The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1703: Don't forget our existence

"Did something happen, you look bad?"

Qin Yang returned to the room, Nisha glanced sideways at Qin Yang, and asked with concern.

Qin Yang waved his hand: "It's okay. It's yesterday. The person in charge of Yingfang asked me to find out about the situation. At the same time, he advised us not to go out, saying that some people might not want to see this exchange match being held, so he told us. To be safe, it’s best to stay in the hotel."

Nisha smiled and comforted: "Safety comes first. It's good to stay in a hotel anyway, two people."

Because Duanmufeng repeatedly told Qin Yang not to reveal anything about Nirvana, Qin Yang couldn't say anything to Nisha, so he reached out and put his arm around Nisha: "We will continue to watch the movie."

"Well, I just paused waiting for you, let's continue."

Qin Yang and Nisha sat on the bed and watched TV. Qin Yang's eyes were on the TV, but his thoughts flew to other places.

What is the origin of this Nirvana?

Being able to make the country such an egg is definitely not only because there are supreme strong people in this organization, but it should be that the harm of this organization has been so great that the country attaches great importance to it, or even fears it.

World Destroyer?

Is the existence history as old as the practitioner?

Does that mean that Nirvana was founded by the earliest practitioners?

There is a legacy of extinction for thousands of years?

This is too strong.

Generations of generations want to destroy the world, and this belief can be passed down so firmly without breaking down with the passage of time. Then they probably have something convincing, otherwise, who would follow them? To make trouble?

It was really unlucky for me to come out for a competition, and I was able to get involved with such an ancient organization.

After going back, you should ask the Dragon King carefully.

Duan Mufeng said that the Dragon King is a person with sufficient authority. He must be aware of this matter, but I don't know if the Dragon King will tell himself. After all, this thing has such a high authority, isn't it to prevent leakage?


A manor with a large area in West Side, New York.

A car drove into the manor, and then into the huge parking lot. The car stopped. A middle-aged man got out of the car and walked quickly into the villa in front of him with a gloomy face.

In the spacious living room, a gray-haired old man is sitting on a leather sofa with a walking stick in his hand, frowning slightly, his expression is a bit serious, his eyes closed slightly, as if he is thinking, behind the sofa, standing A skinny old man with a slightly hunched figure.

The middle-aged man approached the hall and saw the white-haired old man on the sofa. His expression suddenly became serious, his face showed a respectful look, he walked quickly to the old man, stood still, and said respectfully: "Augus Mr. Tas."

The white-haired old man opened his eyes, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and he spoke slowly, his voice low and hoarse.

"Frank, you missed!"

The middle-aged man Frank showed a bit of fear on his face, his face was slightly pale, his hands hanging on his side rubbed a few times uneasy, and his voice was a little urgent. He quickly defended himself: "That **** Chinese man discovered in advance After our actions, his reaction was too fast. Enoch and Jason both died under his attack. I detonated Dan, but he picked it up..."

The gray-haired old man Augustus looked cold: "I have already watched the surveillance video in the store, so you don't need to explain it to me again."

After the incident broke out, the police arrived at the scene and took away the surveillance video from the store as soon as possible. The surveillance video was also included as evidence with high authority. It was not accessible to ordinary people, but it was only half a day away from the incident. Stas said that he had watched the video, and he could imagine his energy.

Frank's breathing suddenly became a little fast, and his face flushed. He seemed to want to distinguish for himself, but after a few breaths, he became slumped and his head dropped, his eyes a little more fearful.

"Yes, Mr. Augustus, I missed, please give me another chance, I will work hard to complete the task."

Augustus looked at Frank coldly: "Now the whole world is staring here. The hotel where the members of the China Exchange Group are located secretly does not know how many people are stationed. You will be caught as long as you show up. Do you think you still have a chance of success?"

Frank's face became paler, and he knew the punishment for failed missions.

"Mr. Augustus, please give me another chance."

Augustus shook his head: "Your identities have been exposed at this moment. They already know that you are from Nirvana..."

Frank looked horrified: "Mr. Augustus, I will leave immediately. I will go to Africa and find a small country to stay. I swear I will never come back!"

Augustus stared at Frank coldly: "You know, only the dead can keep the best secret. I don't want to hear you say my name to the police!"

Frank's whole body trembled slightly because of fear. "I won't talk nonsense, Mr. Augustus, please believe me..."

Augustus didn't have the patience to listen to Frank's plea, raised his hand, and gently nodded his finger forward: "Kill him!"

The thin old man standing behind the sofa rushed towards Frank like a ghost. Frank was shocked and turned around to run. However, before he had time to take a step, the thin old man had already come to Frank’s side and held him like a knife. The skinny palm directly penetrated into Frank's heart.

Frank straightened up suddenly and opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with horror and unwillingness, because the skinny old man's hand had grabbed his heart.

"Let me go……"

Before Frank had finished speaking, the old man grinned at him with a ghostly smile. At the same time, his hand was already squeezed hard.

Frank fell weakly, and the old man took out his blood-stained hand and wiped Frank's body a few times.

Augustus watched this scene slightly frowned.

"Dispose of his body and leave no clues."

Frank agreed, and then said: "Sir, why do you send such an idiot as Frank to perform this task? Those young people from China are all elites of the younger generation. Frank is not better than them. If you really want to kill them, I shot it myself, absolutely none of them can run away..."

Augustus shook his head: "Frank, this idiot, his best ending is to die in the restaurant, but he was greedy for life, afraid to escape back..."

After a short pause, Augustus turned his gaze and looked at Frank’s body with a cold voice: "I deliberately sent Frank and some of them with criminal records to die, just to remind some people not to forget us. Existence, soon, it’s time for us to take action."


There is a bit of Cavan, the existence of Nirvana relates to the future direction of the book, one chapter is missing, and it will be added tomorrow~

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