The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1589: Plan started

Now that he knew that the other party had a plan to deal with him, Qin Yang was relieved and gave the five killers injections one after another to suppress their midnight pain.

It's just that Qin Yang still kept his hand, and did not apply the needle with all his strength. He simply suppressed the Silver Needle Soul Locking technique, and the effect was roughly ten days later. If he did not continue to use the acupuncture suppression, he would relapse after ten days.

It is now the critical time for the plan to seize the boss behind the scenes, and there must be no mistakes.

One year's time is much less threatening than ten days' time. Qin Yang has to keep their hearts on hold until the matter is completely over.

Qin Yang briefly discussed with them before leaving quietly.

The changed task is not difficult for them. Qin Yang only needs to give them a chance, which is enough to complete a series of plans, but before that, Qin Yang has to ensure his own safety.

The five extraordinary assassins may not dare to kill himself, but Qin Yang is not sure if there are other masters in the hands of the assistant or even the leader. When he is sent away, he will definitely see the assistant or the leader. If he is not prepared enough, he It might be possible to get trapped in it.

This matter, you have to trouble Yang Haoran.

Do not bother the two masters.

With Yang Haoran's action and five extraordinary assassins controlled by him, Qin Yang didn't believe anyone else could get him.

Qin Yang returned to the villa and discussed with Mo Yu and Yang Haoran. Mo Yu agreed to Qin Yang's plan, and Yang Haoran readily agreed to help. He also had no good impressions of those killer organizations that were ready to destroy the crowd. And quite angry.

Another reason why Qin Yang asked Yang Haoran to take action was that the five extraordinary assassins dealt with them afterwards. As long as the leaders were dealt with, they would no longer have any value, and Qin Yang did not want to keep these five. The trouble is not to say that they must be killed.

The five extraordinary masters, falling into the hands of the Dragon King, may come in handy.

It is very simple for the country to control a similar master to serve the country. Their method is more effective than the silver needle soul-locking technique they use. In this regard, they are professional.

Qin Yang called the Dragon King again. When the Dragon King heard that he was immediately interested, he indicated that he would send people to Zhonghai to support Qin Yang throughout the whole process, first to fight the dragon killer organization, and second, for the five extraordinary Master, although the country is not bad master, but the five extraordinary masters, that is also a force that can not be ignored.

The country's use of these masters is also both bright and dark. Once these five extraordinary masters fall into the hands of the Dragon King, they will become the secret knives of the five countries and do things that are not suitable for the bright side.

Three more days passed in a blink of an eye, and the sequelae of Mo Yu's use of the secretary to stimulate his potential have completely disappeared. Although he still cannot fully exert his strength and needs to recuperate for a period of time, he has recovered his fighting power and no longer needs time. Someone protects.

The first battle between Mo Yu and Lu Tiansheng has become a thing of the past. The guests who came to Zhonghai to watch the battle and cheer have also left. Even the Luo family also set off. After experiencing this incident, Qin Hua and his wife and There is no estrangement between Luo's family and the relationship is restored to harmony.

If the Luo family disliked Qin Hua before, this problem naturally does not exist anymore. Qin Yang is so radiant, saying that mothers are expensive with children, and Qin Yang is an excellent son. Who dares to look down upon Qin Hua and Luo Shiqian as parents? ?

Are you capable?

You have the ability to give birth to such an outstanding son!

The Dragon King sent a team to help Qin Yang. There are not many masters in this team. They are more professionals. Yang Haoran, the supreme strong, is here. Where else do we need to send other masters?

With everything ready, Qin Yang was ready to implement his actions.

The most advanced signal transmitter is placed on Qin Yang’s body to prevent this as a precaution. Although Qin Yang logically follows the five killers, these five people will protect Qin Yang’s safety, but Considering that whether it is an assistant or a leader, they have a guard against these five people, and it is impossible to avoid these five people.

That night, Qin Yang quietly left Mo Yu’s villa alone, and then his car was wiped on by a car on a remote road. Qin Yang got out of the car to check, and the figure suddenly approached and stunned. Qin Yang, then Qin Yang was quickly moved into the other car, and Qin Yang's car was also driven into the shadow of the roadside.

"Assistant Hao, we have captured Qin Yang..."

There was a bit of excitement in the voice of the assistant over the microphone: "Captured alive?"

"Yes, he left Mo Yu's villa alone, looking like he was going to go home. We pretended to be wiped up in a quiet halfway, stopped him, and unexpectedly knocked him out... what should we do now?"

"Where are you now?"

Sun Wei, the most powerful leader of the five killers, reported his address, and he quickly reported an address: "You send people here, and I will send someone to pick them up. By the way, you just send them here alone. Now, the other people left and went into hiding."

Sun Wei hesitated and asked, "Our reward?"

"When you finish this order and return to Fibin, the rewards will be given to you as much."

Sun Wei frowned, and his voice became low: "One order, one order, we will catch or kill Qin Yang, one kilogram of gods drunk, this is the price, one yard is one yard!"

There seemed to hesitate over there: "Well, you send people over, and I will arrange for them to deliver them immediately. Within three days, I will ensure that you all get your respective rewards. Is this okay?"

Sun Wei snorted coldly: "Yes, we will not take any new actions until we get the reward for this order."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Sun Wei hung up the phone and turned his head. Behind him, Qin Yang, who should have fainted, was intently with his eyes open, apparently listening to their conversation.

"Follow the plan!"

Qin Yang said in a low voice, the four assassins got out of the car and disappeared into the night.

"You will try to find reasons to stay by my side to protect me later, because I'm not sure if they will do anything to me as soon as they meet. I hope to see the assistant or leader Hao smoothly."

Sun Wei nodded: "Okay!"

"Go ahead, cooperate well, maybe after tonight, you will have a completely different tomorrow!"

Sun Wei nodded silently, turned around and started the car, and walked towards the agreed place.

At the same time, several unremarkable cars had already started from nearby like arrows, heading towards the address that Assistant Hao had just reported.

(End of this chapter)

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