The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1620: Romance exposure

The agreement was set long ago. By this time, naturally no one would go back. The 200-person special training team was quickly divided into two teams with almost the same strength.

Ten specially-appointed instructors were also divided into two groups. Five followed Liu Weixing in charge of the first group, five followed Lei Ziqiang in charge of the second group, and Tang Qian was responsible for supervising and coordinating the two groups. As for Qin Yang, he himself Those who come to make soy sauce will leave soon and naturally will not be assigned specific tasks.

Although no specific tasks were arranged, Lei Ziqiang would not let Qin Yang go. His previous performance shocked everyone's attention.

"Brother, now the team is separated. You have to help me to develop a training standard plan. After half a year, if I can't have an advantage with Liu Weixing's group, then it will be useless to work so hard."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "It's actually not complicated. It's the way you practice soldiers. They tend to be tactics, marksmanship, and actual combat. You may not be able to improve the strength of many practitioners in half a year, but they can fully understand tactics and firearms. To be familiar, the cultivator's physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people in all aspects, and they will be more comfortable in training."

Lei Ziqiang chuckled and said, "I will ask the other instructors to draw up a draft based on what you mean, and then give some comments."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, after tossing this thing, I can almost retreat."

Lei Ziqiang smiled and said: "I know you are busy, and I won't keep you. As long as you help me figure out the regulations, we can do the rest by ourselves. I don't know how to thank you here. When I return to Zhonghai , I invite you to drink!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Okay."

The five instructors in the group following Lei Ziqiang quickly listed a training plan.

These specially-appointed instructors are all from the military, and they have a complete set of how to train recruits. In fact, Qin Yang’s opinions are very simple, ignoring the identity of practitioners, and strengthening the advantages of soldiers as much as possible, that is, tactics, control of firearms, and cooperation. Wait, and these were originally what these instructors were good at. The only difference was that the target of their training before was ordinary people, but now the target of training has become a practitioner.

Qin Yang put forward his own opinions on this whole set of training plan. After all, he has received special training as an agent in the dragon group. He knows better how to combine the advantages of practitioners with modern weapons. He is a practitioner himself. In addition, he also knows better how to train practitioners so that they can master firearms faster and more proficiently, and have accurate marksmanship.

After Qin Yang put forward his suggestions, Lei Ziqiang gathered the other five instructors to discuss Qin Yang's proposal. Everyone agreed with Qin Yang's proposal, and in the end all training courses followed the outline set by Qin Yang.

Qin Yang trained with a team of one hundred people for a week. Watching them implement his training plan, Qin Yang knew that everything he could do was done, and it would be a waste of time to stay.

"Brother Lei, I have done everything I can do, and I can't help with the rest, so I'm ready to flash people..."

Lei Ziqiang looked at Qin Yang very gratefully: "Although it has only been training for a week, I have asked the trainees. They all agree with your curriculum. Many of the previous trainings are repetitive in their opinion. Necessary, after all, the improvement of the cultivator's strength is not a matter of overnight, and even if their strength is improved, everyone picks up the gun, the gap is still not big, so the final gap is opened, it must be implemented in modern weapons such as firearms. on……"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, the strength cannot be improved, so increase the proficiency of firearms. When will they be able to skillfully use any tactics on the battlefield, and they can accurately shoot the target in a fast march. Then their combat effectiveness will naturally reach a surprising level."

Lei Ziqiang nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too. Whether it is a practitioner or an ordinary soldier, since you are on the battlefield, the gun is your most loyal friend. If you can't even play with the gun, you can still What do you do, you can kill your opponent in the shortest time and most accurately on the battlefield, that is victory!"

After a short pause, Lei Ziqiang asked, "By the way, my brother, the formula you said before to change the medicinal bath is very simple. We have adjusted it according to what you said, but the strong sun you said Dan, neither do we..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "This matter is very simple. After I go back, I will entrust the production of Lieyang Pill to a certain pharmaceutical factory. When the time comes, a small batch of production can be provided to you. If a promotion plan is made in the future, If you use it, let's start mass production."

After a pause, Qin Yang said with a smile: "We have registered a patent for this medicine. If it is true that after half a year, our team has achieved results, and the standards we implemented are used as the standards for promotion, then as Lieyang Dan's Owner, I can still make a fortune."

Lei Ziqiang laughed and said, "It's your business to make money. If you make money, you make it. Anyway, I only care about whether it is effective and worthy of promotion. Anyway, even if you want to use Lieyang Pill as a designated medicine in the future, it is not. I paid for it, and besides, I’m very happy that you have worked so hard here for so long and can be rewarded."

Qin Yang grinned and said: "Okay, Brother Lei, then I will rely on you for the next half year, and I will be a flash player. I will come again in the final half of the year. I also want to see the training according to what I said. To what extent can the trainees trained in the model reach."

Lei Ziqiang promised without hesitation: "That's necessary. When the time comes for the assessment, the ghost will know if there will be any you must come and help me sit down at that time, otherwise I'm not at ease, after all, they are all practitioners, and I'm just an ordinary person..."

"Okay, I will definitely come then!"


Early in the morning of the second day, Qin Yang left Ritter Training Camp and flew back to Caspian Sea by plane.

Situ Xiang picked up the plane at the airport, Qin Yang followed Situ Xiang into the car all the way.

"Is this trip going well?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Fortunately, I fought two fights, but they both won. It's not very troublesome. Is everything okay at home during this time?"

Situ Xiang said in a deep voice: "Everything is fine at home, but there is a news on the Internet that is about you..."

Qin Yang raised his eyebrows slightly: "What news?"

Situ Xiang's eyes are slightly different: "Someone reported on the Internet that you and Qingqing are lovers. At present, many people on the Internet are paying attention to this..."

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