The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1773: I am willing to pay

Qin Yang didn't hide his true face, because he was not prepared to let Ihausen live, even if he had to, he still had other means.

Such as Silver Needle Lock Soul.

Ehausen was sitting on a chair, his head covered by a black bag of garbage. He was turning his head, listening to the movement outside.

Ihausen's hands and legs were tied to the chair. Obviously, he had been subjected to spiritual sealing. Otherwise, how could a bench and a rope trap him?

Qin Yang motioned to Velen and Brewer to guard in the yard, and then walked to Ehausen and directly opened the black pocket on his head.

Ihausen narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he saw Qin Yang and Han Qingqing who were standing in front of him clearly, and his eyes suddenly showed shock.

"Qin Yang! It's you!"

Qin Yang handed over a chair, placed it against the wall, and pointed at Han Qingqing, "Sit here."

Han Qingqing gave a hum, walked to the chair and sat down, with a slight excitement in his eyes.

He had gone through dangers with Qin Yang before, once in Jinfo Mountain, once on the sea, and once on Ingrid’s expedition, but those distresses were all passive. She had never participated in some actions initiated by Qin Yang, which was considered in the true sense the first time.

After Qin Yang settled down with Han Qingqing, he turned his head without any haste, stood in front of Ehausen, smiled slightly, and revealed eight white teeth: "Are you surprised?"

Ihausen looked at Qin Yang suspiciously. He didn't understand why Qin Yang would do it to himself, and he didn't expect Qin Yang to have such a powerful force in his hands.

Ihausen is very aware of the terrifying power of the old man named Will next to him. That is the greatest combat power sent to him by the Colmore family, in order to help him settle all those who dare to resist, and it is precisely because of him. With his assistance, he killed those who resisted him and took over the family so smoothly.

But he saw with his own eyes Will was beaten to the ground by a white-haired old man. He really fell on the ground, like a snake that broke a bone, or a dog that broke his waist. In front of the old man, Will had no room for resistance at all, just like a three-year-old child facing an adult strong man.

Will is a powerhouse, but he was beaten to the ground by someone. What does this mean?

The answer is unique.

"Mr. Qin, we have no grudges or grudges. Why do you want to attack me? Is there any misunderstanding?"

Qin Yang chuckled, "There is no misunderstanding. From the moment you bought Quik and killed the Johns, there has been no misunderstanding."

Ihausen's eyes changed. He didn't expect Qin Yang to know that he was behind the buying of Quik, but he never said...

Ihausen didn't try to quibble, because he knew that since the other party dared to attack himself, it showed that he was sure and had arrangements. This is not a quibble that can get away if he is not a murderer.

"Yes, I bought Quik. No. To be precise, Quik himself is my person. He was put to John's side deliberately through some channels. He didn't betray John because he was from beginning to end. my people."

Qin Yang raised his brows, but he didn't expect this to happen: "Quick has been with John for two years, right?"

"Two years and three months."

Ihausen replied cleanly: "I arranged this. I remember it clearly."

Qin Yang nodded and stopped struggling with this question: "You have the means and vision. You have planted nails by John's side long ago..."

Ihausen replied calmly: "As long as John is still alive, I can't sit in the position of the head of the house. In order to achieve my goal, if I don't be cruel, then I am the kind of person who has been trampled underfoot. , All by means... I heard that you and Mr. and Mrs. John had been neighbors for half a month, and you took action against me because of your friendship with him for half a month?"

Qin Yang admires Ehausen a little bit. This guy is indeed a guy who can do big things. He is cruel and calm. In such an environment, he still doesn't panic, talks eloquently, is methodical, and he doesn't do anything wrong. , Of course, he must also know that he can't get rid of it, so he doesn't do unnecessary work.


Qin Yang replied cleanly. Since Ihausen can talk frankly, then Qin Yang didn't mind opening the skylight to speak brightly.

"I said to the bodies of John and his wife, I will avenge them and help them take care of Daisy!"

Ihausen frowned and groaned for a few seconds: "If I had known that John and you were friends, maybe I would not have used this method, but now that John is dead, even if you kill me, John will not be able to come back to life. Why not, I respect the friendship between you and John very much, I am willing to pay for it, and I assure you, Daisy can grow up happily in the family, like a princess, no one can bully her, if There is an accident, you are asking me."

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ihausen mockingly: "The price?"

"Yes, the price!"

Ihausen replied decisively: "I know that it is blasphemy to measure pure friendship by money, but this is the end of the matter, and this is the greatest sincerity I can give, 50 million euros, Mr. Qin, let me go. how is it?"

As if worried that Qin Yang would refuse directly, Ihausen added: "Mr. Qin, you have a strong background, and you can also let the supreme powerhouse act for you. As long as my head is not broken, I will not come to you in the future. So you don’t have to worry about the rest."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "You are quite decisive."

Ehausen can actually laugh: "I just said It's just a winner, Mr. Qin, you are stronger and more powerful. If I lose, I will naturally admit it. Only when you are alive, you have the opportunity to stand up again, so if you surrender, give up. This is my principle."

Qin Yang didn't answer, turned around and beckoned to Situ Xiang. Situ Xiang put a blue-gray cover notebook into Qin Yang's hand.

Ihausen watched Qin Yang's movements, his eyes changed slightly, and he became a little more solemn.

Qin Yang noticed the change in Ihausen's expression, shook the notebook in his hand, and smiled softly: "It seems that you care about this notebook?"

Ihausen’s eyes returned to normal in an instant, and he smiled and said, “That’s John’s notebook. He is a historian and loves archaeology. These are all notes he made. One of them involves a piece of the Solvay Code hundreds of years ago. Secret history, I originally wanted to use this to do something, if you are interested, you can take him away."

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "You are much better than Romal. If he lied, his face would change a little bit. If you lied, your eyes would change a little, and you would be very sincere. If it weren't for the fact that I already knew the truth, maybe You took it into the pit..."

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