The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1594: Is it finally exposed?

When Qin Yang walked out of the room, two cars stopped silently outside the room.

Qin Yang drove the truck and walked up, his eyes scanned the people inside: "Have you heard the conversation inside?"

"Yes, we have sent people to the Tianbo Building for arrest."

Qin Yang shook his head and said, "Wen Yanhou is very scheming. I'm afraid your people will have escaped long ago."

Qin Yang jumped out of the car and walked aside with Mo Yu. Yang Haoran did not follow. As for the white-haired old man and Assistant Hao in the house, they were naturally taken away.

"Master, what should I do now?"

Mo Yu frowned, his face was rather melancholy, and he sighed softly, "I thought it was really him!"

Qin Yang somewhat understood Mo Yu's feelings. Mo Yu was obviously not sorry for Wen Yanhou, but subconsciously thought of Qiu Si.

Mo Yu loved Qiu Si, but Qiu Si married Wen Yanhou. Although Mo Yu was in pain, he still hoped that she would be happy. Originally, there seemed to be no problem, but now all of this has been broken.

Wen Yan is over!

Although Wen Yanhou has a lot of energy, such a thing cannot be concealed in any way. The boss of the killer group involved many murders of opponents and other crimes that undermine the stability of the country, and the king of heaven cannot keep him.

Qin Yang felt that Wen Yanhou would definitely run away. He was a man, he would definitely have a back hand when he did things. After all, he was a very cautious person.

If it wasn't because he really hated Mo Yu and himself too much, then he wouldn't expose his true body. After all, no matter how powerful and cautious Wen Yanhou was, he would be a mortal after all, and would be controlled by his seven passions and desires.

Qin Yang also had a slight headache. Wen Yanhou would definitely escape overseas, which was a big disaster.

Tianbo Group has always invested in Southeast Asia, and these investments are even suspected to be some kind of outflow of funds. In other words, the money may have been used for dragon slayers, or used elsewhere.

Qin Yang is not sure which answer is, but what is certain is that as long as Wen Yanhou escapes abroad, he will continue to live with another identity, and will not be embarrassed like a dog at home. At the same time, Wen Yanhou is right. The revenge of his master and apprentice will no longer be taboo. He will use various means to retaliate against his master and his master, even those close to him.

Wen Yanhou's last words full of resentment before turning off the video made Qin Yang very worried. He was not afraid that Wen Yanhou would come to him. He was afraid that Wen Yanhou would retaliate against his family.

Wen Yanhou, who wears the skin of the chairman of Tianbo Group, is still restricted by many rules, and Wen Yanhou, who has lost his identity, will no longer have any restrictions. He will transform into a mad dog and kill anyone he dislikes.

Mo Yu was silent for a few seconds and then whispered: "We don't interfere with this matter, you Uncle Ye will take care of it."

Qin Yang said, indeed, it is most appropriate to leave this matter to the Dragon King to deal with it with emotion and reason.

"Then Aunt Qiu..."

Mo Yu showed a hesitant and tangled look on his face, and finally said decisively: "Tomorrow you and I will go to Wen's house."

Qin Yang didn't ask much, but simply nodded: "Okay!"

Mo Yu turned around: "Let's go!"


Just as Mo Yu and the others went home, two cars quickly appeared in the Wen's villa.

The servant opened the door and looked at the group of people who appeared at the door, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Who are you looking for?"

"We are from the Security/Bureau of Zhonghai City, is Mr. Wen at home?"

"Mr. Wen isn't here... Please come in, I'll call in Mrs."

Soon, Qiu Si and Wen Yuyan in pajamas quickly appeared in the living room. When they heard that these people were members of the Zhonghai City Security/Bureau, Qiu Si took a deep breath, but Wen Yuyan's expression was a little surprised. At a loss.

"Everyone arrives late at night, don't know why?"

The leading man said solemnly: "Ms. Qiu, I am Qian Heng of the Security/Bureau of Zhonghai City. Do you know where your husband is now? We have something to ask him to go back and assist in the investigation!"

Qiu Si shook his head: "He said that something happened outside today, and he didn't come back."

Wen Yuyan suddenly panicked when Qian Heng said this. Although she had never experienced anything like this, she knew very well that if any department asked you to go back to assist in the investigation, eight out of ten. With some conclusive evidence.

If the people who came to the door were ordinary administrative departments, even the police, Wen Yuyan would not be so panicked, but this is a member of the security bureau!

Even if you haven't dealt with that place, you probably know it. The things committed by those who can be invited back to drink tea are definitely not trivial!

"What's wrong with my dad, what are you looking for to investigate?"

Qian Heng said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wen created an overseas killer organization Dragon Slaughter, engaged in various illegal and criminal activities, suspected of endangering national security, if you know where he is, please tell the truth, otherwise it will be regarded as a crime of shelter... "

Qiu Si's face was a little pale, and he let out a long breath.

Dragon Slayer!

Sure enough, because of this!

Has the matter finally been exposed?

Qiu Si knew what was going on, plus she was a very assertive woman, so she didn't panic when she heard that, and said solemnly: "He said he was on a business trip, and he won't be back today. I really don't know where he is."

Wen Yuyan widened her eyes and looked at Qian Heng in shock: "The killer organization? Did you make a mistake? My dad is a businessman and he is the chairman of Tianbo Group. How could he create any killer organization..."

Qian Heng's eyes were slightly strange: "Mo Yu and Qin Yang, you must be very familiar, right?"

Qiu Si's calm face suddenly changed: "Mo Yu and I are old Yang is a disciple of Mo Yu, what's wrong, does this matter have anything to do with them?"

Qian Heng said solemnly: "On the night when Mo Yu and Lu Tiansheng were injured in a fight, five assassins with extraordinary strength sneaked into Mo Yu's villa. They were all killers of the dragon slayer, and the order they received was to kill. Everyone in the villa..."

Qiu Si and Wen Yuyan's expressions changed drastically at the same time, Wen Yuyan exclaimed: "What happened later?"

Qian Heng continued to explain: “There is a master hidden in Mo Yu’s villa. He captured all the five assassins. After being forced to ask, he learned that they were the assassins of the Dragon Slayer K team. It was the dragon slayer’s boss who ordered to come and kill. Mo Yu used a trick to control the five killers and acted in a play, pretending to be an attempted assassination..."

Qiu Si gritted her silver teeth, her eyes were complicated, as if anger and remorse, while Wen Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, her face became more and more frightened, because she already knew the truth.

"After the five killers fled, they received an order from the leader to kill Mo Yu's disciple, Qin Yang. Qin Yang pretended to be captured by them and sent him to a secret place, where the leader of the dragon slayer revealed him. The true face of..."

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