The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1666: No grudges?

"One of the four people in charge of injecting drugs in the morning disappeared. We investigated his home, and he, his wife and children all disappeared..."

The Grand Elder had a sullen face, and his face was rather ugly after listening to the report from the person under him.


Although I haven’t figured out the specific reason yet, I think the ancestor’s weird anomaly cannot be separated from this person. The most likely thing is to change the medicine used. The replacement medicine not only cannot suppress the ancestor’s strength, but will stimulate the ancestor. His madness makes his second personality easier to appear.

As the core personnel, they will naturally know that once the second personality of the ancestor appears, it may be accompanied by a **** storm, and it is not even ruled that the ancestor bloodbaths the castle, but he still does it!

"Check! We must find this betrayer and deal with him with the strictest clan rules!"

The great elder left a cold sentence and turned his attention to other things. After all, what this betrayer has done is a conclusion, and there is no need to discuss it. All that is needed is to arrest people and punish them. Now The more important thing is to follow the ancestors.

No one, including the great elder, knew what Lucian was going to do next, and no one knew why he wanted to take Qin Yang away?

According to the violent temperament, shouldn't Qin Yang be punched to death?

Why take him away without hesitation?

When the Great Elder learned from Situ Xiang that two Chinese Supreme Powers would come to rescue Qin Yang, his heart improved again.

The entire Koman family was no more than one supreme powerhouse, and Situ Xiang made a phone call and there were two supreme powerhouses!

Although there are few hidden people, the background is really powerful.

The great elder couldn't help but feel quite worried. This incident was indeed an accident. The Koman family did not have any intentions with Qin Yang. If Qin Yang was rescued, everything would be easy to say. There is still room for recovery. If Qin Yang died. In the hands of the ancestor, the elders of Qin Yang's sect will inevitably pour out their anger on the Koman family.

Two supreme powerhouses, just thinking about it makes people a headache.

"How is Levins?"

"Six ribs were broken and severe internal injuries, but there is no risk of life."

The elder sighed, with some worries in his eyes. The ancestor only killed some of the guards in the castle this time. Although he attacked himself once, it seemed to be a venting of anger, but he did not directly kill him. It was much better since the last madness. What does this mean?

The last time the ancestor went crazy, the second personality was completely a bloodthirsty murderer. He killed a lot of people in the family. Although he is still frantic and bloodthirsty today, he seems to have a stronger sense of reason. ...

Could it be that after so long, his second personality has become stronger and stronger, more and more sound, getting closer and closer to a perfect master personality, no longer like the beast before, but a real person?


Qin Yang looked at Lucian in front of him with a slightly complicated vision.

The messy beard has been shaved awkwardly sister, and the messy long hair has been trimmed with scissors. Although it is still two points messy, it is a bit more refreshing than before.

Lucian, who had changed into a new dress, looked much better, and less fierce. Although there were still two remaining **** eyes in his eyes, Qin Yang no longer saw the strong murderous intent.

At this moment, Lucian does not seem to be any different from a normal person. His face is not covered with age spots and wrinkles like an ordinary old person. On the contrary, it is quite smooth. His eyes are not muddy at all, but look like Children's eyes are generally black and bright.

Lucian tugged at his clothes, then opened the mirror above the co-pilot, touched his chin, and looked in the mirror with a satisfied look on his face.

"Not bad, let's go."

Qin Yang sat in the driving seat and asked carefully: "Where are we going?"

Lucian adjusted the chair to the rear a bit, leaned back on the seat, and said lightly: "Go to Lyon, the old castle of the Thrall family."

Qin Yang set up the navigation and started the car, but still couldn't help asking, "Can I ask what I'm going there for?"

Lucian glanced at Qin Yang lightly: "Kill!"

Qin Yang felt a sudden in his heart, he didn't dare to ask any more, and drove the car honestly towards Lyon.

Although Lucian looks much more normal now, but thinking about his previous posture of directly blasting people with a punch, Qin Yang felt it was better to be careful. This guy's mentality is definitely not normal now.

Lucian seemed to be quite tired, leaning against the passenger seat and closing his eyes, his breath became longer, as if he was asleep.

Qin Yang glanced sideways, countless thoughts surged in his heart for a while, but in the end he did not make any risky moves.

Isn’t the Thrall family one of the three ancient families of practitioners in Gaul? According to the information Qin Yang learned, the relationship between these three ancient families is not harmonious, and they all want to kill each other.

Lucian is going to the Thrall family to kill, presumably the Thrall family also has a supreme powerhouse, and maybe when they fight, he will have a chance to escape.

Qin Yang never thought of relying on his own strength to kill Lucian, not to mention that his own strength can't pose the most threat to Lucian. Even if it causes fatal damage to Lucian, his next counterattack can instantly crush himself. Pressed into slag.

He was just a doctor, and since Lucian didn't seem to be ready to kill him, then he had better find the safest and proper way.

What's more, when he was captured by Lucian, Situ Xiang would definitely ask for help from the teacher. There should be someone to save him. Delaying and finding opportunities to expose his whereabouts is what he should do best.

Lucian slept for several hours. After he woke up, his eyes were fixed on Qin Yang, with a slightly weird expression.

Qin Yang didn't know, so he asked calmly: "Old sir, is there any problem?"

Lucian said lightly: "I slept for so You are honest, you didn't do anything, originally thought you would either find a way to kill me, or try to escape."

Qin Yang replied calmly: "Kill you, I don't have the ability to escape, I have thought about it, but I guess I can't escape, so I should drive honestly. The old gentleman and I have no grudges and want to be old. Mister will not kill me for no reason, will he?"

Lucian sneered: "You think very clearly, but how can we have no grudges?"

Qin Yang frowned and said, "This is the first time I have seen the old gentleman, so how come you have hatred?"

Lucian stared at Qin Yang coldly, the red in his eyes seemed to be two points more red: "If you want to help him heal, don't you want to kill me? It's still no hatred?"


Today is still four chapters, this is the first~

(End of this chapter)

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