The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1735: Can't really say!

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-five chapters really can't be said! (Page 1/1)

De Feil Church in the western suburbs of New York.

A car drove in quietly in the dark. After the car stopped, Augustus got out of the car with a cold expression.

When Sol and the people he brought were knocked down by Lucian, the secret observer immediately notified Augustus of the news, and Augustus left his home immediately.

When Sol is arrested, his identity will inevitably be exposed. He must change from light to dark. Fortunately, Sol can expose his identity, but he does not know much about the organization, especially the core secrets. , He didn't even know.

Augustus walked into the church. Standing in the church was a priest in a black robe. He was the priest Jacques de Feil church. Leon.

Jacques was a burly figure, white hair, and a very serious Chinese character with a beard on his face. Hearing the footsteps behind him, Jacques turned around and his eyes fell on Augustus.

"Augustus, you are so rash."

Augustus raised his brows: "Who would have thought that this kid would have such a powerful helper beside him? I have a strong hunch that this kid will become our strong opponent in the future."

Jacques said solemnly: "Your identity was exposed, which caused us a lot of loss."

Augustus replied indifferently: "It's nothing more than a change of identity, no one wants to be like this, but since things have already happened, there is no way."

Jacques pondered: "Have you taken care of everything? Are you sure that there will be no future problems?"

Augustus replied calmly: "Don't worry, these are things that have been prepared for a long time, and naturally they will not be traced down all the way..."

Jacques asked: "Your servant Sol has been arrested, but he knows a lot."

"The things he knows are limited to me, he knows only limited things about the organization, and he is now useless, and I won't let him live."

Jacques' expression was cold: "In that case, you can deal with it as soon as possible. I don't want to be implicated by you."

Augustus said coldly: "Don't worry, I know... By the way, is there any news lately?"

Jacques has two inexplicable enthusiasm in his eyes: "Not for the time being, but this time Eagle Country and Huaxia held this exchange meeting, and it was broadcast to the outside world and announced the news of the practitioners. This in itself represents a trend of the situation."

Augustus frowned and said: "They have gradually lost control of the situation, so they are publicizing the practitioners. Is this the first step for them to release the news?"

"It should be so, maybe that day will arrive soon."

Augustus also had a strange enthusiasm in his eyes: "We are all lucky."

Jacques raised his head slightly: "Lucky?"

Augustus said affirmatively: "Yes, since the inception of Nirvana, we have been waiting, and more are waiting. Although there are several major moves in the process, it is ultimately impossible to achieve true Goal, and we have just reached this critical point, don’t you think this is a kind of luck?"

Jacques nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, this is indeed our luck. I look forward to this day as soon as possible."


The plane landed at the Beijing Airport.

Qin Yang and the others got off the plane quietly. The news of their return to China is confidential, so they were not welcomed at the airport by countless people like Chen Hou and others when they returned to China.

Qin Yang did not transfer back to Zhonghai directly, but went directly to Dragon King's house.

He had a lot of doubts in his mind that he wanted to explain, and the phone was obviously not suitable for conversation, so he chose to visit directly.

Ye Xidong watched Qin Yang walk in, got up from the sofa, smiled and said, "Our great hero is back."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Since he is a great hero, I wonder if there will be any rewards."

Ye Xidong quipped: "Award? Isn't it just a medal? Haven't you already gotten it? Besides, after this battle, who doesn't know you in China, let alone China, even the Eagle Nation might become a celebrity."

Qin Yang said seriously: "I have something to ask about when I came here this time."

Ye Xidong seemed to have guessed Qin Yang's intentions a long time ago: "Do you want to ask about Nirvana?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, Nirvana's shot, and the public holding of this sudden exchange meeting, I always feel that something extraordinary is about to happen or has already happened..."

Ye Xidong narrowed his smile, and his expression became two-pointed serious: "Don't ask more about this. Duanmufeng should have revealed it to you. This is something that can only be known with very high authority. If it is leaked, the consequences will be very serious."

Qin Yang heard what Ye Xidong said, and his heart became more and more curious: "Isn't I also engaged in confidential work? Just tell me about it. I'm sorry I signed a confidentiality agreement."

Ye Xidong shook his head: "This is really not possible. I can't violate the regulations, and this matter has nothing to do with you for the time being. As for Nirvana, you can understand that they are a terrorist organization that wants to destroy the world. You are communicating this time. The injury performance is too good, so they may think you may cause trouble to them in the future, so they attack you, trying to kill you in the cradle."

Qin Yang saw Ye Xidong's attitude so firm, he was immediately disappointed, but he still asked a little bit unwillingly, "Is it really impossible to say at all?"

Ye Xidong nodded affirmatively: "Yes, I can't say."

Qin Yang looked helpless: "Then why do you suddenly compete against the public practitioners this time? This will definitely have a huge impact on society, right?"

Ye Xidong sighed and said: "This matter was actually discussed very early, but some things have happened recently, which has promoted the advancement of this matter. In fact, it is nothing. Practitioners have always existed, but now they are just uncovering the practice. The mysterious veil on the practitioners, how the management of practitioners used to be ~ is not the same now. Even if ordinary people know that practitioners exist, they still cannot reach them."

After a short pause, a smile appeared on Ye Xidong's face: "You have made a big name this time and become the idol of countless young generations. Are you very happy?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "I'm doing this now, it seems that the whole world is about to recognize me, how can I do this job?"

The job Qin Yang said is naturally an agent. Ye Xidong smiled and said: "You have done a great job. In fact, what you are doing now is not less than your contribution to the task. For the time being, I will not arrange the task for you. Enjoy life with peace of mind."

Qin Yang smiled freely: "Is this a holiday for me? Okay, I haven't had much lately. I just tried to practice for a while. Now the opponents I meet are stronger than one, and if I don't pay attention, I will lose my life... "


Calvin, it took a few hours to write a chapter, and the missing chapter made up for it in daylight~

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