The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1675: Fall again

Qin Yang was inexplicably surprised. He had heard that Shigong Miao Jiangong was already in retreat to comprehend the final breakthrough. He originally thought that it might not be easy to enter the Supreme, but now he knows that he is already the Supreme Power!

Qin Yang was very excited, the master stepped into the supreme, and the master also stepped into the power of spirit. These two happy events in succession have greatly improved the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the hidden door.

Since then, Qin Yang has to straighten his back when speaking and doing things. There are people above me!

Who can withstand the attack of a supreme powerhouse?

Isn't the Thrall family in front of him a complete example? Even the Thrall family has a very powerful supreme powerhouse, but there is no way to meet Lucian, who is desperate to play gangsters. Isn't there any way?

After so many people have been killed, what can Eric do?

What can he do with Lucian?

The conspiracy to deal with Lucian made Eric lack the basis in reason and his strength could not be crushed. This caused Lucian to kill many members of the Thrall family, but Eric still could not put down his face and confront Lucian. Shame...

Rely on your own strength to kill the Koman family?

Will Lucian care?

He doesn't care, he will only kill happier!

Lucian didn't care, but Eric had to care.

This responds to the old saying, soft afraid of hard, hard afraid of horizontal, horizontal afraid of death...

Lucian's master character is not strong enough, and then he was bullied by the other two big families. Now Lucian's second personality broke out. No matter how bad Eric was, he was afraid that Lucian would be fatal.

Lucian naturally noticed the approach of Qin Yang and Yang Haoran, but he didn't care, but when Miao Jiangong released his aura and gradually approached the battlefield, Lucian's expression suddenly changed.

Supreme strong!

Eric looked at Lucian's changing look, and laughed a little gloatingly: "Lucian, you're done!"

Lucian's **** eyes became redder, his eyes became more violent and bloodthirsty, and the crazy color on his face became more and more obvious.

"Do you think you can kill me if you have two more Supreme?"

Eric said in a deep voice: "Lucian, let's catch it, we won't kill you, as long as you bow to the Thrall family for what you did yesterday..."

"I'm going to your M!"

Lucian let out a violent shout, and the muscles all over his body instantly swelled up by two points again, and the steel color of his skin became more and more obvious, looking like an iron man in the moonlight.

Lucian smashed into Eric severely, and the whole hill seemed to tremble violently.

Eric's body flew upside down like a cannonball, constantly breaking the trees along the way, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Lucian's body also flew back upside down, his face was red, his eyes were full of blood, and his mouth was also full of blood. It was obvious that Lucian was also seriously injured in this collision.

Lucian landed on the ground without even wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He ejected directly, rushing out like a cannonball, but the target was not Eric on the other side, but Miao Jian Palace near the battlefield.

Miao Jiangong watched Lucien hit him at high speed, and his whole body exploded like explosives. He clenched his fist and then blasted out a punch.

Countless auras instantly converged into a magnificent fist mark, directly blasting at Lucien.

Lucian didn't evade, but he slammed into it hard, hitting the huge fist mark with a fierce punch.

The huge fist mark exploded by Miao Jiangong was directly smashed by Lucian's fist. The fist marks were scattered into countless qi of fire, the qi was like a knife, the ground was churning, the trunk was broken, the branches and leaves were flying, and the momentum was amazing.

Miao Jiangong raised his brows, folded his hands, closed them, and then put his fingers together and poked forward.

The two fierce qi qi instantly merged into one, forming a slender lightsaber like a sharp sword, which pierced towards Lucian.

Lucien was still more than ten meters away, but Miao Jiangong stabs both hands, and the lightsaber crossed the distance and appeared directly in front of Lucien.

Lucian roared and crossed his arms in front of his chest, abruptly blocking the thorn with his arms.

Lucian's feet plunged into the ground in an instant. With the push and impact of the lightsaber, Lucian's whole person continued to retreat. Two deep grooves were formed in the ground instantly, and in the blink of an eye they moved back several tens of meters before stopping. Body.

Lucian's eyes were bloodthirsty and violent. He roared, his feet energized, and the ground under his feet instantly sank, while Lucian catapulted up instantly, surpassing a distance of tens of meters, and appeared in front of Miaojian Palace, volleying. A punch hit Miao Jiangong.

Miao Jiangong was picked up on two consecutive moves. Before he could make the third move, Lucian had already rushed forward like a tyrannosaurus and blasted him with a punch. Miao Jiangong had no time to dodge. A shield of Qi Qi suddenly appeared in front of his palms.

Lucian's fist blasted heavily on the shield of gas, and the shield of gas was shattered. Lucien's fist continued to blast, directly blasting Miao Jiangong to the side and flew out.

Lucian didn't make any stop, and he let out a low growl again, and shot up and rushed towards Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's face was stern, he hadn't known how powerful Lucien was!

First hit Eric, then in the blink of an eye, hit Fei Shigong Miao Jiangong again. Seeing him rushing so straight, his target was not Yang Haoran, but himself!

Yang Haoran frowned, his expression also a bit serious, he raised his finger, and seemed to lightly click in the air a few times.

The air beside Lucian seemed to be distorted in an instant, and a small sword made up of several qi gas appeared in the air instantly, and shot towards Lucian's body.

Those small qi swords seemed to have life. They cut through Lucian's body, leaving wounds on Lucian's body, but these wounds were not too deep, and there was not much blood seeping out.

Lucian accelerated again and ran into Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran's complexion became more solemn, his outstretched five fingers closed, the air seemed to solidify instantly, the air around Lucian seemed to have turned into cement, but the small gas swords seemed to continue to pierce without any influence.

Blood spattered.

There was a huge roar in Lucian's throat, and the muscles all over his body instantly became strangely bloody, and he suddenly became extremely powerful. The invisible space that had originally imprisoned him instantly collapsed. Lucian rushed over with the blood spilled all over his body. A punch shook Yang Haoran back.

Spirit explosion!

Lucian did not chase Yang Haoran, but rushed up cleanly, slapped the great elder Harry standing next to Qin Yang with a slap, and grabbed Qin Yang's neck, who was flying back, with a cold face on his face. With a smile, he grabbed Qin Yang and turned around and ran.

"Whoever chases me, I will pinch him to death first!"

(End of this chapter)

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