The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1721: It's a guy!

Ferris stood on the ring, glanced coldly at the big screen, turned his face again, and set his eyes on the opponent standing opposite.

"There are four of you, and I will knock you all down!"

As soon as Phyllis said these arrogant words, the audience suddenly exploded.

Some of the Eagles cheered for Felice's domineering, and there were also Chinese people who called Felices too arrogant. The shouts were mixed and their voices shook the sky.

Ouyang Shanhai, who was standing across from Ferris, had an expression of exhaustion that could not be concealed, because he had defeated two opponents in a row just now.

"I know you are an extraordinary master and I am not your opponent, but I still want to try."

Feilisisen stared at Ouyang Shanhai coldly: "Looking at your appearance, you are almost exhausted, so do you still want to consume my energy and fight for your teammates?"

Ouyang Shanhai grinned and his tired smile was unexpectedly brilliant: "Yes, I am really tired, but as long as I consume a little more energy, my teammates will have more hope of victory. Since they are all on this stage, they have to fight. Fight, otherwise how can you be worthy of other people!"

As soon as Ouyang Shanhai's voice fell, the Chinese audience's applause suddenly sounded from the audience!

"well said!"

"Ouyang Shanhai, you are a man!"

"Ouyang Shanhai, even if you lose, I admire you!"

"Idol! Come on!"

"it is good!"

After experiencing the first team game, even audiences who don’t know much about practitioners know that Tianren and Chaofan are completely different levels, and they have no ability to fight against. Ouyang Shanhai is impossible to win. !

The shouts of everyone were not shouting for him to come on and knock Felice down, because everyone knew that it was impossible, especially since he had already fought twice in a row, and everyone's shouts were just to encourage him.

You are a man!

real man!

When Ouyang Shanhai heard the shouts of the crowd, the smile on his face became thicker and thicker: "Look, everyone supports me in doing this!"

In the Eagle Country player area, several players in the previous games lowered their heads a little bit ashamed, or cast their eyes on other places with some guilty conscience.

Why is it guilty?

Why are you ashamed?

Because they didn't work hard, or didn't work hard enough!

They think that there are two supernatural beings behind. We have won. Why should I take myself in? In case of disability or serious injury, the first one is still ours, and it has nothing to do with me personally. The honor is others. Yes, the sacrifice is your own...

Felice said coldly: "I admire your courage, so I will try my best, otherwise, I think it is disrespect for you."

Ferris said this soundly, but the cold murderous in his eyes showed his inner thoughts.

He wants to kill the chicken and the monkey!


Only when the host's voice fell, Ferris had turned into an afterimage and rushed directly to the Ouyang mountains and seas, like a cannonball.

Bloodshot suddenly appeared in Ouyang Shanhai's eyes, blood vessels on his neck burst, muscles all over his body slightly bulged, and the qi suddenly rolled out like a counterattack storm.

At this moment, Ouyang Shanhai ran a secret technique to explode combat power and clashed heavily with Ferris.

After the cultivators at the Peak of Heaven and Human have their fighting power, the fighting power is still very strong, even if Felice originally planned to hit Ouyang Shanhai with one or two tricks, and frighten everyone to stand up to himself, but even though every hit can fly. Ouyang Shanhai, but he haunted him like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

After ten consecutive collisions, Ouyang Shanhai burst into exhaustion and was swept directly by Ferris with a heavy blow.

Just as Felice’s eyes flashed fiercely, and when he was about to continue to attack the ruthless hand, Duanmufeng had already shouted cleanly: "Huaxia gave up this game!"

The Ferriss had already rushed to Ouyang Shanhai, but they did not dare to continue their actions. Before Awana had heard that he had abstained but continued to take action but was flicked by someone’s finger. But Ferris could I don't want to be spitting blood with one finger.

Ouyang Shanhai was already unable to stand up, Duan Mufeng brought two medical staff to the stage to lift Ouyang Shanhai down, Qin Yang walked quickly to the stretcher, and asked with concern: "How?"

Ouyang Shanhai grinned: "It's okay, the meridians are damaged. After a few months of recuperation, it will be fine. It's a pity that he can only hold on for so few times, and he can't consume more of his strength..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "It's already fine, don't worry, leave the rest to me."

Ouyang Shanhai waved his hand: "Leader, I am not seriously injured. I want to stay here and watch the game before going to the hospital, otherwise I will not feel at ease."

Duan Mufeng briefly inspected Ouyang Shanhai’s injuries and confirmed that he was only breaking out of strength. Although the meridians were damaged, he did not need to be rushed to the hospital. He also understood Ouyang Shanhai’s mood, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, then you lie down Don't move here."

Qin Yang walked to the remaining two teammates who were about to play, and whispered: "I know that you are all working hard to create conditions for me, but the strengths are very different, and that Felice obviously wants to kill us, you guys. Pay attention to protect yourself and do your best. If you can't resist it, give in immediately. Don't try your best. I should have no problem dealing with him. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

The two teammates looked at each other and nodded together.

"Well, we will take secret medicine to increase combat effectiveness and consume his combat effectiveness as much as possible."

Qin Yang didn't say anything about this, after all, if they didn't break out of fighting power, they would not be able to stop Felice at all, and they might be directly seriously injured.

"Well, hurry up and give up when you are exhausted after the explosion, don't give him a chance to hit you hard."

"it is good!"

As Qin Yang expected, Ferris really wanted to severely inflict one or two people in the ring, but with Qin Yang’s instructions, neither the fifth nor the sixth players gave Ferris this opportunity, and they exploded into combat. Later, they fought with Felice, although they fell down the wind, but they were not completely ineffective. Before exhaustion, they all chose to abstain, making Felice's plan bankrupt.

Ouyang Shanhai and the other three players have continuously exploded their combat Although their strength is quite different, they still greatly consume Felles' combat effectiveness. After all, they all chose to fight hard, because there is only this way. In order to consume Felles' combat power faster.

Phyllis played three games in a row, and his face was a little pale.

Ferris exhaled a long breath and calmed the beating heartbeat.

Opposite Felice, Qin Yang was slowly stepping onto the ring, standing opposite Felice, looking calm.

Phyllis stared at Qin Yang coldly: "Qin Yang, do you think wheel warfare will be useful to me?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Of course it works. Your heartbeat speeds up and your face turns pale. This shows that you have consumed too much. After all, in such a short period of time, people will feel are tired. That is my chance."



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