The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1759: big guy!

"There are different sea fishing hooks, some are smaller fish, some are big fish, everyone likes big fish, but relatively, there are more small fish in the sea, but less big fish, so the probability of catching small fish is naturally Much higher……"

Qin Yang smiled. He wasn't really ignorant of sea fishing, but he really couldn't compare to these experienced old fishermen.

"I'll catch small fishes and practice hands first, find the feel, and try to catch big fish later..."

John smiled: "This is a good choice, at least I hope we have fresh fish on the table when we have lunch."

There are various kinds of baits for sea fishing, including the most common lean pork, chicken intestines, earthworms, etc., and relatively good scallops, sea hares, squids, sea clams, etc. John didn’t prepare these, he prepared all baits. It is some living creatures, including live small fish and jellyfish.

Sea centipedes are commonly known as sandworms. They like to live on coastal beaches with fresh water. They eat plankton in the sea when they are young, and eat decaying plants when they grow up. The sea centipede is a universal bait for sea fishing, just like earthworms, a universal bait for freshwater fishing. Almost all marine fish will feed on jellyfish. In other words, using jellyfish as bait, you can catch most marine fish.

"I generally use sea centipedes as bait, and occasionally small fish. Most of the fish in the sea are predatory fish with fierce personalities. Live bait can attract marine fish better, and the decoupling rate is low, so the effect is very good..."

John was very skillful in putting the bait on the hook, and then skillfully off the hook, while casually explaining to the two Qin Yang, he might think that Qin Yang is really a novice at sea fishing.

Qin Yang also hung up the bait quickly, and quickly got off the hook, looking sideways at Han Qingqing: "You try it too?"

Han Qingqing looked at the jellyfish whose feet were constantly squirming, with a little fear on her face: "I'm a little afraid of this..."

Qin Yang laughed, picked up a jellyfish and helped Han Qingqing hang it up, then helped her set the fishing rod, and finally handed the fishing rod to Han Qingqing: "Hold the fishing rod here and see Shen Shen. Just pull it, don’t hold it with your hands. In case the bait is a big fish and you are caught off guard, maybe you will be pulled into the sea..."

Linda didn't participate in fishing. She looked after Daisy who was like a little angel. Daisy was very lively, running around on the boat, very cute.

There is an awning on the boat so that everyone will not be exposed to the sun. They are sitting on plastic chairs, chatting and fishing, and there are fruits and cold drinks on the table next to them.

"Ha, got the bait!"

John’s fishing rod suddenly sank. He pulled up the fishing rod sharply, and the end of the fishing rod suddenly bent into a bow. John tried two times and found that the pulling force below did not seem to be strong, so he straightened the rod cleanly and pulled the fish. Out of the water.

This is a beautiful cod, weighing about six or seven catties.

John smiled triumphantly: "Looks like good luck today."

Marine fish are not as careful as the fish in the river. They find that their prey is basically swallowed in one bite, especially when the opponent is alive, they will not try at all, so if you have a good bait, you can find it accurately. With the location of the fish school, fishing becomes relatively simple.

After a while, Qin Yang's fishing rod also reacted. After pulling it a few times, Qin Yang found that the strength was not strong, so he pulled the fish up smoothly.

This is a greenish-brown, covered with many individual circular spots, which looks a bit ugly.

Before Qin Yang spoke, John next to him already smiled and said, "Wow, Qin, you have good luck, grouper, this one should be a humpback bass, commonly known as the rat spot, and it is already very valuable among groupers. Now, your article is not small, at least it can sell for thousands of dollars..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "The meat of the grouper is tender and tender, but with the best ingredients, it seems that another steamed grouper can be added at noon!"

John nodded approvingly: "Well, the grouper steamed is really good, I am looking forward to lunch more and more!"

Everyone talked and laughed and continued to fish, and there were harvests one after another. Even Han Qingqing also harvested a few. These fish are of all kinds, and they were packed in a large plastic box containing sea water.

Han Qingqing was also very happy to have fun. After all, being able to go fishing with her beloved in the sea and catching fish with her own hands is a very happy thing in itself.

Every time everyone catches a fish, Daisy dashes over and reaches out to help everyone catch the fish. Her cute gestures often make everyone laugh. After a morning of contact, Daisy greets Qin Yang and Han. Qingqing didn't have the strangeness he had seen before, and started to approach the two of them actively.

When time arrived at noon soon, Linda went into the kitchen and prepared food for everyone. Han Qingqing saw it, put down the fishing rod, and took the initiative to help, while the female bodyguard walked to the stern to guard the position of the gap~www. Daisy running around.

Qin Yang and John continued fishing, and John enthusiastically told about his fishing history.

"The largest fish I have ever caught weighed 76 kilograms. Hey, I tried to get that fish up, but it took a lot of effort, and it almost escaped in the middle..."

Qin Yang was listening with a smile. Suddenly his fishing rod was bent at a rapid speed. Qin Yang's complexion changed, he stood up suddenly and grabbed the fishing rod.

The end of the fishing rod was pulled like a full bow, as if it was about to be pulled off.

"Pay the line, pay the line!"

John stood up suddenly, shouting at Qin Yang with a nervous expression, as if he wanted to grab the fishing rod in Qin Yang's hand and operate it for him.

Qin Yang also realized that the following was definitely a big guy, so he didn't dare to force it, and kept putting the line down, reducing the pulling force underneath, and then taking up the line when the following was relaxed.

The guy below kept struggling, and Qin Yang was also very patient to deal with the guy below.

"The big guy below is at least 30 kilograms or more, even bigger!"

John looked at Qin Yang's continuously pulling fishing rod, rubbing his hands, his expression excited.

As a fisherman, what could be more exciting than this moment?

The movement here alarmed Linda and Han Qingqing who were cooking. The two put the fish in the pot and steamed them, and then both ran over to watch.

The big guy underneath was tossed by Qin Yang and gradually lost his strength, and was gradually pulled closer to the surface of the water. Qin Yang's movements at this time had become very skillful and precise. He could clearly feel the pressure from the fishing line and chose Put the line or take it up at the right time without giving the other party the slightest chance to breathe.

When the guy below rolled over and finally appeared on the water for the first time, everyone opened their eyes...

(=Easy to read novels)

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