The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1761: Unstable factors

"Be sure to check before entering the water, BWRAF, BCD, inflation and deflation, weight belt, quick release buckle, breathe your second stage head, dive half-breath your spare second stage head, while looking at the barometer, there is no shaking, Did not fall back..."

"When you are swimming, your body should be flatter, and your head should be pressed down a little bit, so that your legs can stay high, and your body can feel a little swooping..."

"When you swim, your body frequency should be slower. Keep a distance from other people you are traveling with. Don't swim on top of other people's breathing bubbles, they will be taken up."

"When you ascend, hold the low-pressure inflation tube in your left hand, raise your right hand above your head, look up, and slowly go upstream."


Qin Yang and Han Qingqing were wearing diving suits with oxygen cylinders on their backs. They were sitting on the beach and kneeling in the water. Qin Yang was carefully explaining to Han Qingqing.

Han Qingqing studied very seriously.

They have been here for ten days. In the past ten days, they took a helicopter to see the Great Barrier Reef and ate local delicacies, but most of the time they cooked at home or ate with John's family.

Linda's cooking skills are very good, John is also very enthusiastic, Daisy is very cute, this is a very friendly and enthusiastic family, and Qin Yang also invited them to the house and cooked them Chinese food. John's family three praised it. Mouthful.

Han Qingqing likes to make all kinds of oriental snacks for Daisy. Daisy obviously has no resistance to these snacks. Afterwards, she will go to Qin Yang's house alone to play.

Both John and Qin Yang would drink beer in the evening and chat casually. They talked from life to literature, from business to life, but they were very close to each other and did not ask more about each other’s details. On the contrary Because of this, the two people chatted very happily.

A pure and innocent happiness that has nothing to do with any background or any interests.

When Qin Yang taught Han Qingqing to dive, the John family of three leisurely sipped afternoon tea on the balcony of the villa while looking at the two people in the water in the distance.

"Qin Yang's origin is probably not simple..."

Linda picked up the coffee and took a leisurely sip, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

John chuckled, and took a little cookie baked by Linda and threw it into his mouth: "Of course it is not simple. He is definitely not as simple as a rich second generation. He knows too many things. The most important thing is his That temperament..."

Linda smiled and said: "Yes, but 23 years old, but speaking and acting for people is like a weather-beaten old man in his 40s and 50s, drip-proof, but he is really good to his girlfriend. I can see that they are all Really love each other."

John stretched out his hand and took Linda's hand and smiled and said, "We also love each other sincerely."

Linda held John's hand backhand, a gentle smile on her face: "Yes, this makes me happy."

John looked at Linda apologetically: "I'm sorry for letting you live with me in such avoidance days, but I really don't want to fight for that position. I just want to live a peaceful life, but unfortunately they are not even willing to ask for this. promise……"

Linda stretched out her hand and stroked John's face: "Don't worry about what they think, you just don't care, we will live our lives."

John nodded: "I think so, but some people don't think so. They may think that as long as I am there, it will always be a scourge. A person who can stand up and overthrow everything at any time. Simply put, they think I am an unstable. factor……"

Linda's eyes showed two uneases: "What do they want to do?"

John sighed and said softly: "We can't stay here anymore. According to their energy, they will find us."

Linda's eyes were slightly distressed and two-pointed anger. In the end, she was helpless: "Then let's go... It's just a pity for the peaceful life here. This period may be the calmest and most worry-free time since I married you. The happiest period of carefree..."

Two points of rosy rose in John's eyes: "I'm sorry, Linda, I am the one who caused you."

Linda hugged John's head and comforted softly: "Don't say sorry. It is my luck and happiness to meet you. I am willing to face any problems with you... When shall we leave?"

John hugged Linda tightly, and said in a deep voice, "When I arrange the follow-up, we will leave. Then we can go to a new place and start a new life with a new identity. From then on, we no longer have to take care of family affairs, and we don’t have to be dragged down by the struggles at home."

Linda’s eyes revealed the look of expectation: “Ok, actually I don’t expect much extravagant life. I just hope to have a small family of our own. Even a small farm does not require much money. I can go to work. We live happily together, raise Daisy together, and watch her get married and have children. That is my greatest happiness."

John buried his head on Linda's belly and hummed softly: "Well, we will do that!"


Standing in the sea, Qin Yang looked back at the two people leaning on the terrace, two smiles appeared on his face.

"They have a good relationship."

Han Qingqing noticed Qin Yang's strangeness, turned his head and glanced, and sighed softly.

Qin Yang turned his head and smiled: "Our feelings will be so good."

Han Qingqing glanced at Qin Yang, her eyes soft and soft, and he hummed softly, "These ten days have been the most relaxing time since my father passed away..."

Qin Yang naturally understood what Han Qingqing meant How could she feel relaxed after her father passed away, even if it gets older, this matter is gradually relieved and let go, but she still shut herself in to study In the ocean, where can you play so carefree as it is now?

What's more, there is a boyfriend who loves her beside him?

Although her boyfriend can't replace her father, she can transfer her feelings so that she no longer feels alone and depressed.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "There is still a long time, don't sigh, hurry up and study hard, tomorrow I will take you to practice snorkeling, to see the sea wolf storm, to see the sea turtle..."

"Sea Wolf Storm?"

Qin Yang looked at Han Qingqing’s puzzled expression, and explained with a smile: "Sea wolf refers to the real golden barracuda and the ghost golden barracuda. ​​The fish groups rise up in a group or move quickly left and right, forming a rolling storm. Known as a sea wolf storm, it is very spectacular to see it underwater. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine that feeling..."

Han Qingqing looked forward to it, buckled his diving equipment, and replied confidently: "I will definitely learn to dive deep!"

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