The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1684: Junjie

Facing the fact that he almost killed someone with a punch, Lucian's expression on his face was two points of panic and anxiety.

He turned his head a little uncomfortably and uncomfortably, and said uncomfortably: "I didn't want to kill him, I already had my hand, I just didn't expect him to be so weak, I just beat him..."

Lucian seemed to be very afraid of Qin Yang scolding him, and his voice was a bit small, as if he was a child who made a mistake.

Both Velen and Brewer's face muscles couldn't help shaking, their eyes were complicated, and they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Although they had known the reason before, watching Lucian, the ancestor of the Coman family, was so called by Qin Yang, and with such an expression, as a member of the Coman family, they still felt quite embarrassed.

The corner of Qin Yang's eyes also subconsciously jumped, and this act was really cruel.

If the white-haired old man is weaker, I am afraid that this punch has been directly killed!

It seems that it is not a special situation in the future. Don't let Lucian make a move, otherwise, he might be dead if he makes a move.

"It's okay. If you kill you, you'll be killed. They are not good people anyway. Most importantly, they want to kill me."

Lucian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Qin Yang didn't blame him. When he heard that these people wanted to kill Qin Yang, he squeezed his fists, and the fierceness appeared: "Whoever wants to kill the master, I will kill him first!"

Qin Yang smiled: "Okay, I will invite you to eat delicious barbecue later!"

Lucian opened his eyes wide when he heard something delicious, with a look of surprise on his face: "Okay!"

Qin Yang and Lucian's understatement and weird conversation made everyone in the room startled and angry.

A silver-haired old man looked at Weilun and the others in horror, and his voice trembled: "Who are you anyway?"

Qin Yang pointed to Vinyl and Brewer coldly: "Vylon, Brewer, the extraordinary peaks, come from the Koman family."

Everyone in the room opened their eyes wide, their eyes full of horror.

The Koman family!

As Gaul practitioners, they are naturally more aware of the strength of the Koman family. They may be afraid of Qin Yang’s Chinese background, but they are more afraid of the super power of their country and offend Qin Yang. Perhaps the people behind the other party will just come. Killing a group of people to vent their anger, but offending the Koman family, the entire family will be destroyed in all directions.

Qin Yang ignored the reaction of these people and pointed his finger at Lucian: "Lucian, the ancestor of the Koman family, is now my friend, the most powerful person."

The ancestors of the Koman family!

Supreme strong!

All the Lipton family opened their eyes and looked at Lucian in shock. This superpower who looked like an idiot turned out to be the ancestor of the Koman family!

Although Qin Yang introduced his friend, everyone present was not deaf. They clearly heard Lucian called Master Qin Yang!

The ancestor of the Koman family, the supreme strong man is called Master Qin Yang!

Qin Yang ignored a group of people with open mouths with shocked expressions, and pointed at Miao Jiangong and Yang Haoran: "My master, my elders, they are also supreme and powerful!"

Supreme strong!

Three supreme powerhouses!

A group of elders of the Lipton family only felt that their eyes were dark, and there was a feeling that the sky was falling.

What kind of monster did he provoke?

What did the Lipton family do? Three supreme powerhouses suddenly came!

Are they trying to destroy the Lipton family?

Qin Yang turned his head and asked coldly: "Who can call the Lipton family, come out and talk?"

A group of people from the Lipton family looked at each other, and finally an old man stood up with a look of embarrassment and pointed at the gray-haired old man who fell on the ground: "He is the elder of our family..."

Qin Yang looked at the great elder who didn't know his life or death, and said coldly: "He seems to be unable to talk to me, and I have heard everything you just talked about. I don't think he is suitable for Lipton anymore. As the elder of the family, because his actions can no longer protect the Lipton family, he can only drag the Lipton family into disaster."

A group of elders from the Lipton family looked at each other a few times. They were all mature characters, how could they not understand the meaning of Qin Yang's words.

Qin Yang’s words are full of strong threats. Since you are the Great Elder, representing the Lipton family, but you are leading everyone to discuss **** me. In this case, I will kill you first, and even kill you. The entire Lipton family!

If this was what Qin Yang said before, maybe the Lipton family members were not convinced yet, but now standing in front of them were three supreme beings, any dongdong finger, all of them here could not live.

This is not a threat, this is a **** fact!

Qin Yang glanced over the group of elders, and said coldly: "I am here this time to completely end the grievances with the Lipton family. Then I hope to talk about the future with someone who can represent the Lipton family. If the talk is good, he is the new elder of the Lipton family. If the talk is not good, he will kill all of you tonight, one hundred!"

Qin Yang's unscrupulously cold threats immediately frightened this group of old men. Who is not afraid of death?

In the past, the indignation was nothing more than self-esteem. Now in the face of death, who can care about that little self-esteem, let alone bow to a few supreme powerhouses. Isn't that right?

A person always needs to find a reason for himself. Once he finds a suitable reason for himself to believe, he can do a lot of shocking things.

An old man rolled his eyes, stepped, and stepped forward, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, I am Lipton, I belong to the Lipton family. Elder, I am willing to talk to you on behalf of the Lipton family!"

The surrounding group all turned their heads and glared at Eugene. An old man shouted: "Eugene, why do you represent the Lipton family?"

Eugene had a courteous attitude towards Qin Yang, but he didn't show off to others, and coldly snorted: "Except for the elders, we are all elders, so why can't I represent... Jimmy's thing was originally Jimmy is arrogant and asks for trouble. He has learned a lesson but is not reconciled and wants to retaliate. I have always been an opponent, but you have to support it. Do you have to drag the entire Lipton family into the abyss to be reconciled?"

Although the group of elders still looked angry, they did not refute Eugene's accusations. After all, the facts are already in front of them. The current Lipton family is on the edge of the abyss. If you step on the wrong step, you will fall into the abyss. !

Qin Yang's eyes fell on Eugene's face, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, Eugene, do you have any objections to what I said before?"

PS: 3~

(End of this chapter)

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