The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1477: Because you are annoying

Nisha watched her people fall in front of her, watched Delphi hurt, guarding herself like a trapped beast, her heart was desperate.

There were only four people around Nisha. Now one was dead. Qin Yang was nowhere to be seen. The remaining two were all seriously injured and trapped, without the slightest hope of breaking through.

I am afraid I am going to die here today, right?

I don't know if my brother Quint was rescued?

Qin Yang?

Did he escape?

As soon as the battle started, she was led by Delphi to run away frantically, vaguely she saw Qin Yang make a huge explosion, helping them escape temporarily to stop the chasers, and then she didn't see Qin Yang.

Maybe he ran away alone?

Judging from the ferocity of the explosion, Qin Yang should have not died, but since he didn't follow, he must have chosen another route to escape.

Nisha was not disappointed, on the contrary, she had two points of satisfaction.

Although Qin Yang's strength was good, he couldn't help much even if he followed up. It was nothing more than sending one more person to death. This matter had nothing to do with Qin Yang. If he dragged Qin Yang to death, she felt a little guilty.

What's more, the treatment of his mother has just begun. If Qin Yang can escape, he will definitely help his mother complete the treatment.

However, just when Nisha was desperate, the SUV that was like a beast came out in the night, the fierce engine roar, the dense gunfire, the incomparably domineering cut, like a sharp sword, all the blood that besieged her The wolf members avoided and tore their encirclement!

Nisha's heart was full of surprises and shocks.

Qin Yang!

He didn't even escape alone!

He actually killed it single-handedly!


Delphi opened the door of the car, and the remaining celestial master quickly ran into the car with Nisha, Delphi also followed the car and closed the door forcefully.

At this time, Qin Yang also finished hitting the magazine in the assault rifle, let go, stepped on the gear, gave oil, the wheel suddenly spun, and then rushed out again roaring like a beast.

A group of blood wolves rushed out, but they were already thrown behind by the car. Someone shot a gun at the car, but it didn't work.

Kester's eyes were flushed with blood on his arms and his face was murderous, and he strode directly towards the car and chased him at a speed as fast as a horse.

Qin Yang saw Kester in the rearview mirror, his face was calm, the accelerator continued to the end, the car continued to speed up, and then made a sudden turn at the corner. The car crashed into a car that came before, but the body As a result, it straightened, and the car speeded up again and rushed away.

Kester originally wanted to catch up with the car while it was turning, but the basic speed of the car didn’t decrease, and he slammed the car around the corner. His plan was lost. Now the car is on the cement road and the road is flat. Where can he catch up with just two legs?

Kester stopped, his eyes flushed red and looked at the headlights going away, his fists clenched.

"Check the team, report the situation!"

A group of people walked from behind, the leader was Ogle, his face was full of anxiety and faint anger at the moment.

"Mr. Kester, you said that you would never run away anybody. Now not only Nisha ran away, but even his brother was rescued. Although we killed a large number of her men, There is no use at all, as long as he has money, he can have as many people like this..."

Kester turned his head coldly, glanced at Ogle, and said nothing.

Soon, a member of the Blood Wolf came over with an ugly expression: "Five died and seven were injured. Basically, they were injured by the explosion and bullets. It was all caused by the Chinese kid..."

"China Boy!"

Kester clenched his fists, and killed five and wounded seven. This is already a serious battle damage for the blood wolf. After all, Kester is usually smart, and the success rate of the selected missions is all Very high, coupled with his careful planning and cautious actions, Blood Wolf hasn't encountered such an injury for a long time.

There are not many blood wolves, but each member is trained by Kester by digging and auditing. It is not easy. Now so many die at once...

If it weren't for the Chinese kid, Nissa and others would not be able to run tonight!

I was thinking about killing the famous white witch, Nisha, to increase the reputation of the blood wolf. After all, Nisha is just an ordinary person with a great reputation. The task is not too difficult for the blood wolf, especially this kind of Mental calculation of unintentional things.

Originally, Kester had planned. If Nisha brought a large number of masters to the game, then he would not let the blood wolf members show up and siege directly, and instead adopted other methods, because Nisha underestimated Ogg Er's cruelty, the number of people with him is not many, Kester just made his appearance directly.

I thought it was a simple task without any suspense, but Qin Yang's appearance messed up everything!

Kester's face was sullen.

Not only did this mess up a mission, but more importantly, it offended the White Witch!

The White Witch has a very large business, and her circle is very wide. It is still easy to find some masters. After all, if you have money, you will still have a lot of masters willing to kill him. This time she did not kill him. I am afraid that there are endless troubles!

The White Witch has already said before, as long as she escapes by chance, she will definitely find a way to retaliate, but now she really escaped!

Just as Kester’s gloomy mind was thinking quickly, Ogle walked up to Kester and said angrily: "Mr. Kester, I need an explanation, preferably a guarantee. I gave Money, but you didn’t fulfill our agreement and let Nisha run away. This time she recovered and kept coming back to deal with I'm just an ordinary person, now I can be paid by you damn!"

Kester turned around and snorted coldly: "Explain?"

Ogle looked at Kester’s bloody, small-hole arm, and felt a little guilty in his heart, but thinking that he was an employer and a boss, his courage came up again and asked, "Mr. Kester. , What are you going to do now? You took my money but didn't complete it. Can you refund it?"

Kester was thinking about how Nissa would retaliate against him. Hearing Ogle next to him to explain, the originally angry heart suddenly became more and more angry.

A fierce light flashed in Kester's eyes, and the long sword in his hand swept across Ogle's neck.

Ogle covered his neck, blood was constantly flowing from his fingers, and his eyes were almost protruding. He had no idea that Kester would suddenly kill himself!

"Why are you?"

Kester's eyes flickered fiercely: "Because you are annoying!"

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