The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1697: Jing Yongsheng!

"They are out!"

"Follow, report at any time!"


Just when Qin Yang and his nine people left the hotel, a man reading on the sofa in the lobby suddenly closed the book, stood up, and walked outside.

The nine people from Qin Yang who were still taking a taxi on the side of the road walked slowly to a black car on the side of the road, opened the door, and took the seat of the co-pilot.

"Follow them!"


Qin Yang and the others called two cars, one after the other, to the restaurant selected by Qin Yang.

The restaurant is not too far from the hotel, and arrived in ten minutes later. This is also the busiest commercial district in New York. Apart from restaurants, shopping malls are crowded with people.

Qin Yang naturally did not notice that he was being followed. It was not that he was not vigilant, but that the roads he traveled were all arterial roads with heavy traffic and slow speeds. He was in the next car in front of him and it was difficult to detect that there was a car. track.

Qin Yang and others entered the restaurant after meeting, this is a rather high-end seafood restaurant with rave reviews.

Since you are going to treat guests, please have a good meal. You can't invite people to eat hamburgers in a street shop.

The black car that followed stopped on the side of the road. The co-pilot watched Qin Yang and the others enter the restaurant, whispered a report, then got out of the car and followed upstairs.

When he walked to the restaurant area, the man saw the target he was tracking. Qin Yang and others sat at a large table in the corner. The man sat in another corner and ordered a simple meal for himself, holding his mobile phone. Pretending to look at the phone, he quietly took a picture.

The man sent the photo out, and the light meal he ordered came up soon after. The man killed his light meal repeatedly, and then went downstairs.

Soon after the man went downstairs, three men dragging boxes appeared at the door. They stood at the entrance of the hall and glanced around. The three men picked a table and sat down and ordered a very luxurious meal. , Also ordered a bottle of expensive whiskey.

The three people were sitting very close to the table of Qin Yang and others. Soon, the food came up, and the three of them started to eat, but there was no exchange.

The three of them gobbled up the addiction. Then they picked up the bottle of wine and poured three full glasses. The man in the lead raised the glass with a solemn expression and muttered, "Jing Yongsheng."

The other two men also looked a little excited, picked up their glasses, touched the man hard, and the three of them drank a large glass of whiskey.

The three of them bowed their heads and unhurriedly opened the box they carried with them. Inside were a few AK-47s with magazines already installed!

The leading man first put a remote control with a gusset into his pocket, then took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "GO!"

The three men reached into the box at the same time, grabbed the handle of AK, lifted up, pointed their guns at the people around, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da!"


The delicacies are all on the table, and red wine is poured in front of everyone. A group of people are in good spirits. On the one hand, they came to a foreign country, like traveling, and on the other hand, the people here are all Chinese practitioners. The elites are all people of the same age. It is naturally a joy to meet new friends.

When the three men next door came, Qin Yang glanced at each other subconsciously, because Qin Yang was sitting opposite the three.

When the three men ordered the food, Qin Yang didn't think there was any problem, but when the food came and the three men gobbled it up, Qin Yang felt a little strange.

The three men are dressed in ordinary clothes and do not look like rich people, but the consumption of this restaurant is not low. The price of these three people’s order plus the bottle of wine is very expensive, plus their The food is indeed not harmonious.

Qin Yang didn't think much about it. These days, there are all kinds of people, and it is not uncommon for billionaires wearing clothes for dozens of dollars to go to high-end places.

"Respect for eternal life!"

When the three men clinked their glasses, those words like a prayer once again attracted Qin Yang's attention.

Although the voice of this sentence was very low, Qin Yang was strong and his physical fitness was abnormal, and he was paying attention to the other party, so he naturally heard it.

eternal life?

Qin Yang felt a little strange, and a little vigilance rose in his heart.

As an agent, he is in touch with many weird organizations in this world, so he is quite sensitive to certain key words.

When the three men bent down and stretched out their hands to take things in the box, Qin Yang's attention had been focused on the three boxes.

When the AK-47 left the box, Qin Yang's pupils suddenly shrank, and the hair on his back stood up instantly.

The three men raised their guns and turned their guns around. Two of them aimed at Qin Yang's table, and one aimed at the next table and pulled the trigger.

Qin Yang stood up suddenly, holding a plate with his right hand, and gushing out air, he waved it casually, and the plate had flew out like lightning.

Qin Yang's left hand had already buckled the bottom edge of the heavy wooden table, his muscles bulged, suddenly lifted, and at the same time he shouted: "Get down!"

Qin Yang stood up abruptly, so that the eyes of the people who were talking enthusiastically focused on Qin Yang, with surprise and curiosity in their eyes.

Everyone saw Qin Yang throw out the plate, and saw Qin Yang lifting the table. They heard Qin Yang’s voice in their ears. Although they didn’t know what was going on, Qin Yang’s serious, nervous face and seriousness The voice made everyone know that something was wrong subconsciously, and one by one they rushed to the side.

The man closest to Qin Yang turned his The plate that Qin Yang threw out hit his gun directly.

Although it was just a porcelain plate, the gang gas was poured into it. At such a close distance, the bombardment force of this porcelain plate was no less than a direct impact with a sledgehammer. The AK muzzle in this man's hand suddenly shifted to one side, but he was still subconscious. Pulling the trigger, the bullet shot out, but it shot completely into the air on one side.

The porcelain plate hit the gun, instantly shattered and turned into countless fragments. The huge inertia caused these fragments to fly towards the man and the side like a celestial flower, like sharp blades flying one by one.

The other man turned a little later, and the bullets swept out smoothly, but a huge dining table, together with the burning dry pot, plates, tableware, knives and forks, and soup, smashed towards them.

Most of the bullets that flew were blocked by the huge table, but there were still people shot and screamed instantly.

At the same time, the bullet of the third gunner has smoothly landed on the unprepared and enthusiastic dining crowd on the other side...

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