The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1578: I want to try 1

Tianbo Group, office secret room.

Wen Yanhou once again wore that mysterious mask on his face, and sat in front of the computer with a cold look.

"All the members of Team K are here, right?"

There was also a man wearing a mask on the computer screen, and he replied respectfully: "Yes, the five members of Team K have all arrived in Zhonghai. They are living in different places and waiting for orders."

Wen Yanhou said coldly: "What is the result of monitoring Mo Yu?"

"After Mo Yu's fight was over, he returned home with Long Yue. It didn't take long for Situ Xiang to drive back, and then he left soon. Mo Yu stayed in the villa, presumably he was healing, until now. Never left."

"But if someone else entered Mo Yu's house, did they find Miao Jiangong's figure?"

"Without any notice, our people dare not get too close to see the situation inside the villa."

"Continue to monitor and check from the restaurant to see if the powerful people who appeared today are still there, so that the K group people are ready to do it at any time."


Wen Yanhou closed the communication, buckled the computer, and then took off the mask on his face, revealing a green face.

After leaving the barren mountain to the city, Wen Yanhou used the excuse to let the company handle the matter and separated from Qiu Si. Since Qiu Si found out that he was the leader of the dragon slayer, the relationship between the two has undergone a huge change. Sleeping, looks like a godly away.

Wen Yanhou clenched his fists, his eyes fierce.

Originally hoped that Lu Tiansheng would be able to fight for his breath and directly defeat Mo Yu, it would be best to be able to kill and crippled Mo Yu, but who knew that Lu Tiansheng was unsatisfied, lost the game and ruined himself!

Wen Yanhou would naturally not pity Lu Tiansheng, he would only hate him for being unwilling.

Fortunately, Lu Tiansheng is not completely useless. Although Mo Yu was not abolished in the battle, it also caused Mo Yu to suffer serious injuries. It also gave Wen Yanhou a chance to completely get rid of Mo Yu. .

Mo Yu was already a transcendent pinnacle before, and he was able to reach the gods in half a step. When his strength was not damaged, unless he was a supreme powerhouse, he would not be able to kill Mo Yu cleanly. Now he is injured and completely Unable to use internal energy, it can be said that he is an ordinary person, and it is much easier to kill him.

Since Wen Yanhou wanted to take this opportunity to kill Mo Yu, he wanted to do nothing, not only to kill Mo Yu, but also to kill Mo Yu's apprentice, Qin Yang!

Although Qin Yang is still very young now, his strength is already very strong, and the energy and future displayed seem to be more powerful than Mo Yu. It is always a curse to keep, and he wanted to beat his daughter before. Who does not die?

The K team is the most powerful team among the dragon slayers. The strength of five people has reached extraordinary, and even one is extraordinary. It is reasonable to say that such a strong strength is difficult to be controlled by an ordinary person, but Wen Yanhou used a special drug to control them. This drug is even more addictive than drugs. Even the extraordinary peaks can't get rid of them.

Wen Yanhou used this drug to control some powerful characters in the dragon slayer. He himself rarely had contact with this group of people. After all, he was just an ordinary person. If someone violently dealt with him, he could not resist.

There were originally six people in the K team, but the last time Lu Tao dealt with Qin Yang, he forced Wen Yanhou to borrow someone, otherwise he would expose his details. Wen Yanhou had no choice but to borrow someone, but he died in Qin Yang's hands.

In fact, Wen Yanhou borrowed someone at the time, and actually went to three people. He gave the third person an order to find a chance to kill Lu Tao. It would be better to plant and blame Mo Yu, but things are developing too fast, and Lu Tao wants to tell Wen Yanhou. For the details, the people he sent had no choice but to kill Lu Tao for the strong first.

It is precisely because Wen Yanhou controls such a powerful force that he can say that he can destroy a general family of practitioners at will. After all, not every family of practitioners can have the power of the gods. Not to mention the Supreme.

Wen Yanhou sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette, lit it quietly, and waited quietly.

Today may be a turning point in his life, a turning point that makes him feel oppressed and depressed.


"Hey, I can finally rest, my foot is almost broken!"

Qin Yang sat down on a chair, picked up a bottle of mineral water, drank it gruntly, took a breath, smiled and talked to Wen Yuyan next to him.

Wen Yuyan pursed her mouth and smiled and said, "It's pretty good. Although you are the acting master, everyone respects you very much. Even those grandpas are full of praise for you!"

Qin Yang chuckled and put the water bottle on the table next to it: "It's mainly because of my trip to Japan. Actually, I didn't think too much at the time. I just did it if I wanted to, but I didn't expect to attract such a big one in the end. influences."

Wen Yuyan said earnestly: "I also admire you very much. At that time, I could still think of helping the country earn back cultural relics and working hard for it. Although you never said the specific process, I know that the process must be very difficult."

Qin Yang nodded frankly: "It's really difficult. I didn't know if I could stick to it at the time. I just wanted to make a fortune and I was ready to get angry with them, but when things got behind, the battle became worse. The bigger they get, they will play stud with me at every turn. If they want me to lose my money, that will definitely not work, they have to work hard!"

Wen Yuyan smiled and said: "Mr. Mo won the game this time and became famous again. Hidden Gate made a big splash this time."

Qin Yang shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if this kind of limelight doesn't show up, it's useless. After all, it's all made by Lu Tiansheng, but it's okay, if it hadn't happened, the master might not have broken through so quickly."

Wen Yuyan couldn't help laughing: "Lu Tiansheng really made a wrong calculation this time, and he fell to the end, but according to his personality, I am afraid that the follow-up will not just let it go."

Qin Yang said helplessly: "Then continue to It is difficult for him to grow in strength now, and it is not a big threat to my master, and the master said that Lu Tiansheng is very proud and some have no bottom line. He won’t be able to do anything next to him. He is a very capable opponent. He is fighting for face and winning. Don’t worry too much.”

Wen Yuyan nodded, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said: "I agreed to what you told me before."

"Promise what?"

Qin Yang subconsciously replied, and then came back to his senses, and suddenly smiled: "Do you mean the CEO of the automobile company?"

Wen Yuyan looked at Qin Yang earnestly: "Yes, after all, my dad is young and strong, and Tianbo Group has developed well, and I don’t need my help. Then I don’t mind improving my ability in other challenging jobs. This CEO is a very good challenge, I want to give it a try!"


Well, write the chapter and go out, set the update point to release. . There are two more chapters in the early morning~~

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