The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1614: Where do you put your face?

Everyone's expressions have become two-point subtle.

The special training camp has been underway for some time. A group of instructors drawn from various places are already familiar with each other. Everyone knows that Zhang Hongming comes from the ghost doctor Zhang family. He himself is also an expert in medical skills, and he has a special background. .

Zhang Hongming has always been proud of his medical skills, but now Qin Yang says that Zhang Hongming's prescription is not good enough, and he even wants to replace one of them. Isn't this a face treatment?

Although everyone is not clear about the dispute between Zhang Family and Mo Yu, they have already understood that the two of them are probably on the bargaining with medical skills!

Zhang Hongming is a famous doctor, and Qin Yang is also a well-known little genius doctor. He used to beat Japanese and South Korean experts and professors before, but now he has hit him. Who wants to bow his head to whom?

Zhang Hongming took the initiative to ask, doesn't it mean that?

Zhang Hongming said with a cold face: "Instructor Qin, the purpose of this special training camp is on the one hand to test the generalizability of the special training, and on the other hand, to formulate relevant standards for future promotion. It has far-reaching significance to spread to countless people, but you can't speak nonsense!"

Qin Yang smiled slightly, and replied with a calm expression: "I'm just discussing the matter. Moreover, instructor Zhang, you are right. This time we are to formulate standards. Since there are more effective prescriptions, we will naturally do it. Better, you can't just perfuse things, right?"

Zhang Hongming and Qin Yang exchanged words with each other, and everyone around them suddenly became interested.

Zhang Hongming meant that Qin Yang was sensationalizing and correcting for the sake of correction, but Qin Yang counterattacked Zhang Hongming that he could do better, why should he do it?

Zhang Hongming narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled coldly: "Okay, since you said you want to change and replace, then I have to ask for advice on how to change and replace..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's very simple. Adding five grasses and turmeric to the bath medicine will have a better effect."

Zhang Hongming frowned and said with a sneer: "You want to use the function of the five green grasses to break the blood and promote vital energy, but the five green grasses are cold in nature, and adding them to the liquid medicine will bring hidden harm to the human body..."

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "Instructor Zhang comes from a famous medical family, so he naturally knows that the world's medicines are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other, and the five grasses are too cold. As long as the doctors naturally know this, there is originally a single medicine in this prescription that focuses on yellow roots. As long as the weight of the yellow root is increased slightly, it will naturally neutralize the coldness of the five green grasses, and the five green grasses can increase the degree of absorption of drugs by people. Do you think the modified prescription will be better?"

Zhang Hongming's complexion changed. He also verified this prescription, but why didn't he expect five green grass and turmeric?

"It is indeed possible to neutralize the medicinal properties, but how can you accurately control the amount of such a large ration?"

Zhang Hongming rebutted subconsciously, but Qin Yang only smiled in the face of Zhang Hongming’s rebuttal: "Instructor Zhang is from the ghost doctor Zhang's family. It really surprises me to say this now. Of course, I need to grasp the weight, but Does it really need to be that precise?"

Zhang Hongming's face suddenly turned pale. He himself had just rebutted subconsciously. After speaking, he felt that he was wrong, but he was unable to take it back.

The neutralization of the medicinal properties of the two medicinal materials is indeed impossible to match completely accurately, but does it really need to be completely accurate?

The human body has a certain range of tolerance to medicine. If the fire is too heavy, it will get angry again, and if the cold is too heavy, it will also hurt the body, but as long as it is within a certain safety range, it will not cause physical damage to people. Hurtful.

Qin Yang looked at Zhang Hongming with a smile. Everyone is not a quack doctor. Everyone understands this medical theory. Even if the others here may not know anything about medicine, no one dares to open their eyes and tell lies. Otherwise, today’s dialogue and If the prescription is spread out, anyone who talks nonsense may become a laughing stock in the medical world in the future.

The effect of the modified prescription is definitely better than that of the previous prescription. Qin Yang is sure of this, and Zhang Hongming is also affirmed. The only difference is that the prescription is proposed by Qin Yang, not Zhang Hongming.

Zhang Hongming has already lost in the battle of liquid medicine formula.

The prescription changes are not big, but the difference is well known to the insiders.

For example, the most classic story, a certain factory equipment malfunctioned, no matter how to find out what went wrong, finally an expert was invited over, after the expert checked, he picked up a pen and drew a line on a device Line, tell others to reduce the coil inside by one turn. After everyone did it, they found that the fault was indeed repaired, and the expert was also paid 10,000 US dollars. Some people said that the expert made 10,000 US dollars by drawing a line. Relax, the expert answered that drawing the line is only worth one dollar, but knowing where the line is drawn is worth 9,999 dollars.

Before the prescription was written, everyone didn’t understand it, but when people wrote the prescription or changed it to a better prescription, everyone suddenly realized, oh, it turned out to be like this, hey, I also understand the truth, I just didn’t expect it. .

Yes, Zhang Hongming also understands the principle of medicinal neutralization, he just didn't expect it.

But, that's it!

Because Zhang Hongming felt that the prescription was perfect and couldn't be changed, but Qin Yang only took one night to make the prescription more perfect.

Looking at the different eyes of the surrounding instructors and the students, Zhang Hongming's blood rushed into his mind: "The pills you eat, you said you want to replace them, what kind of pills do you want to replace, and what pills are more suitable for them to use than the vitality pill. , Are you going to use those century-old Polygonum multiflorum and other drugs to refine?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Instructor Zhang's words are wrong. All we do is to formulate a standard that can be promoted, and to find the most suitable and effective implementation standard. If you really use those rare and precious medicinal materials, you Do you think it is promotional?"

Zhang Hongming stared at Qin Yang firmly: "Then why do you change the medicine? The vitality pill is the medicine I have synthesized at least hundreds of medicines. I finally selected the medicine. His efficacy may not be the best, but his Cost, but the price/performance ratio is the highest!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yuanqi Pill is indeed a good medicine for them to take in this situation. The medicinal materials used are not particularly expensive, and the price is really high, but I think there should be a better choice."

Zhang Hongming's heart sighed. Qin Yang's words have proved that he has considered factors such as cost, cost-effectiveness, promotion, etc., but he is still sure that there is more suitable than vitality pill, then what is it?

Zhang Hongming had already lost one round on the formula of the liquid medicine before. If Qin Yang really found a more suitable medicine, wouldn't it be a loss of two consecutive rounds?

Where do you put your face?

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