The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1713: Heavy price

Chapter 1713: The Heavy Price (Page 1/1)


There was unexpected silence in the competition hall that was supposed to be carnival. When watching people carrying Zhao Qinglong and Haman who were already unconscious, someone suddenly applauded.

The applause was abrupt, but soon more and more applause followed.

There is no cheer of the winner, no curse of the loser.

Only applause, more and more enthusiastic, finally flooded the entire stadium.

This applause is given to the winners, but also to the losers, or, in other words, to those players who fight for their own country, for honor, and even bet their lives.

They are all worthy of respect!

The competition schedule has ended, and China has won six to four. According to the process, awards and corresponding speech sessions will follow.

Qin Yang did not stay, he was taken to the hospital with Zhao Qinglong.

He is a doctor, and he might be able to help a little by going to the hospital. After all, Zhao Qinglong was seriously injured.

In addition to Zhao Qinglong, there are also former Chen Hou, Yun Bailing, Zhao Feng and so on. They broke their arms and bones in the light ones, and suffered serious injuries inside and outside the heavy ones.

In this battle, the Huaxia delegation suffered serious losses.

The strongest double arrogance Zhao Qinglong and Yun Bailing both collided with the other's extraordinary players. Yun Bailing traded his own injury for Awana's serious injury, which prevented him from participating in individual battles. Zhao Qinglong and Haman both People are hurt by both losses, and a lot of people below the transcendence are hurt, and there are very few who can fight again.

Relatively speaking, the Eagle Country is better, because they still have two extraordinarily capable players, especially Carol Nord, who is played by the dark horse, who is even more powerful.

Zhao Qinglong has been unconscious, and after entering the hospital, he was pushed into the emergency room for surgery.

Qin Yang stayed outside the operating room, feeling a bit heavy.

It was a good thing to win, but the price paid this time was too heavy.

What is the reason behind all this?

Qin Yang leaned on the chair and rubbed his face with his hand, his eyes a little dull.

With the sound of footsteps, Qin Yang turned his head and saw Chen Hou approaching with one arm hanging.

"how was it?"

Qin Yang sighed: "It's still being rescued. There should be no life-threatening thing, but the injuries he suffered are too serious. I am afraid it will affect his practice and his future."

Chen Hou's expression was also a little heavy, but immediately he smiled again: "It's worth it! This battle is destined to be remembered by history. I think he directly gambled for his life. He was able to win, but just hurt some. Strength, I think there is nothing unacceptable!"

Qin Yang turned his head to look at Chen Hou's hanging arm: "Everyone today will be recorded, including you."

Chen Hou smiled and said, "Yes, it's just a broken arm, it's worth it!"

Qin Yang looked at Chen Hou's seemingly heartless smile: "You broke an arm after being beaten so badly, can you still laugh?"

Chen Hou grinned and said: "Why can't we laugh? We won. If we lose, I won't be able to laugh. I will feel that my arm is broken for nothing, but we won and we have paid off. Isn’t this a very good result? It should be a big smile!"

Qin Yang's mood was infected by Chen Hou's smile, and he nodded slowly: "You are right. We are the winners. We should really laugh. I don't seem to be as open-minded as you..."

Chen Hou smiled and said: "You are younger than us, but you think so much. This matter is what you want. If you want to win, you have to fight with your life. This is the same as the battlefield. You want to be a winner. , You have to kill yourself, otherwise how could it be that simple?"

Qin Yang was speechless by Chen Hou's words.

"You are right, I really want to be complicated."

When Chen Hou heard what Qin Yang said, he immediately sat down beside Qin Yang with some pride, and said with a smile: "I'll tell you, I called Yuanyuan..."

Qin Yang was stunned: "No, you're afraid it's poisonous, right now it's midnight in China, everyone is sleeping, right?"

Chen Hou looked beautifully: "Yeah, Yuanyuan was a little angry at first, but when I heard that my arm was broken, her tone changed immediately, and she cared about everything. I gave a wave of awesomeness, I thought My spring is coming..."

Qin Yang was speechless, this person smiled so badly.

Qin Yang and the others waited for another two hours. The lights in the operating room finally went out, and Qin Yang and the others hurriedly greeted them.

"The patient is not life-threatening, but because his brain has been severely impacted before, causing a certain degree of concussion, and his physical function has declined, he is temporarily in a coma, and the coma will be a little longer, but you can rest assured. The human body has a self-repairing function. During this period of coma, his body will gradually recover, and then he will wake up."

Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you doctor."

Qin Yang didn't ask the doctor about the hidden dangers or follow-up practice, because even if he asked, it would be nothing.

After a busy schedule, Zhao Qinglong was sent to the ward. After Zhao Qinglong was placed, Qin Yang sat on the side of the bed, reached out and grabbed Zhao Qinglong’s hand, puffed out his inner energy, and walked around in Zhao Qinglong’s body. Withdraw his hand.


Chen Hou knew Qin Yang's medical skills, and he asked concerned while standing by.

Qin Yang stood up and sighed: "The secret technique he used to stimulate potential is very overbearing. His meridians are scarred and it will take a long time to fully recover. And before he can repair it, his strength is probably too high. Will regress..."

Chen Hou opened his eyes wide: "You mean his strength will drop extraordinary?"

Qin Yang helplessly explained: "Yes, although he still has access to the acupuncture points, he cannot withstand a huge amount of internal qi impact because of the damage to the meridians. In other words, he cannot fight with all his strength. Otherwise, the meridians will be unable to withstand it. This kind of impact will break apart, and then I am afraid that it will be completely abolished in practice and become an ordinary person, even worse."

Although Chen Hou said "it is worth it" before, he knew very well how such a situation would hit a cultivator, especially a Tianjiao, the hit would be even greater.

"Can it be repaired?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Ordinary practitioners may not be able to do it, but the Zhao family has a big business, and use some precious medicines to nourish and repair ~ After a long time, it should be completely repaired, but I am afraid that it will not be too long during this time. Short, at least five years, or even longer..."

Five years?


Chen Hou let out a sigh, his eyes a little complicated.

After such a long period of time, when you finally regain your strength, you may still be a young master, an outstanding figure in your young generation, but I am afraid that you will never be a leader again.

Peerless double pride...

I am afraid this title will be rewritten in the future.

"By the way, Yun Bailing, she is also injured, it seems that the injury is serious..."

Qin Yang stood up: "Well, let's go see her, and tell her the good news about the game by the way. I think she must really want to hear..."

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