The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1585: Oh it's you!

Qin Yang and others were also awakened again. Looking at the man standing in the yard, Qin Yang's eyes showed a bit of anger.

You two are not over yet, right?

Just drove away one wave, another wave?

You all want the life of our master and apprentice, right?

If it weren’t for Yang Haoran to sit here, I’m afraid it’s really hard for my master and apprentice to pass...

Qin Yang showed a bit of murderous intent in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you, are you here to kill us?"

The lanky man glanced at Qin Yang and snorted coldly: "I came to find Mo Yu, it has nothing to do with other people. I have an old account I want to calculate with him. As long as I don't interfere, I won't touch other people. ."

Mo Yu said coldly: "Since your Excellency is here to trouble me, don't you know whether it is to take people's money and money to eliminate disasters, or whether they have grievances with me?"

The lanky man said coldly: "Naturally, he has grievances with you. Although the old man is not a powerful person, he is not someone who can be driven by mere money."

Mo Yu frowned: "Since you have grievances, why not come to me openly, but hide your face, sneaky, and come to me for trouble when I am seriously injured. Is it possible that you have no confidence in your own strength? ?"

The thin and tall man snorted coldly: "You don't need to provoke me. You have never learned a lot of hidden doors, and your combat power is far beyond the realm level. Now you have broken through the power of God, I will not shoot again. When your injury recovers, I am afraid that I will never have another chance Now, I can’t turn to deal with your apprentice and bully the younger."

When Mo Yu heard the words of the tall and thin man, his face was slightly less cold: "Your Excellency spoke upright and upright, but I can imagine that he is not a despicable person. Now that he is here, why not show his true colors, what kind of grudges do you have, let's talk?"

The thin and tall man was silent for a few seconds. Just when Qin Yang thought that the thin and tall man would insist on Mo Yu's proposal, the thin and tall man suddenly stretched out his hand and took off the originally ordinary mask from his face, revealing him. Its true colors.

This is a man who looks more than sixty years old. His temples are silver-white, his face is cold, and his eyes are cold. He doesn't look like a good person.

Mo Yu saw this person's face, his face showed a sudden look: "Yu Rifan, it's you!"

The silver-haired old man Yu Rifan said coldly: "It's me. I am looking for you to avenge my son today. I am not afraid that you will seek revenge from me in the future. If you have revenge or revenge, I will continue!"

Two bitter smiles appeared on Mo Yu's face: "Yu Rifan, the conflict between your son Yu Dong and me was ultimately due to his domineering and domineering actions against innocent people. I can't save you from death, presumably your son. You know his character too. I didn’t kill him. I just abolished his martial arts and made him an ordinary person. This is not a good thing for him. Otherwise, his character will provoke him sooner or later. To those who can’t afford to provoke, will be killed..."

Yu Rifan said coldly: "Yes, you did not kill him, but it was because you abolished his kung fu and became a useless person. Later, he was retaliated by a low-powered practitioner who diagnosed his heart and died. If not, You used up his efforts, how could he die!"

The expression on Mo Yu's face was slightly stunned: "Yu Dong is dead?"

Yu Rifan said coldly: "Yes, my only son is dead, you said I should not seek revenge from you!"

Mo Yu sighed, before speaking, Qin Yang next to him had already coldly snorted: "Senior, your son deceived others and hurt innocent people. My master abolished his skill and saved his life. This already means mercy. As for He later clashed with others, was retaliated by others, and was killed by others. That is also his own cause and effect. How can I blame my master? You are obviously anger!"

Yu Rifan glanced at Qin Yang coldly: "Yes, this is anger! Don't worry, I won't take your master's life. I also abolished his strength and let him know that a practitioner has been abolished. With the pain of strength, let him face those who want to avenge him but are not strong enough!"

Qin Yang said coldly: "You are pretty unreasonable!"

Yu Rifan smiled coldly: "Since I am here, naturally I am not here to reason with you. I repeat, I don't want to wait for unrelated people to fight, and you can't stop me, don't die!"

"Can't stop you?"

Qin Yang sneered: "Do you think you are too high...Lao Yang, I'm bothering you, I'll catch you!"

Yang Haoran gave a hum, with a calm look, and appeared in front of the thin and tall man.

Yu Rifan looked at Yang Haoran in front of him and snorted coldly, "Take me? You are probably thinking too much."

Yu Rifan was like a ghost and disappeared instantly. He had already rushed to the room where Mo Yu was on the third floor. This height seemed to be non-existent in front of him.

His speed was so fast that even Qin Yang could only feel a flower in front of him, and the person disappeared.

Qin Yang's heart shrank suddenly.

So fast!

This Yu Rifan is so strong!

Yu Rifan didn’t have any hands left. He assaulted with all his strength to increase his speed to the limit. As long as he approached Mo Yu, he could leave directly with a palm of his hand. The reason why he appeared to reveal his identity was only because he wanted Mo Yu knows exactly why he was retaliated against.

It's like those avengers who kill their enemies must let him know who killed him, otherwise, the revenge is not perfect!

Mo Yu was right in front of him, but the expression on Mo Yu's face didn't show the slightest panic. On the contrary, he seemed to have two points of regret.

This wonderful expression fell in Yu Rifan's eyes, causing his pupils to shrink by two points.

Why does Mo Yu have such a look.

In the next second, Yu Rifan knew the answer, because an invisible resistance instantly blocked his path.

But Mo Yu was the only one in front of Mo Yu did not move, but looked at him like this.

Otherwise, there is only air.

Yes, it is air!

The air that should have been unobstructed instantly seemed to be turned into heavy reinforced concrete, completely blocking his path forward, and even meant to imprison him in it.

Yu Rifan's heart sank, he suddenly slapped out his palm, and slapped directly in the invisible air, making a dull impact, but his body had already turned in the air like a monkey, and then quickly swept in the opposite direction. Come out, like a petrel across the sea.

Yu Rifan's speed was very fast, as if he had just set off, but he had already attacked and then attacked and then turned and retreated.

It wasn't until this time that Qin Yang's eyes fell on Yu Rifan.

Then, Yu Rifan's body was shooting outwards before flying out a few meters. Suddenly, his body seemed to be hit by a bullet, and he fell from the air with a snap.

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