The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1765: Options after exposure

The police car faintly sounded, and Qin Yang walked out of the villa holding Daisy.

The three boats that had previously leaned on the coast had already fled in haste. It would not be difficult for Qin Yang to keep them before, but they are just some hired gunmen, and it doesn’t make any sense to catch them alive, not to mention Qin Yang. Still holding Daisy.

When Qin Yang showed up holding Daisy, Han Qingqing had already ran over from a dark place. Seeing this scene, he seemed to have expected something, and asked in a low voice: "Where is Mrs. John?"

Qin Yang whispered: "Quick was bought, killed John and his wife, and attacked Nina. Nina was seriously injured and died..."

Han Qingqing's expression changed: "Quick is a traitor? He killed John and his wife?"

Qin Yang nodded: "He was bought by a man named Ehausen. These gunmen were only hired to die and help Quik in acting, because Nina is stronger than him..."

Han Qingqing's eyes fell on Daisy in Qin Yang's arms: "What's wrong with Daisy, is she injured?"

"I was knocked out."

Qin Yang sighed: "I don't know if she has seen the process of her parents being killed. If she has seen it, I am afraid it will affect her whole life..."

Han Qingqing bit her lip, her expression full of self-blame: "If you are not to protect me, you can help out the first time, maybe they won't die."

Qin Yang shook his head and said: "If Quik is not bought, then John and the others will not die. The gunmen can't help them, but if Quik is bought, John and the others will not escape this calamity. Even if I act, I can't save this. Tragedy, not to mention the situation at the time, the enemy's strength is unknown, and I will not rush it..."

Han Qingqing is right when he thinks about it. If Qin Yang makes a move and demonstrates superb combat effectiveness, Naquik will definitely attract him, and he will find another time to do it again. At that time, there was no interference from Qin Yang, and Quik secretly calculated, I am afraid that John and his family All three mouthfuls and Nina could not escape.

Qin Yang sighed: "Although it is Ping Shui Xiangpeng, we helped John take care of Daisy and handed her back to her grandfather. It is considered to have done our best."

Han Qingqing said, "Shall we send Daisy to Su Weidian?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I think the police will contact her family, I will contact her grandfather, but they will come to pick up the person, and they will figure out the situation before making plans."

Han Qingqing's eyes flashed: "Make more plans? Are you going to help them get revenge?"

Qin Yang did not hide his plan: "Yes, I am going to kill that Ihausen. At the right time, it is too eye-catching now."

Han Qingqing nodded lightly and said nothing.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with Qin Yang's approach.

The police arrived quickly, and the residents in the surrounding villas who were afraid to come out also showed up, all wanting to know what happened.

The attitude of the police is good. After all, those who can live here are either rich or powerful. Han Qingqing was taken back to the police station with Daisy and Qin Yang. After all, so many people died here. Several people died in Qin Yang's hands, so he had to take this trip no matter what.

"I am Qin Yang, a practitioner, and I am the champion of the individual competition of the Youth Practitioner Exchange Contest held by China and Yingguo..."

Qin Yang showed his identity in the police station, and as expected, the attitude of these policemen became more and more respectful, even with a sense of awe.

Although this is Australia, but today with such a developed network, the exchange game between Eagle Country and China is known all over the world, and Qin Yang, as the winner of the individual competition, is naturally known all over the world, even if not seen. I've seen the video, but I must have heard of it and know this person.

Although Qin Yang killed a few people, the other party was an armed thug. Qin Yang's behavior was entirely righteous. Although only Daisy was rescued, no one would live without him.

Qin Yang didn’t talk about Ehausen, only talked about other things, and didn’t conceal anything. After all, Quik was also murdered. If you want to make up a lie, you may need more lies to make up for it, maybe instead. Limit yourself in.

"This little girl can be handed over to the police, and we can contact her family..."

Qin Yang shook his head flatly: "I'm not sure if anyone will attack her in an attempt to eliminate the roots. I don't believe that you can stop the assault of the practitioners. I accepted Linda's last request. I must do it. , If you don’t worry, you can send a policeman with me and wait for her family to arrive..."

After thinking about it, Qin Yang exhorted: "Linda asked me to give Daisy to her grandfather Vitas Joe. Please contact him as soon as possible. You can only contact this person. I don't recognize other people. After all, these murderers are now It is not certain who sent it."

"Okay, we will contact her grandpa as soon as possible."

Qin Yang stood up: "The matter is over, then we will leave first."

"Okay, but your previous residence is not safe..."

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "I will stay in another hotel in the city."

"Well, as soon as we contact each other's family, I will call you immediately."

Qin Yang nodded: "Okay, if you contact Mr. Vesta, just give him my call and ask him to call me."


The three Qin Yang left the police station and checked in at a star-rated hotel not far from the police station. After entering the room, Qin Yang put Daisy on the bed.

Han Qingqing looked at Daisy with concern: "Why is she still awake?"

Qin Yang has been paying attention to Daisy's situation: "I will wake up in about one to two hours. Please rest first. I will look at her."

Han Qingqing looked at Daisy sympathetically: "This little girl is too pitiful. She is only five years old and has no parents."

Qin Yang glanced at Han Qingqing, nodded, did not speak, he could understand Han Qingqing's feelings, after all, her father died when she was very young, but she was okay, and her mother took good care of her, and Dai The real resemblance to the West was Situ Xiang, who was really Qin Yang leaned on the bed, thought about it, and sent a message to Shaoyao who hadn't contacted him for a long time.

"Help me investigate something, Su Weidian, Stockholm, the Joe family, they should be quite capable, focusing on investigating a guy in this family named Ehausen Joe, and also investigate the relationship between Ihausen Joe and John Joe."

Shaoyao quickly replied with a message: "I will... have a job as soon as possible?"

Qin Yang: "No, a personal matter, I'm temporarily on vacation, and there will be internal work arrangements for a short time."

Peony: "Good."

Qin Yang put down the phone, his eyes closed slightly, but he was thinking in his heart.

Since Ihausen chose to attack the Johns family of three, he definitely wanted to eliminate the roots and do it without knowing it. He just didn't know that it was exposed, what would he do?

Are you getting the punishment you deserve?

Or a desperate fight?

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