The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1715: Want to suffer another humiliation?

The first thousand seven hundred and fifteen chapters still want to suffer humiliation again? (Page 1/1)

The Morgan Hotel.

The members of the Eagle Country Exchange Group gathered together, but everyone didn't speak much, their faces were not very good, and the atmosphere was rather solemn.

Ambrose, the leader of the Eagle Country Exchange Group, walked into the conference room, looked at the heavy-faced players, frowned, and then walked to the front position and sat down.

"I just came back from the hospital..."

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Ambrose with nervous eyes.

Ambrose paused for a while and continued: "I see the concern and worry in your eyes. Fortunately, Harman is not in danger of life..."

Everyone cheered suddenly.

Harman desperately conquered not only the long audience, but also his teammates.

Such people, no matter what they think about this game, will not affect their admiration for him.

Ambrose’s voice contained an unbearable heaviness: “Unfortunately, Haman may not be able to improve anymore in the future. His body was severely injured, he lost a lot of blood, and his organ function was seriously damaged.”

The smiles that just appeared on everyone's faces instantly solidified.

This is really unfortunate news.

"When I left the hospital, Harman had already woke up. He will stay in the hospital for a long time temporarily. He entrusted me to bring you a word..."

Everyone in the conference room subconsciously sat up straight, straightened their backs, and looked serious.

Ambrose said in a deep voice: "Harman said, I'm sorry, if I hold on, maybe the victory will belong to us, I'm sorry, I don't want everyone to forgive me, I only hope that everyone will play in the next individual competition. China can defeat the Huaxia team and get back the glory that belongs to us...I can no longer fight with everyone, so please everyone, Ferris, Carol, please!"

"No, Captain, our loss is not Harman's fault. He has tried his best. Each of us has tried his best. We can only say that destiny is not on our side..."

"Yes, although we lost in the team competition, there are also individual matches. Their only two extraordinary players have been seriously injured. They no longer have extraordinary players. The individual matches will not be our opponents. We will not Defeat them mercifully and win the individual match!"

"Beat them!"

"They lost the individual match!"

Ambrose looked at the vocal players and nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, seeing everyone still full of morale, I am relieved, we lost the team game, I am also sad, but everyone has tried their best. It can be said that the goddess of victory is in the wrong position, then we rely on ourselves to earn back the glory that belongs to us."

"Although from the current card, Huaxia representative team members have been injured a lot, and there are not many who can retain their combat effectiveness. In addition, they have injured a few more from the previous terrorist attacks. They have not many people available now, but they There is also a person with strong combat effectiveness..."

Before Ambrose had finished speaking, Carol stood up and said in a cold voice: "Captain, you are talking about Qin Yang, don't worry, I will blow him up!"

Ambrose’s gaze fell on Carol’s face: "Carol, you are stronger than Ferris. You are currently the strongest member of our team. For the dignity of China, Qin Yang is not extraordinary, but Will definitely play, I know the grudge between you and Qin Yang, this is your chance to regain glory for your family, and also a chance to regain face for our Eagle Nation. I hope you tell me that you will definitely win this game. !"

Carol replied affirmatively: "Captain, I am sure, I will definitely win!"

Ambrose nodded and turned his eyes to the other players: "Although it is an individual match, this is a game that combines teamwork and individual abilities. For the sake of safety, Ferris and Carroll will play at the end. We The final victory must be ensured."

Ferris frowned and asked: "They have nothing to fight against. Do we need to be so cautious? It's better to let Carol and I come out directly and completely defeat them, so that we can win more easily."

Ambrose shook his head and said: "No! There is still a day and a half before the game. If they temporarily transfer people from the country, this is entirely possible. Time is still too late. Moreover, China is the largest country in Eastern practice, so it must not be underestimated. ."

All the team members closed their mouths when Ambrose said.

Ambrose’s voice became a little harsher: "We tried our best. If we still lose, then we have nothing to say. Although we are not reconciled, we still have a clear conscience. But if we can win, it’s because of our carelessness. If we lose, then we are the sinners of Eagle Country."

"We have four extraordinary players in the team competition, and there are only two opposing players. Everyone thinks that we are set to win, but we just lose. Do you want to suffer this humiliation again in the individual competition?"


At the same time, Duanmufeng is also presiding over the same meeting, but the number of people participating in the meeting is a lot less, and among the participants there are wounded like Chen Hou with his arms hanging.

Duan Mufeng sat on the chair at the end of his face with a two-point heavy expression: "Before the meeting, please allow me to pay tribute to every player who has done everything in the ring. No matter if you lose or win, you are unyielding. Warriors, you are the glory of China!"

Duanmufeng stood up and saluted all the team members with a serious expression.

Qin Yang and others all stood up, and one of the team members shouted: "Leader, you are serious, this is what we should do!"

Everyone echoed loudly. Although there were not many people in the meeting room, the atmosphere became a little restless because of Duanmufeng's military salute. An inexplicable emotion swelled in the chest, as if to burst out of the chest.

Duanmufeng put down his hand, UU reading's serious face added a little smile: "Your hard work has won the victory for China. The country will not forget your efforts, and the people will also remember you. The leader’s reply, the entire game will be broadcast in its entirety without any cuts."

Qin Yang frowned slightly for two points. He didn't have much excitement, not because he was not the most dazzling in the audience, but because he always felt that something was happening behind this incident.

Once such a **** battle scene is actually put on, it will be no less than a nuclear bomb explosion, and the power will be enormous.

Broken arms, broken bones, and minor injuries in order to win the line of fire... Such a cruel picture is no less than a war. What kind of shock will it cause among the people? What effect do they want?

Usually such works with rendering power and propaganda power will only be used for one purpose, but isn't it a peaceful age now?

Qin Yang is puzzled...

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