The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1581: Controlled killer

The masks on the faces of the five assassins had been torn off, revealing five old faces, and these five faces were filled with uncontrollable panic.

They had no idea that they would meet the supreme powerhouse!

The supreme powerhouse standing at the top of the food chain of the spiritual circle!

Qin Yang looked at five people. Among the five people, there were Chinese and some non-Chinese. Naturally, Qin Yang didn't know any of them. He turned his gaze back and looked at Mo Yu, who was sitting next to him on the sofa.

"Master, do you know them?"

Mo Yu was wearing pajamas, and Long Yue stood beside him, looking at the five killers with anger.

If it hadn't been for Qin Yang to ask Yang Haoran to protect, I'm afraid there would be no one living person in this villa now!

Five extraordinary masters!

What a big hand!

Mo Yu shook his head: "I don't know."

Qin Yang walked up to the five people, squatted down, and said coldly, "Who are you, why are you here to assassinate my master? I have many ways to make you survive, but I can't ask you to die. I urge you to be frank."

The five men looked at each other, silently closed their mouths, and refused to speak.

Qin Yang smiled coldly: "Don't say so, I hope you can still have such a tough bones later!"

Qin Yang took out the Guanyin needle from his body, and then pierced the needle like wind, stabbed a few needles on the bodies of the five men, and then coldly withdrew to the side.

Soon, the five men felt as if there were ants crawling in their bodies, and as time passed by, these ants began to eat their bodies as if they were hungry.

The sweat of the five men rushed out from all over their bodies, their eyes were red, and their bodies trembled. The tingling and pain from the bone marrow made them feel like they could not wait to split their bodies with a knife. It feels that every second is so long, like being in purgatory.

"Stop, I said!"

About five minutes later, one of the five men finally couldn't endure this inhuman torture and asked for mercy.

Qin Yang stepped forward, stabbed him with a few needles, and then slapped a few more palms. The pain disappeared. The man's tight body suddenly relaxed, and he lay on the ground, gasping for breath. With.

Qin Yang asked coldly, "Let's talk, who are you and why are you here?"

As a killer, the man was not particularly afraid of death, but he didn't want to endure the inhuman torture.

"We are the killers of the dragon slayer. We have received the order to assassinate Master Mo Yu."

The complexions of Qin Yang and Mo Yu both changed at the same time. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Dragon Slayer!

Qin Yang had dealt with the assassins of the dragon slayer before, and Lu Tao reminded him that Qin Yang suspected that the boss of the dragon slayer was Wen Yanhou, but there was no actual occupation, but now suddenly there are five extraordinary powers. Dragon Slayer Killer!

"Order? Whose order?"

Qin Yang squatted coldly in front of this sweaty man, staring straight into his eyes, his tone was cold.

"It was an order from the leader...Ah, let us go, I said!"

Before the man had time to speak, the man next to him could not bear the painful suffering. He spoke first, his face twisted.


Qin Yang asked, "Who is your leader?"

"We don't know. He always wears a mask. He will not come into direct contact with us. He will only relay his orders through his assistant..."

Qin Yang was a little disappointed in his heart, but immediately asked, "Which country is he from?"

"It should be from Huaxia."

"Yes, Chinese people!"

Several men couldn't bear the torture, and rushed to answer Qin Yang's questions.

Qin Yang pondered for a few seconds, stood up, and relieved the pain of these people next to him, because he had already thought of a possible plan in his heart, and these people had to keep it and couldn't completely scrap it.

"Tell me about your dragon slayers, when they were established, how many people there are, and where is the headquarters."

Several men gasped for breath. In a short period of time, their sweat had wetted their clothes, their faces were pale, and their expressions were frightened. Even if they were caught by a controlled drug addiction, there was no such pain.

"We don't know when the Dragon Slayer was established, but it has been around for at least ten years. I have been with the Dragon Slayer for ten years..."

"I am six years!"

"I am seven years!"

Several assassins who had completely given up confided the age of the dragon slayers they were in. It could be heard that they were all assassins who joined the dragon slayer one after another.

"Since you have joined for so many years, haven't you seen a leader once? Your leader should attach great importance to the strength like yours?"

Mo Yu was a little suspicious. These assassins were all extraordinary strengths. They were already very powerful. The leader of the dragon slayer could not ignore it.

"I haven't seen it. We are just killers. We only take money to complete the task. We are only dealing with the leader's assistant. We just saw the leader on the video..."

"Yes, on weekdays, whether we settle accounts or give us a fairy drunk, it is the assistant who will contact us to deal with it. The chief does not meet with us at all. I guess he is afraid that we will do it on him..."

Qin Yang raised his eyebrows: "You guys hit him? Why do you guys hit him... Also, what is the immortal drunk?"

An old man showed a hateful look on his face: "Shenxianzui is a new type of drug with a strong addictive nature. Because of the immortal drunkenness, we can't stay in the dragon slayer and obey their orders. We have thought about it. Find the leader and force him to surrender the method of making the fairy drunk, then kill him, and replace him with the control of the dragon slayer, but he is very mysterious, we can't see him..."

Qin Yang frowned: "Have you seen it in the video? Even if you are wearing a mask, you should know what it is? Men, women, young and old, how old is it?"

An old man replied hesitantly: "It should be a middle-aged man, but I can't tell how old it is. The voice is also equipped with a voice changer, so I can't tell..."

"Yes, he is very careful, presumably he is also guarding us, fearing that we will attack him, so he never meets with us, only contact us through the assistant, even the assistant, he rarely meets with us, only by phone contact."

Qin Yang stared at the old man and said in a deep voice, "Have you seen this assistant?"

"I have seen them, but they are also wearing masks. We even thought about attacking the assistant to dig out the true face of the leader. But on the one hand, we are afraid that we will fail, and we will be over if we are not drunk by the gods. On the other hand, although the leader controls us Doing things, but it’s really generous in terms of money, and it’s not a disadvantage to us. Usually the gods are drunk in a timely manner, so we have never done anything..."

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