The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1499: Regret looking back

Private matter?

Qin Yang had two strange things in his heart. With Yang Haoran's status as the supreme powerhouse, what else could not be done?

"Lao Yang, you say."

Yang Haoran's eyes became two-pointed and complicated. He didn't speak immediately, but seemed to be caught in reminiscence of the past, with a look of sorrow.

"I have an old friend of decades, but for some reason, we broke contact. The break was decades. It was not until the first two years that I found each other by chance. It turned out that the other party changed. first name……"

Yang Haoran sighed: "My old friend is not doing well right now. I went to the door and wanted to give some help, but she didn't appreciate it and didn't see me, and said that if I go to her again, Then she will disappear again."

Qin Yang blinked: "Woman?"

Yang Haoran's face showed a bit of embarrassment, he hesitated, and finally replied calmly: "Well, my ex-wife."

Qin Yang froze for a moment, ex-wife?

Yang Haoran looked at Qin Yang’s face and smiled bitterly: “I won’t talk about some old past events. My temper was very strong in the early days. I didn’t deal with many things, and finally separated, my son followed her. Although I am a cultivator, my ex-wife is just an ordinary person, and now leads the life of an ordinary person..."

Qin Yang hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Then is she married behind?"

Yang Haoran nodded: "Well, she married a teacher. Although life is not rich, it is still a happy life. She and that teacher have another boy and a girl. Together with me and her son, the three brothers and sisters have already married. Now even their children have grown up, and they are already a prosperous family."

Qin Yang looked at Yang Haoran with a sigh, and softly comforted: "Although you are not together, she is happy after all. This is also a great fortune in misfortune."

Yang Haoran sighed: "I have devoted all my energy in my life to practice and cultural relics, but ignored the people around me, and finally caused regrets. Young fashion does not feel it, and when I am old, I feel a pity when I look back. It is just time. Irreversible, even though my heart is full of apologetics, there is no way to make up for it."

"Although she is also very old, her staunch personality has not changed. I went to see her a few days ago. She obviously did not forgive me, but I think she is very old and still sick... As I just said, she is just an ordinary person, so the body functions obviously cannot be compared with our practitioners..."

When Qin Yang heard this, he felt a little in his heart: "Do you mean to let me treat her?"


Yang Haoran sighed softly: "I have quietly inquired about her. Most of her physical illnesses are common diseases of some elderly people. Even the hospital can't do much. I want you to help her treat her illness and eliminate her body as much as possible. The disease makes her health as healthy as possible, which can reduce the pain and live longer."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, I will go after I go back this time. I will do my best to restore her body with a little effort."

Yang Haoran smiled bitterly: "She has a strong personality. When she was separated from me, she said that she would never want to see me again in this life. If she knew that you were my begging to treat her, I am afraid she would not accept this. Kindly, so Xiao Qin, I have to ask you to bother..."

Qin Yang was a little stunned, and tentatively asked: "Lao Yang, what do you mean by asking me to find another reason to treat her illness, so as not to let her guess that I am entrusted by you?"

Yang Haoran said awkwardly: "Yes, that's what I meant, I know this will cause you trouble..."

Qin Yang smiled and waved his hand: "It's not too complicated. Find a suitable opportunity to get in touch with someone in her family and become friends, and then find an excuse to visit her home, and take advantage of the situation to suggest that she is in poor health and help with treatment. Wouldn’t this be enough?"

"It's so good, so good! It just makes you bother!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "This is nothing complicated. It's okay, just leave it to me."

Yang Haoran said gratefully: "I am in the capital, and my ex-wife has a strong temper. I don't want to get involved in any relationship with me, and I don't want to accept my help. In her words, she is just as good without me. , I want to ask you, if they encounter any difficulties at home, please stretch out your hand for help. I owe you a favor on this matter."

Qin Yang laughed happily: "Lao Yang, I have earned too easily for your favor. The favor of the supreme and powerful is not easy. If you shout outside, I don't know how many people want to do it for you. Do this."

Yang Haoran listened to Qin Yang's interesting words, and the two-pointed embarrassment was relaxed, and smiled: "This matter involves privacy, and I don't trust most people, and even if you ask someone to help, they don't have yours. Medical skills, so you still have to rely on you for this matter, and you are now a public figure, well-known, everyone trusts you, it is relatively easy to approach her to do this, otherwise a stranger will suddenly come out to treat you What, it is easy to cause her suspicion..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, leave this to me. I guess I will stay in Zhonghai in the future. I will find a chance to be friends with a member of their family. I will naturally take care of anything in the future. Now, since you said that they are all ordinary families, they will certainly not encounter much trouble. Even if they do, I will surely be able to solve them."

Yang Haoran breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Yes, I never thought of disturbing her life. After all, she has a happy family. I just hope she can be safe and healthy. Okay, then I’ll beg you on this matter. If you encounter any trouble that can’t be solved in the future and need my help, please don’t hesitate to speak up. You are welcome."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Okay, I won't be polite to you, but there is always a feeling of making a lot of money."

Yang Haoran naturally understands the meaning of Qin Yang’s words. The favor of a supreme powerful person can make the supreme powerful person take the trouble, which is usually a big trouble. Compared with Qin Yang taking care of an ordinary family, it is really There is too much difference, as Qin Yang said, if this is a deal, I don't know how many people are rushing to do it.

"Hehe, we are friends all year long. We are friends. Isn't it right for friends to help each other, so I didn't be polite with you and just spoke up. If you have something, even if you speak..."

Qin Yang smiled: "No problem, don't worry, I will arrange this as soon as possible after I return to Zhonghai, and I will tell you the results of the diagnosis and treatment..."

(End of this chapter)

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