The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1763: traitor

"Da da da!"

At the same time when the leading man opened the gun, Qin Yang leaped out sharply, and put Han Qingqing who was walking out of the door in his arms, then threw her to the ground directly, and fell directly back into the house.

Bullets strafed over like a rainstorm, instantly blasting the doors and windows into bullet holes.

Qin Yang turned over, touched his back on the ground, moved his feet on the ground a few steps, and then kicked on the door, closing the door, and then jumped up when the bullet stopped slightly. , Holding Han Qingqing in his arms, rushed towards the other side of the villa.

Han Qingqing's face was pale, and her sudden change scared her. She put Qin Yang's arm around her, and asked in a low voice, "Who is outside?"

Qin Yang rushed to the window at the other end, jumped down from the open window, and quickly moved away from the villa.

Although he is also worried about the safety of John and the others, he still has two bodyguards for the practitioners. Secondly, he must first ensure the safety of Han Qingqing. He cannot confirm whether there are any great masters in this group. Shot, that might bring disaster to himself and Han Qingqing.

To help others, you must first ensure your own safety.

What made Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief was that these people didn't seem to be ready to chase Qin Yang, and no one came after him. Their destination seemed to be John and others.

Gunshots sounded behind him, and people screamed. Han Qingqing grabbed Qin Yang's arm and asked with a worried expression: "Are they okay? And Daisy, such a cute little girl..."

Qin Yang glanced back, gritted his teeth, and then put Han Qingqing down: "There are a few rocks here, you hide here, I will go back and take a look."

Han Qingqing didn't stop him, just whispered: "You pay attention to safety, help as long as you can, do what you can..."

Qin Yang gave a hum, turned and touched it back towards the villa, while Han Qingqing walked quickly to the ornamental stones, squatted down and hid herself under the shadow of the ornamental stones, with a worried expression on her face. Looking at Qin Yang who was leaving quickly.

At the same time, at the door of John’s villa, the female bodyguard, Nina, moved quickly like an angry female leopard, and pounced on the attackers. Her eyes were cold and sharp, and everyone who was hit by her He lost his life in the first instant.


There was a scream suddenly from the room, Nina took a halt, turned and rushed towards the room, because she heard the scream was her boss John.

When Nina turned around like this, the other gunmen immediately found the opportunity, and the bullets flew past without money. Nina was shot twice, but Nina just shook her body and continued to rush into the house.

In the living room, John fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, his eyes frightened, full of unwillingness, and seemingly unbelievable.

Nina's complexion changed, she flashed to John's side, touched the side of John's neck, her face suddenly became cold for two minutes.

John is dead!


There was a bombardment in the room, and it seemed that the walls of some villas had been knocked down, and Nina quickly rushed past the place where the sound was made.

Only after crossing a door, she saw Linda.

This beautiful and kind-hearted woman fell to the ground, her mouth was constantly bleeding, her entire chest collapsed completely, as if a big hammer hit a hammer, she saw Ni Na, moved her mouth. Bar, as if she wanted to say something, but just opened her mouth, blood gushing out, directly blocking her mouth, and then her head tilted directly, and she just raised her hand with a little height. Hanging weakly.

Nina gritted her teeth and rushed into the next room, only to see the male bodyguard Quik lying on a pile of collapsed wall bricks, pale, holding a dagger in his right hand, and looking at Going up was quite embarrassed, but beside him, Daisy fell motionless beside Quik, knowing her life or death.

"what happened?"

Nina asked in a low voice, and quickly ran to Daisy, squatting down to check Daisy's condition.

"A master came in, I...not his opponent..."

Nina checked Daisy's precise pulse, and her solemn eyes revealed a hint of excitement. Because Daisy's pulse was normal, it seemed that she had just been knocked out and did not suffer from misfortune.

"Can you still move, we must leave here!"

Quik panted and stood up and said, "It should be okay."

Nina picked up Daisy and shouted in a low voice, "Follow me!"

Quirk responded, but there was a stern smile on his face. The dagger in his right hand had pierced Nina's back like a poisonous snake.

Nina snorted and leaped forward, but after Quirk succeeded with a stab, he followed closely and blasted towards Daisy who was holding Nina with a full punch.

Nina suffered a fatal attack on her back, but she still did not give up protecting Daisy in her arms. Seeing that Quik's fist was about to hit Daisy's body, Nina leaned over and blocked his fist with her shoulder.


Nina was blown away by Quick with a punch, and her entire shoulder was shattered by the fierce punch.

Nina hugged Daisy and slammed into the wall, falling down, blood was already flowing out of her mouth, and the deadly dagger in her back pierced her kidneys, even if she was a physicist who was physically strong, but this The injury is still fatal.

Nina hugged Daisy and leaned on the bed. UU Reading www.uuká looked at the fierce Quek, her eyes full of disbelief: "Quick! You killed the boss and his wife! Why did you betray the boss? "

Quick said coldly: "Because Ihausen gave me a lot of money, that is money that you and I can't make for a lifetime, with this money I can become a rich man from now on. , Don’t have to work hard to make money again!"

Nina gasped for a few times, staring at Quik bitterly: "The boss is so kind to you, you betrayed them for money!"

Quick shrugged his shoulders: "I came to protect them not because I like them, but just to make money. He is good to me, nothing more than he wants to buy me and sell my life for him, so that I can use me when it matters. His body protects him from the knife and bullets..."

Nina gritted her teeth and looked at Quik: "You traitor!"

Quirk looked at Nina indifferently, and said coldly: "You are stronger than me. If there is no external emergency, I can hardly distract you. Those outside are just hired by Ihausen. It’s just the people who attract your attention, don’t worry, since you like them so much, I will let you reunite with the three of them below!"

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