The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1750: The origin of annihilation

"You were so handsome just now. It's so amazing. You don't even need to hang WIA, you just fly around..."

Qin Yang sat on a fallen tree trunk and explained with a smile: "That's not flying around. No one can violate the principle of gravity. It's just a recoil with a little more force... …"

Li Siqi put her hands on her cheeks and looked at Qin Yang with a look of admiration: "I was suddenly wondering if the ancient ancient people existed in the first place."

Qin Yang smiled: "Art comes from life."

Li Siqi's eyes lit up: "You mean yes?"

Qin Yang nodded: "The practitioners have been passed down for thousands of years from ancient times to the present. Naturally, there have always been some."

Li Siqi asked curiously: "You practitioners have so many cultivation techniques and secret skills. Then who created the two different cultivation techniques of the East and the West, or who is the founder of the practitioner?"

Qin Yang blinked, and it took a long time to answer, "I don't know."

Li Siqi's eyes widened: "I don't know? No, you are practitioners. You don't even know who created the practice?"

Qin Yang frowned, his expression slightly confused: "You want me to tell me who the creator of the hidden gate is. I know for sure that I know every generation of people, but who created the practice of the practice? , I don’t seem to know. I once asked my master, but he didn’t know. He just said that some ancient books vaguely showed that the history of the existence of practitioners is also very long, and it seems that the practitioners in ancient times are better than we are now. Much stronger..."

"Ancient heritage?"

Li Siqi blinked her eyes and looked confused: "Humanity has historians studying the origin and development history of human beings. Haven't practitioners ever been interested in the origin of exercises?"

Qin Yang explained with a smile: "The origin of the practitioner may not be clear, but I can be sure that the many cultivation techniques or secret skills of the practitioner today are created by outstanding practitioners in the course of time. That is to say, no one created the entire system of practitioners in one breath, or someone initially proposed the concept of practice or even mistakenly practiced some exercises, and then passed down from generation to generation, enriched and developed by people, and finally formed. Today’s various practices of practitioners can be compared with practitioners from a thousand or two thousand years ago to confirm my theory."

Li Siqi’s eyes were a bit confused, as if thinking about the ancient times, and it took a long time to reply to Qingming: "Perhaps as you said, after all, we humans have very few historical records from two to three thousand years ago, let alone longer. Now, maybe some historical truths have long been lost in the long river of history."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "This is the greatest possibility. After all, there have been too many destruction events in human beings, causing many things to be faulted...Are you so concerned about the practitioners?"

Li Siqi laughed and said: "I'm just curious. Look at you and Brewer. Even if you didn't act very much before, Brewer never acted, but when the two of them appeared on the stage, the momentum would feel overwhelming, so cool. , I’m thinking, after this movie is released, maybe the audience’s expectations of you even exceed the protagonist’s."

Qin Yang laughed and said: "I'm just making a cameo, so it shouldn't be possible. Besides, the protagonist will definitely not be changed. Even if I have to play in the future, at most I will continue to play as this mysterious person. It is impossible. Instead of the protagonist, not to mention the protagonist's strength in "The Transcendence" will be more powerful one by one, and in the end he will become a stronger existence..."

Qin Yang paused, as if thinking of something, he suddenly smiled: "Before, I was wondering whether the audience would feel that going beyond reality is too exaggerated and lose interest when the protagonist's abilities get better and better. The author exposed this wave. After this wave, the protagonist will not feel exaggerated at any point when he grows up, but instead catches up with the wave."

Li Siqi pursed her lips and smiled: "You are now famous in the country and even in the world. Now you are even more popular than the most popular movie stars. You will be noticed wherever you go. So what are you going to do next?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "It seems that there is nothing serious for the time being. I just took advantage of this time to practice peacefully and mention my strength. Recently, things have become bigger and bigger, and the enemies we face are getting stronger and stronger. No one will act on you because of me, but you have to be more careful."

Li Siqi nodded: "I'll be careful by myself, you don't have to worry, and... if I'm really in danger, you will definitely save me, won't you?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "That's natural, but my enemies are all cruel guys. I don't want you to be hurt in any way."

Li Siqi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I'm just an actress. On the face of it, we are just friends, not your relatives, nor your girlfriend. Who really wants to deal with people around you, it's not my turn."

Qin Yang shook his head helplessly, who could tell what hadn't happened.

Wasn’t Xue Wantong dealt with by Bill before? It’s just that Xue Wantong and Jack’s affairs are involved. Otherwise, Bill would not approach Xue Wantong. He also wanted to kidnap Han Qingqing after failing to arrest him. Xue Wantong's.

These people have to deal with themselves and know that they can bring huge energy ~ Borrow this method to deal with themselves, unless the other party is fearless, otherwise, they will certainly have scruples, after all, they really hurt themselves. My friend, then my own revenge will definitely be extremely crazy!

This kind of behavior is mutual scruples among practitioners. Unless you can wipe out the roots in one go, or the other party has no ability to fight back against you at all, you have to think carefully...

Li Siqi looked at Qin Yang obsessively, then suddenly turned to look around, and when she found that there was no one around, she hugged Qin Yang and kissed Qin Yang on the cheek.

Qin Yang was taken aback, pricked up his ears and listened, then helplessly stretched out his hand and grabbed her face: "You are not afraid of being seen, then you will be finished."

Li Siqi smiled, but not afraid, put her arms around Qin Yang's waist and lay on his lap, and said grinningly: "You are now a national idol, and your real girlfriend is Han Qingqing. If I were seen and exposed, I became a wicked junior, but I’m not afraid. It’s great for you to raise me. I’m very good. Just a few buns a day..."


There is a chapter later.

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