The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1487: How can there be quiet years?


Qin Yang was stunned, and immediately smiled: "Do you have any ideas, don't you have your own goals, do you strive to be a diplomat in the future?"

Han Qingqing bit her lip lightly, her expression seemed to be hesitant: "My child thinks that you have done so many things very hard, I want to help you..."

Qin Yang laughed and said: "I take your mind, but I don't want you to force yourself to do things you don't like. You can do what you want to do, and you can do whatever I do. Doing it will not have much impact on our future and our lives, so don’t care too much.”

Han Qingqing said softly: "Then what do you really need to care about?"

Qin Yang thought for a while and said: "Maybe it is something that we value in our hearts, such as family, affection, ideals, responsibilities, etc. I hope you can do what you want to do throughout your life, without interfering with other factors. , Can live out of self."

Han Qingqing was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said in a very soft voice: "There is no time in this world to be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying your weight forward, Qin Yang, no matter how difficult it is or how dangerous it is, if We are together, I hope we can face it together."

Qin Yang's heart seemed to be grabbed by a soft little hand. He looked at Han Qingqing with serious eyes and said softly: "Qingqing, I will try to make you happy!"

Han Qingqing pursed his mouth, did not speak, still looking straight at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang, who is familiar with Han Qingqing's temper, looked at her persistent eyes, knew what she meant, and nodded helplessly: "Okay, let's face it together!"

Han Qingqing chuckled lightly, her eyes curled, her smile was like the warm sun and breeze in March, which made people feel warm and soft.

"This is what you said, you must do it when you say it!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Well, don't you think I have told you everything now? I haven't concealed it from you."

Han Qingqing said: "This is good. I know that you are capable of making me happy, letting me worry about food and clothing, so that I can let go and do whatever I want to do without worrying about any other things. , But that’s not what I want. I don’t want to be the canary that can’t help but wind and rain.”

"Yes, I know what you mean, no matter what difficulties we face, whether we face it together, it's just like we were on a deserted island!"

Han Qingqing smiled and nodded, and immediately looked at the words on the desktop: "It looks like you have to write a lot, who owns it?"

"He Tianfeng, Sun Xiaodong, Li Siqi, Yan family sisters...Anyway, there are a lot of them, I knew I would not be so good!"

Han Qingqing chuckled and said, "Let you be seduced, this is the price of seizing!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Do you want it, I'll write it for you."

Han Qingqing smiled lightly and said: "You can write to them, I don't want to, even if you want to, I will wait until we meet later."

Qin Yang nodded, not reluctantly, smiled and said, "Okay!"

Qin Yang grinds his ink, finishes the draft, and begins to write one by one. Han Qingqing did not speak any more, but did not hang up the video connection. He just watched Qin Yang write and watched Qin Yang seriously and attentively. , Han Qingqing's eyes are bright, and the corners of his mouth are slightly cocked, obviously in a good mood.

As he was writing, the door was suddenly opened. Qin Yang turned his head to look, only to see his parents and Situ Xiang entering the door carrying large and small bags.

"You are back!"

Qin Yang turned his head to say hello, but he was slightly nervous.

Although he had already told Han Qingqing about Situ Xiang's New Year's Eve at home, Han Qingqing also said he didn't care, but what would he think when he really saw it?

It’s just that Qin Yang’s phone is placed on the shelf next to him. From this angle, Han Qingqing can just see the direction of the door. Presumably, Han Qingqing has already seen the three people entering the door. If Qin Yang suddenly closes the video at this time It seems too deliberate.

"Oh, I wrote so many words, who is this written for..."

Luo Shiqian came over, put the thing she was holding on the ground, and curiously leaned to Qin Yang's side, and looked at the words written by Qin Yang.

"Auntie Happy New Year!"

A crisp voice suddenly sounded, which shocked Luo Shixi. Luo Shixi looked up and saw Han Qingqing smiling at herself on the mobile phone screen on the shelf.

Luo Shiqian's eyes lit up: "Qingqing, yo, you are in a video... Haha, Qingqing, happy new year!"

Situ Xiang was putting down the food he was holding, turning his head and looking, his eyes were suddenly taken aback, and his expression was slightly unnatural.

Although she and Qin Yang have a special relationship between master, master and servant, but during the Chinese New Year, she was in Qin Yang's house and was run into by Han Qingqing, Qin Yang's genuine girlfriend, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Situ Xiang glanced at the screen of the phone, and knew that Han Qingqing had already seen herself, but she didn't avoid it, and walked up generously.

"Qingqing, happy new year!"

Luo Shiqian is equally nervous. Although she invited Situ Xiang to go home for the New Year because of her close relationship with Qin Yang and her miserable life experience, she is now seen by Qin Yang’s girlfriend. Will Qingqing think too much!

Han Qingqing smiled and said hello: "Sister Xiangxiang, happy new year, are you buying new year goods?"

Seeing that Han Qingqing was not surprised at her appearance, Situ Xiang guessed that Qin Yang must have already told her, and he was relieved.

Naturally it is not convenient for her to explain anything about this matter. Even if she wants to explain, it must be explained by Qin Yang. If she explained it herself, wouldn't it be here that there is no silver three hundred taels?

"Yes, isn't it tomorrow on New Year's Eve? I went to the supermarket to buy food for the New Year's Day..."

Han Qingqing said with a smile, "How does it feel to celebrate the New Year in Beijing?"

Situ Xiang replied calmly: "Very Uncles and aunts are very enthusiastic. I haven't spent the New Year with others in many years."

Han Qingqing smiled and said: "I won't talk about the previous things, and the bad things have passed. From now on, I can spend time with Qin Yang every year, so I don't need to be alone during the New Year. It's good for everyone to be together lively."

Luo Shiqian's eyes lit up when she heard her next to her, and the hanging heart was immediately let go, full of joy.

My prospective daughter-in-law has a very good temperament. She didn't care about Situ Xiang's New Year's Eve at her boyfriend's house. She even took the initiative to propose that everyone will spend time together every year in the future. This heart, this attitude is not ordinary!

Situ Xiang looked at Han Qingqing's sincere smile, and felt the sincerity and enthusiasm in her words. Even if she didn't think much of Qin Yang, she couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

No wonder Qin Yang cares so much about Han Qingqing, such a woman, which man can love her from the bottom of his heart?

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