The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1608: Not in its place, not seeking its own government

Since ancient times, Huaxia’s practice has not been one thousand, I am afraid there are 800. Among them, there are some good practices that are very suitable for promoting practice, but why has it never been promoted by the whole people?

Among them, there is resistance from the major families of practitioners or wealthy families that control the resources of practitioners. They are the privileged class above them. In order to consolidate their position and maintain their privileges, they must resist such a situation of national practice.

Apart from this factor, in terms of national stability, those in power may also bring great troubles to society by fully promoting practice.

Will it fall into chaos like the ancient arena?

After practicing martial arts and becoming a cultivator, can many things be solved with one's own hands, such as quietly destroying people, or killing people invisible, masked robbery?

How to control social chaos and turmoil?

Although it is now in the technological age, if practice is fully promoted, what will this society be like?

With such a large population base, who would dare to make this opening without the country having complete control capabilities?

Things are pushed back again. If the whole people are unable to practice, there is no huge base of practitioners, and naturally there is no way for the whole army of practitioners. The so-called promotion will naturally be useless, just a small number of practice. Special forces, this is not a major event at all, I don’t know how long ago the country did it.

Lei Ziqiang's expression was somewhat solemn, and Qin Yang's words clearly shook his enthusiasm.

He had been thinking about whether he could find a training method that could promote the whole army, but now he suddenly wants to understand that it is not a training method to complete all this, but a question of the base of practitioners!

Without a huge base of practitioners, how can a large force of practitioners be promoted?

This seems to be a paradox. After working hard for a long time, I discovered that the most basic things are simply impossible to achieve, at least at this stage.

Qin Yang looked at Lei Ziqiang's face ugly, knowing that his words had hit him, and comforted him: "You don't have to be so frustrated. Since this is an attempt, then work hard to do it well and get the best result, then I have a clear conscience. What's more, who is right about the future? Maybe when the conditions are ripe, the whole people will practice?"

"Furthermore, even if it is impossible to form a large army of practitioners, as long as an effective training method is summarized, then a small number of practitioner teams will be formed in each unit to serve as the surprise soldiers in the team and serve as special forces. Well, it’s still feasible anyway. After all, the Special Forces of Cultivators are much better than ordinary people, and they have to run faster."

Qin Yang's words played a certain role, Lei Ziqiang cheered up and said, "You make sense. No matter what the decision is made at the end, it is all the above matter. I am a soldier, and the above has given orders. , I will obey the order and follow the order!"

"The above is to determine the feasibility of turning a weaker practitioner into a powerful fighter through half a year of special training, and then to determine the feasibility of turning a weaker practitioner into a powerful fighter, and to find a feasible training plan and related things through this special training... …Whatever the result, I just have to try to do this well!"

Qin Yang watched Lei Ziqiang recover, and said with a smile: "Yes, just do your own thing. Naturally, the final argument and the like are not our business, we can't control it, so don't worry about it. Up."

Lei Ziqiang patted Qin Yang on the shoulder: "You can think about it!"

Qin Yang picked up the tea cup, leaned on the chair, and said with a smile: "It's not in its place, not seeking political affairs. Besides, professional things are left to professional people. I don't understand it, even if I want to do more. Use it, people won’t listen to me what I say. What I can do is to be myself, and I think it’s good not to trouble others."

Lei Ziqiang said: "Okay, then you can help me look at their training plan, and you can help me with some medicines that can help them replenish their energy and heal injuries. Well, it is best to be cost-effective, otherwise, Even if it is useful, it is too expensive to raise a glass of promotion."

"no problem!"

Qin Yang readily nodded and agreed. Perhaps this is the most fundamental reason Lei Ziqiang asked himself to help.

After all, the special instructors hired here don’t care about who they support or what their psychology thinks. If they can appear here, they must have a few brushes, and I have to say that I can get them and are suitable for the needs here, that is, myself. Of medical skills.

Lei Ziqiang saw Qin Yang's promise readily, and his face was two points happy. He knew the name of Qin Yang's genius doctor. Even if he couldn't change much in the whole plan, he asked Qin Yang to come over by himself. If he could sort it out. A set of medical aids to help soldiers in special training, it can be regarded as a gain.

"I have talked to the chief instructor about you, and he agrees. From now on, you will be the special instructor of our training camp. Later, I will send you clothes and armbands... Now I will let you take you first. Go and settle down."

"it is good!"

Lei Ziqiang stood up, walked to the door, called a soldier, and ordered a few words.

"Instructor Qin, please come with me!"

Qin Yang stood up and walked along behind the soldier.

The soldier took him to an empty house and said neatly: "Instructor Qin, I am Colonel Lei’s guard Chen Haidong... This is your dormitory. Basic daily necessities are included in In the canteen, the canteen is there. Breakfast is 7 o'clock, lunch 12 o'clock, and dinner 6 o'clock. If you have other needs, you can tell me and I will help you solve it."

Qin Yang stepped into the house and glanced at it. It was a newly built prefabricated house. The house was clean and tidy. The bedding was neatly folded. A set of tableware, towels, toothbrushes, etc. were placed on a simple table by the bed. on.

Qin Yang didn't pay attention to the environment, and said with a smile: "Okay, there is nothing needed for the time being, I'll trouble you, I'll just turn around."

Chen Haidong said: "The militarized control is implemented here. Instructor Qin should wait for a while. I will help you to get the uniform and armbands and change them before turning. Otherwise, misunderstandings will easily occur."

Qin Yang went to the village to follow the customs and nodded: "Okay, then I will wait for you."

Chen Haidong turned and left, Qin Yang didn't walk around, just stood at the door and looked around.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged man wearing a camouflage uniform came over and saw Qin Yang standing at the door, his eyes were slightly taken aback, he stopped two meters in front of Qin Yang, and said coldly: " Who are you and why don't you wear a uniform?"

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