kid had destroyed so many people on his own, **** it!

This was Kester's carelessness. He saw that Delphi and the others didn't seem to have guns on them, so he surrounded them boldly. After all, he was worried that this group of people would directly attack and kill Ogle, and his commission had not yet been taken. It's all.

Since the opponent does not have guns, the number of people waiting for him is dominant. It must be easier to besiege. After all, even if Ogle has guns under his men, if they really let them take action against this group of people, I am afraid that Ogle did not know how he died. .

Kester did not expect that Qin Yang would suddenly come out like this and turn off the lights in an instant. He also did not expect that this group of people had brought so many powerful grenades, and that Qin Yang used it so slippery and harsh. !

Kester and others, as mercenaries who kill people without blinking, are naturally familiar with firearms and weapons, but today they have suffered a lot. Qin Yang alone turned the scene upside down. Kester is a wolf, why? Can you not be angry?

A group of Blood Wolf turned into a phantom in the night and chased it outside. At the same time, there were violent gunfire and screams from outside.

Qin Yang's heart shuddered, and the screams were so intense that it seemed that the gunmen Nissa had brought had also suffered.

The blood wolves are always dispatched, and there are always packs of wolves. There are people inside to deal with themselves and others. It is impossible for no one to deal with the gunmen who stayed behind. After all, they are also Nisha's retreat.

Qin Yang glanced at Delphi, who was rushing with Nisha in front of him, and leaned back and rushed to another side road.


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