The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1723: Heaven and man chase extraordinary fight?

Qin Yang and others were taken back to the police station to assist in the investigation, but the internal monitoring of the hotel was "excellent!"

"Is this Qin Yang a steel and iron bone? With such a fierce force, I am afraid that even the iron rod has been beaten into a bend. He has carried so many hard times, and it seems that there is no injury. He is not practicing. Is it a madman, how do you feel that his physical fitness is more like a body trainer than Ferris?"

"I've been hit like a sandbag for so long, but it's all right? Is he covered in steel?"

"He obviously has a gap between his strength and the opponent, but why is he all right?"

"It's really eye-opening. The one who was beaten seemed to have nothing to do with the ass, but the one who was beaten was so tired that he was panting. Interesting!"

"According to this situation, it seems that Qin Yang really has the hope of winning. Even if the strength is not enough, he is resistant to beating, and it will consume Felice."

There was a lot of discussion among the audience, and Felice's heart sank.

He had tried his best to attack Qin Yang just now, but seeing Qin Yang's appearance was completely fine!

This completely broke his usual logic.

A transcendent who attacked with all his strength was unable to injure an opponent with the 25th Acupuncture Point of the Celestial Man, where did the huge gap go?

Did you feed the dog?

Not only Phyllis, Carol's expression became serious in the Eagle Nation camp.

This guy is not easy to deal with!

Although it seems that there are indeed differences in strength, his ability to endure beating is indeed top-notch, and he can also see that although Ferris's offensive is fierce, it was effectively defended by Qin Yang and did not cause actual attack damage. To avoid such a situation, only a stronger attack can destroy Qin Yang’s defenses. Only when his defenses are broken, making him unable to defend effectively, then the attacker’s fists will truly and effectively fall on him. , Thus causing real attack damage.

Obviously, Felice's attack strength is still a bit worse.

What about yourself?

The fighting spirit surged in Carol's heart. It seemed that Felice could not help Qin Yang. With this undead ability, Qin Yang might really have the ability to defeat Felice, and then fight against himself again.

The strength of his own attack is obviously not comparable to that of Felice, and coupled with the huge consumption of Qin Yang and Felice, Carol has an absolute certainty that he can defeat Qin Yang.

Unknowingly, Carol has elevated Qin Yang to the same level as himself. He treats Qin Yang with equal eyes, and even counts the consumption of Qin Yang. All this is earned by Qin Yang's excellent performance. Yes, people have to pay attention to it!

Qin Yang moved his wrist and grinned: "It looks like you are a little tired. If you don't attack, then I can attack!"

Qin Yang didn't give Felice time to answer after speaking, and rushed directly towards Felice.

A cold light flashed in Felles' eyes, facing Qin Yang's attack, and hitting Qin Yang's fist with a punch, Qin Yang flew out again, but Qin Yang's feet had landed, and his body flew again. Come back, continue to attack around Felice.

This scene fell in the eyes of tens of thousands of viewers, all with weird eyes.

Celestial and human realm players chase extraordinary players to fight?

Is there any reason for this?

This is abnormal!

All the audience, including the players, opened their eyes wide, watching this scene in disbelief, and the mood was extremely strange.

Felice, you're an extraordinary player anyway, how come you behave so badly?

Is Qin Yang too good, or are you too low?

Felice was so depressed that he wanted to vomit, and he himself was very puzzled, why is this happening? Why is Qin Yang's ability to resist beating so high? Isn't he a qi trainer? The qi trainer has been attacked by him for so long, why hasn't the fart happened? Even if the opponent is a celestial body trainer, he was beaten so violently by himself I'm afraid my arm bones are about to break, right?

Qin Yang's attack was so fierce that Phyllis didn't dare to care about it. He could use his strength to force Qin Yang to fly again and again, but this seemed to be of no use. Qin Yang would not give him a chance to breathe. Will quickly wrap around again.

If Ferris initiates a fierce attack, Qin Yang will take defense, but when Ferris assumes a defensive posture and wants to catch his breath, Qin Yang will attack, making it clear that he will not be given any chance to rest.

Ferris played three consecutive waves with three Huaxia players before, and consumed a lot of physical strength. Now that he encounters such a peculiar style of play, he also feels an incomparable headache. He feels like he is in a quagmire. Although the quagmire is not too deep, However, he completely restrained his body and made himself unable to break free, and then exhausted his physical strength little by little, and finally dragged himself into the depths of the mud and buried himself completely.

This battle is not only peculiar, but also takes a long time.

Both Felice and Qin Yang have been entangled and fought. Felice’s attack power is getting smaller and smaller, his body is getting tired and slower and slower. On the other hand, Qin Yang is still alive, full of energy. Energetic look.

Felice gritted his teeth and hesitated slightly in his heart. He knew that if he continued like this, he might lose. He was not reconciled. He wanted the last fight!

Anyway, Felice didn't plan to compete with Carol for the first place afterwards. He only had to defeat Qin Yang. He gritted his teeth and suddenly activated the spirit explosion.

Felice's muscles swelled again, the muscles glowing with a peculiar metallic luster, his eyes were bloodshot, and his veins were violent, and his whole body revealed a violent aura like a bloodthirsty beast.

This scene of Ferris fell in everyone's eyes, and immediately someone exclaimed.

"Spirit Explosion! He used Spirit Explosion!"

"I'm going, Phyllis actually used Explosive Spirit first. The Celestial and Human Realm forced the Transcendent Realm to use Explosive Spirit Such a battle is unheard of. Today is really an eye-opener!"

"The extraordinary masters used Explosive Spirit Technique, this explosive power is not a little bit, can Qin Yang still be able to handle it?"

"Qin Yang is in danger!"

"Whether it can win depends on Qin Yang being able to withstand the explosion of Propheles!"

Chen Hou was very nervous, clenched a fist with one hand, and shouted: "Qin Yang, procrastinate, you will win if you drag him out!"

Yun Bailing was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Qin Yang on the stage with bright eyes, with a nervous expression; Ouyang Shanhai was lying on the stretcher bed, gritted his teeth, his hands tightly grasped the edge of the railing, the back of his hands burst into blue veins Duanmufeng sat up straight, his back straightened unconsciously...

Everyone knows very well that the next period of time will be Qin Yang's toughest time, and he will definitely not be able to attack. Only by delaying, there is a time limit for spirit explosion. As long as it is delayed, Qin Yang does not need to attack. Phyllis himself would collapse to the ground.

The key is, can Qin Yang drag it over?

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