The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1610: Ghost Doctor Zhang Family

Qin Yang first arrived, although he had already judged based on his own experience, but he only raised a mouth, and didn't say anything further.

"Go, eat first, by the way, I will introduce you to other special instructors."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang followed Lei Ziqiang into the canteen, and led him straight to the two square tables in the corner.

"These two tables are instructor tables, and the food is similar to the students, but they are sitting together to facilitate exchanges of work."

The instructors came in one after another, and the two tables quickly sat on people. These people saw Qin Yang with different eyes.

There were those who seemed to have never seen them, some who greeted them actively, some who greeted them with smiles, and some who were cold and unsmiling. Lei Ziqiang introduced them to Qin Yang next to them.

"Qin Yang, I heard that you are a great genius doctor. You must have more suggestions for the recovery medicine equipment of the students in this special training camp."

"You praised, I will try my best."

"I heard that you are playing the ring in Japan and sweeping the world in Japan. Is this true or false?"

"There is such a thing, but everyone blows a little harder, not so hard!"

After Lei Ziqiang's introduction, several of the instructors took the initiative to talk to Qin Yang, with a more kind attitude, and a few others with a cold attitude, just like the Niu Youde that Qin Yang met before.

Although it was only a brief introduction, Qin Yang had already seen a lot of things.

There are two large square tables with 16 seats. The ones who are friendly to Qin Yang are basically at the table of Lei Ziqiang, and the other table is the deputy chief instructor Zheng Weixing. People like Niu Youde seem to be headed by him. I ignored Qin Yang, and just nodded lightly, but Zheng Weixing also praised Qin Yang. The scene of working together was quite beautiful.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Qin Yang sighed inwardly, but he didn't care much. After all, he was just a passer-by, and he didn't expect any results in this special training camp. He came here just to help Lei Ziqiang a favor.

After eating calmly, the instructors took a rest, and then started night training again. Because Qin Yang did not have specific work arrangements for the time being, he watched the training of these students leisurely, and then went to the end of the training. Hundreds of exhausted students were rushed to the bathhouse.

"Every day after completing one day of special training, students will take a medicated bath for half an hour to help them relieve their tired body, so that they can recover as soon as possible to meet the next day of special training..."

Lei Ziqiang brought Qin Yang to the bathhouse. The wide bathhouse was filled with rows of steaming wooden barrels. The barrels were filled with black liquid medicine. Two hundred students were stripped naked. Jumping into the hot liquid medicine, one by one let out a painful and happy cry.

"Can I see the recipe?"

Lei Ziqiang nodded: "Instructor Zhang Hongming is responsible for the medicated bath and recovery. I will ask him to give you a copy of all the prescription lists currently used."

"it is good!"

Two hundred big men in the bath were nothing to behold. Qin Yang strolled around and went back to his dormitory. Just as Qin Yang was about to wash and clean up and sleep, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Yang opened the door, and Zhang Hongming, who was in his 40s, stood at the door, holding a folder in his hand.

"Instructor Qin, I heard Instructor Lei said that you want to see the prescription list used by the students, I will bring it for you..."

Qin Yang warmly invited, "Instructor Zhang, please come in and talk."

Zhang Hongming walked in the door calmly and handed the folder in his hand to Qin Yang: "All the information is here. Instructor Qin, look at it. You are a famous doctor in China. You can give us some guidance."

Qin Yang smiled modestly: "Instructor Zhang, you're polite, I just can't hinder Brother Lei's affection, so I drove the duck over and walked around, so I should learn from everyone, but I can't be a guide.

Zhang Hongming smiled: "Some of these prescriptions originated from the country, and some came from some family of practitioners. I did some sorting and selected some to use. Instructor Qin will take a look first, and we will discuss it later."


Qin Yang understood what Zhang Hongming meant: "Instructor Zhang must have a good understanding of medical skills, right?"

Zhang Hongming looked at Qin Yang with a smile, with a humble tone: "Understand a little, understand a little."

Although Zhang Hongming spoke very modestly, his eyes had a bizarre feeling. Qin Yang thought about the table where Zhang Hongming was sitting at Zheng Weixing during dinner, and suddenly he took a little bit of attention.

Qin Yang took the folder, took out the information in it, and began to look at it quickly, and at the same time pretended to ask unintentionally, "Where is the medical teacher Zhang?"

"Family biography, I'm from the Zhang family in Hexi..."

The weird feeling in Zhang Hongming's eyes was two points thicker. He grinned and chuckled: "People generally like to call us the ghost doctor Zhang family."

Qin Yang's gaze suddenly stopped, and he slowly raised his head, looking at the meaningful smile on Zhang Hongming's face, the original smile on his face faded by two points.

"It turns out that instructor Zhang is the ghost doctor Zhang's family, but I really didn't expect it to be met here, it can be considered fate."

Zhang Hongming smiled, but there was no smile in his smile: "Yes, I didn't expect that instructor Lei actually invited the famous hidden disciple!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the alert and vigilance in each other's eyes, and even a trace of hostility.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, Qin Yang lowered his head, his eyes continued to fall on those materials: "There is a ghost doctor Zhang's family here to check these I think I came here for nothing. ."

Zhang Hongming chuckled and said, "Why? You have a medical showdown in Korea and Japan. We have studied carefully. Instructor Qin’s medical skills are really amazing. It's rare to meet here. Of course, I have to take this opportunity to discuss it. After all, we are all specially-appointed instructors, so we have to contribute to this training camp, right?"

Qin Yang grinned and said, "That's true, so, I will keep these materials for research. I will discuss it with Instructor Zhang tomorrow, how about?"

Zhang Hongming nodded readily and stood up and said, "Okay, then I will wait for instructor Qin’s advice tomorrow. I think instructor Qin will be able to come up with a better prescription. After all, instructor Qin’s master is both medical and martial arts. Is he called the first person in Chinese medicine?"

After Zhang Hongming said this, he turned around and left without waiting for Qin Yang to answer.

Qin Yang put down the file in his hand and frowned slightly while looking at Zhang Hongming's back.

Qin Yang never expected that he would meet people from the ghost doctor Zhang's family here. This is really a gathering of friends. I am afraid this trip will have more twists and turns...

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