The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1687: Whoever provokes me will kill him!

Qin Yang hung up the phone with a slight smile on his face.

Situ Xiang sat next to Qin Yang, watching the changes in Qin Yang's expression, his eyebrows also stretched out: "Presumably he will go and find out what happened to the Lipton family immediately..."

Qin Yang dropped his phone, rubbed his face with his hand, leaned comfortably on the sofa, smiled and said, "Let him be, I think if he is a smart person, he will not block the relationship between Mo Jiana and Lin Zhu. Up."

Situ Xiang smiled and said: "I hope they will have a good result, and it won't be wasted for you to come here. You almost took your life."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The Lucian incident was caused by my desire to earn a subordinate of an extraordinary master. It has nothing to do with Lin Zhu's affairs. What's more, despite the dangers, the gains now are unexpectedly large, even if you risk it. The danger is worth it, it's not a waste of effort!"

Qin Yang’s trip to Gaul was indeed a big profit. Let’s not talk about the indirect control of the Lipton family, nor the two extraordinary masters who obey Qin Yang’s orders indefinitely, Velen and Brewer, and add up to 300 million. For compensation in Euros, just say Lucian alone, this is full of rewards!

Accepting a supreme strong person as a servant is the only thing in the entire history of practitioners.

"Hey, from now on, whoever stares at me, I will let Lucien kill him!"

Qin Yang was in an extremely comfortable mood. With such a little brother of the supreme powerhouse, who would dare to provoke himself without death?

If nothing else, just kill!

Situ Xiang pursed his lips and chuckled, "Then you are going to the Eagle Country this time, do you take him with you?"

"Take it, why not! The last time I went to Eagle Country, I was threatened by others, and in this game, the ghost knew whether there would be any conspiracy and tricks under the ring, so I took Lucien to make sure that in case, after all, In Eagle Country, there are also many powerful families of practitioners, and there are many powerful ones..."

Qin Yang replied casually and thought about it: "When the time comes, you will also go with you. I will let Lucian listen to your orders and you will take care of his daily life."

Situ Xiang nodded cleanly: "Okay!"

Qin Yang raised his wrist, looked at the time, stood up, and pulled his clothes: "The time is almost up, let's go, ready to go back to China!"


Flying all the way, Qin Yang and others landed at China Overseas International Airport.

Yang Haoran didn't travel with Qin Yang and others. Since Qin Yang was fine, he flew straight to the capital and went home, very free and easy.

Miao Jiangong followed Qin Yang back to Zhonghai, but he was not prepared to stay in Zhonghai any more.

That night, Qin Yang's home became lively.

Although Weilun and Brewer followed the family's orders and obeyed Qin Yang's orders, they were regarded as Qin Yang's subordinates, but Qin Yang was quite polite to the two of them, and specially hosted a banquet to entertain them, which was regarded as a welcome to them.

Andy watched Qin Yang go out for a stroll, and found two subordinates of extraordinary masters again. He admired Qin Yang in his heart, but when he knew that Lucien who spoke like a three-year-old child turned out to be a When he was a supreme powerhouse, his whole person was not good, and Qin Yang's eyesight was abnormal.

What did Qin Yang do when he went out this time? There was an extra servant of the supreme powerhouse?

While shocked, Andy also breathed a sigh of relief. The incident of Han Qingqing's previous attack made him realize that Qin Yang had many enemies and felt a lot of pressure. After all, outside of home, he was alone and lacking skills. It's good now, supreme is sitting at home, who dares to ask for trouble?

Even if Mo Yu knew about this, he still had a complicated vision to see Lucian's obedience to Qin Yang's words.

My apprentice is too capable of tossing, far surpassing myself.

"It's good for us to know this, and we don't talk to the outside world. It will easily cause trouble. Second, if someone wants to trouble you, then we will be prepared accordingly. You have three extraordinary peaks. Bodyguard, you don’t need u Lucian to take action on weekdays, just treat him as an amazing soldier."

Qin Yang nodded: "I won't preach it everywhere, but I'm going to Eagle Country soon, and I'm going to take him...I will let Xiangxiang take him and leave me alone."

Mo Yu knew his disciple's ability to toss. Although this time he went to the competition to be a national group, and someone was to protect everyone's safety, there was no harm in taking Lucien.

"Well, take it with you, safety first!"

Mo Yu turned his head and glanced at Lucian, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room holding a tablet and watching the cartoons intently. His eyes were slightly complicated: "The supreme powerhouse has fallen to such a point. Although it is self-inflicted, it is still It's pitiful, you treat him better."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I know this. I am not a slave owner. Since he can't remember the past and can help me protect me from now on, I will naturally take care of him like a family member."

Mo Yu stretched out his hand and patted Qin Yang on the shoulder: "That's good...You are getting better and better now. Qing is better than blue!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Isn't it all based on the guidance of the master, oh, yes, Lucian once discussed with me when his personality was awakened, the spirit interception exercises passed down by the Koman According to him, this is a very powerful exercise, and I tried to practice it..."

Mo Yu frowned slightly: "Completely, if it's perfect, you can record it and add it to the treasure house of the master, so that you won't forget it later."

Qin Yang readily agreed, "Okay, I will write him out later."

Mo Yu asked: "You said you have practiced, how do you feel, don't give up your practice, and finally become a four-dimension. You must know that once you become a body practitioner, the absorption of spiritual energy will become an instinct. There will be no way to refine Qi then."

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "I just tried that, and it didn't affect. I also discussed with Lucian..."

Qin Yang recounted what he had discussed with Lucian, and Mo Yu nodded: "The basic difference between physical training and Qi training is here. There is really no solution. Otherwise, who wouldn't want to do physical training and Qi training together? The physique of a physique, the strong qi of a qi trainer, the combination of strength and flexibility, and both internal and external training, the strength will definitely be even higher."

Qin Yang's eyes were slightly brighter: "This time I saw the real battle between their supreme powerhouses. It was an eye-opener. The body practitioners are simply humanoid tyrannosaurus, steel monsters, infinite strength, diamonds and iron bones. No bullets can be shot into their bodies. If our Qi practitioners could have such a body, it would be really amazing..."

Mo Yu laughed and said again: "Just think about it, don't practice it, otherwise, if something goes wrong, you will regret it!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Don't worry, Master, I know in my heart, I'm not so proud that I will definitely be able to practice swords internally and externally, and practice physical and qi together..."

PS: 6~

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