The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1717: Pidge, it's okay!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventeen chapters, the practitioner Pi Shi, it's okay! (Page 1/1)

"Jingle Bell……"

When the bell rang after class, Han Qingqing packed up her books, put them in a bag, and walked out of the classroom with Le Yuxin and walked to the cafeteria.

The two of them had a meal and returned to their positions. They were eating. The boys next to them were eating together, but they didn't care about their dinner plates at all. They all looked at the mobile phone in the hands of a classmate.

"Is this true or false, can a practitioner be so powerful?"

"It was terrible!"

"This is too powerful, is this still a human?"

"Too heroic!"

The voices of these boys were quite loud, attracting the eyes of Han Qingqing and Le Yuxin.

Le Yuxin looked at these boys, then turned to look around, frowning, because she found that the situation in the cafeteria today seemed strange.

It’s normal for students to eat in groups in the canteen, but today many people gather together. They are not eating together, but watching videos on mobile phones and making various calls from time to time.

Le Yuxin turned her head and muttered with some doubts: "What are they looking at, so excited?"

Han Qingqing hadn't spoken yet, a boy's excited shout once again attracted her attention.

"Qin Yang! This is Qin Yang!"

Le Yuxin turned her head back suddenly, looking at the excited student who was staring at the phone with her eyes tightly, she turned her head and looked at Han Qingqing again, with doubts in her eyes: "Did they say Qin Yang?"

Han Qingqing put down the chopsticks in his hand: "They should be talking about the exchange contest between young practitioners of the two countries held by Eagle Country... I will go and see."

Le Yuxin opened her eyes wide, blinked a little dazedly, then quickly put down her chopsticks, and followed Han Qingqing towards the large group of boys who were together.

"Are you watching the video of the Young Practitioner Exchange Competition?"

A group of boys were watching with enthusiasm, and suddenly heard a crisp voice asking. When they turned their heads, they were all taken aback.

Han Qingqing!

Han Qingqing was originally beautiful and was named the school girl, but because of her love affair with Qin Yang, she became a star in the school. Not many people don't know her.

The boy who was yelling excitedly just now was a little nervous: "Yes...this is the live game video sent back to China by foreign Chinese netizens...oh, in a short video just now, it was Qin Yang..."

Han Qingqing asked politely: "Can I see it?"

Because of the time difference, Han Qingqing and Qin Yang did not have much contact. Qin Yang only left a message for Han Qingqing, saying that the Chinese delegation won the team competition, but the specific process was not mentioned at all. Han Qingqing was Qin Yang’s Girlfriend, there is his video, she naturally cares too.

The boy was a little flattered, picked up the phone and operated it a few times: "Of course."

This is a small spliced ​​video, which is not long, but the publisher is obviously also careful. The spliced ​​content is quite exciting and quite shocking.

Chen Hou dangling his arms, Yun Bailing desperately, Zhao Feng vomiting blood, the longest piece of content was the battle between Zhao Qinglong and Haman, and Qin Yang only appeared for a few seconds, perhaps The publisher also felt that there was nothing shocking about his battle, so Qin Yang only flashed for a few seconds.

The picture is not very beautiful, but it is very real. The video of just a few minutes contains shocking power. In particular, the video publisher also dubbed the video, a tragic, impassioned song that makes people watch The blood all over his body seemed to be pulsating and burning right after the screen.

Blood, hard work, unyielding, sacrifice...

Han Qingqing pressed her lips tightly. She and Qin Yang have experienced life and death together. She also understands the power of practitioners. She is much more receptive to these pictures, but even so, she still feels hot in her eyes and a little trembling in her heart. , And Le Yuxin, who was next to Han Qingqing, covered her mouth in surprise.

When Zhao Qinglong staggered to his feet and staggered towards his opponent, the tears in Le Yuxin's eyes were already welling up.

After the video was played, Han Qingqing blinked a few quickly, and thanked him politely: "Thank you, can you send me the video address?"

" can also search online. There are many fragmentary videos that have come out, but it is said that the complete game video will be broadcast on TV by then."

Han Qingqing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately agreed: "Okay!"

After the boy sent the address to Han Qingqing, he asked expectantly: "Senior sister, is that really Senior Qin? Is he really participating in this exchange competition in Eagle Country?"

Many students around are also looking at Han Qingqing, looking forward to the answer.

Han Qingqing looked at the fiery eyes of everyone, and replied affirmatively: "Yes, he is! He told me that in the first round of the team competition, we won!"

"Really! What the Internet says is true!"

"Really won!"

"Oh my God, they are so amazing, they are superhuman, I want to be a practitioner too!"

"Qin Yang mighty! China mighty!"

Because the news and videos circulated on the Internet are not official voices, many people will subconsciously doubt the authenticity of these videos. After all, these superhuman battles on the video are so shocking that many people are I can't believe this is true, I can't help but wonder if special effects have been added to this video or it was edited...

Han Qingqing is Qin Yang's girlfriend, this is something everyone knows, and if she says this thing is true, then this thing is naturally true!

"China is awesome!"

"China mighty!"

The hustle and bustle in the cafeteria attracted more and more people's attention. After inquiring about each other and watching the video, more and more people joined the cheers.


The cheering scene broke out on different occasions.

School, office, street...

People holding mobile phones, click on the links sent by friends, and then get excited. When friends are around, they will call friends, share feelings, and cheer together. If there are no friends around, they will link to friends, send Moments, and send. Weibo, express your excitement and emotion.

The fragmented video of the exchange game spread quickly like a virus. More and more people saw the video, knew about the game, and knew the power of the practitioner.

Each topic quickly climbed up on Weibo and became a new hot spot, detonating the entire China.

Just as the people were reveling, Zhao Qinglong’s father, Zhao Han, looked at the computer in front of the home of Zhao’s family in the desert, and the battle between Zhao Qinglong and Haman was playing on it.

This is already the seventh time he has read Zhao Qinglong's injury report is by his side, including the diagnosis of Zhao Qinglong's broken meridians.

Zhao Han stretched out his hand and rubbed his face fiercely, then showed his eyes again, looking at Zhao Qinglong, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, and his eyes were rosy.

A rush of footsteps sounded, Zhao Han quickly buckled the computer, stuffed the injury report into the drawer below, blinked, and adjusted his emotions.

Zhao Qinglong's mother walked into the door quickly, anxiously: "His dad, I heard them say that Xiaolong was seriously injured..."

Zhao Han showed a comforting smile on his face: "Who told you that, all nonsense, I called and asked, it's just a bit of trauma, the cultivator Pishi, it's all right!"


Traffic jam, time wasted, so I rushed to write 2 chapters~to make up 4 chapters tomorrow~

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