The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1778: Go first

"Yes, our goals are the same. I and them are rivals."

Qin Yang answered frankly. At the same time, he organized the backpacks that the three of them had carried, and discarded many things that could be thrown away. He only brought a small instrument to test his specific position, some dry food and water, as well as a powerful flashlight and a Top folding tent.

Buss said: "There have been many expeditions to the mountain before, but they all returned without success. What you are looking for may not really exist."

Qin Yang turned his head and said, "Have an expedition team been to the sacred mountain before?"

Bass smiled and said: "Yes, although Liat is a small backward country in Africa, there are still many foreigners here after all. Some people have heard of the legend of the sacred mountain here and became interested in the sacred mountain. There are also some people who may have read some ancient documents and rushed to the mountain, but in the past few years, many people have come one after another, but they have never heard of anyone who found anything and returned empty-handed."

Qin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Ancient documents?"

Bass nodded: "I have lived here for a long time. Because I am involved in the mountain, I know a little better, especially in the past few years, there were also a few explorers who hired a team of mercenaries and many locals to go to the mountain. Because the sacred mountain is a sacred place for our locals, the locals clashed with them, and the mercenary team shot and killed several locals. This was a big cause at the time, and many people knew..."

Qin Yang didn’t speak, but Bass said triumphantly: “Maybe there is a **** on the mountain that protects us, but it’s not necessarily true. Later, those murderous mercenaries suffered a disaster on the mountain. It’s said that the gods were angry and the world broke apart. All died in the sacred mountain..."

Qin Yang was secretly surprised, but casually joked: "Don't you believe in gods?"

Buss spread his hands: "Who knows, I haven't seen it after all."

"Well, let's go!"

Qin Yang tidied up his things and ran wildly in the jungle with Lucian. Lucian's muscles and swords were like steel. Those thorns and thorns couldn't pierce his skin. He was like a bulldozer, just like a bulldozer. Long pushed past, extremely fast.

Qin Yang followed behind Lucian, running fast while thinking of Bass's words in his mind.

The Mount Kinabalu should be the destination of this trip and the place where the artifact hides, but obviously the adventurers who are staring here are not just themselves and Ihausen. According to Bass, I’m afraid it’s already here. Many expeditions, those who just came to the local area and listened to the legend of the sacred mountain and simply wanted to pay homage to the sacred mountain to find the gods. The expedition team with the mercenary team is definitely not only to find the gods.

All the clues that John was looking for came from various ancient documents and some legends. There are many capable people in this world. Since John can notice, others will also notice.

Maybe many people have been here before, maybe they are also looking for the floating sword and the key to the treasure?

Did they find it?

According to Buss' description, they all returned empty-handed, but if there are real gains, who will advertise?

Qin Yang originally came here with curiosity, but now his mood has cooled down a bit. Others have come to look for so many times before, let alone whether there is that artifact here, even if there is, I am afraid it should be Others find and take away, after all, there are many capable people in this world...

In order to hurry, the direction of travel of the three people is a straight line, crossing the mountain when encountering mountains, and crossing the water when encountering water. Who makes this place have a strong supreme powerhouse, a very high mountain, or an ordinary expedition team. It takes a day to climb this mountain, but Lucian only needs to jump a few times in succession, and his body is like a projectile that directly reaches the top.

At this speed, Qin Yang and the three had already reached the edge of the huge mountain called the sacred mountain after half a day.

This mountain is very high and covers a very large area. Its tip has even penetrated into the clouds, and the clouds and mist have surrounded the mountains, giving this mountain a sense of mystery. Around this mountain, There are also several continuous peaks, which are actually quite high, but compared with this sacred mountain, they have become small people, like the guards of this sacred mountain.

Qin Yang told Lucian to stop and eat something, but he started to calculate with the instrument.

At this time, the coordinate is very close, and a rough calculation can determine that the coordinate is indeed located on the sacred mountain.

It's just that it's very difficult to find a sword that doesn't take up space on such a large mountain peak based on a single coordinate.

Qin Yang took out his phone again and began to check John's notes.

"Through the dawn, the gaze of the gods led me to find the way forward..."

"Kneel down on the knees of the gods, pray for the gods' blessings, and let our glory spread throughout the world..."

Qin Yang raised his eyes, looked at the mountain in front of him for a long time, then turned his head and asked, "Bath, are there statues dedicated to the gods on the mountain? Or, on the mountain, is there a place to pray to the gods?"

Buzz nodded: "Yes, there is a stone platform on it. There was originally a barren rock. The barren rock was severely weathered and looked very strange, like a giant. The locals think that it is the incarnation of a god. Sacrifice activities are held on that stone platform to worship gods and pray..."

Kneeling on the knees of the gods?

Does it mean this place?

"Well, rest for ten minutes, then you show us the way and go directly to this stone platform."

"it is good!"

After a rest, the three people went on the road again, following the guidance of Bath, and after another three hours, they finally arrived at the stone platform where they prayed for the gods.

However, they were not the first visitors. There were already many people on the stone platform.

Ihausen was standing in front of the huge weathered rock, carefully looking at the rock, while others were searching everywhere. Seeing Qin Yang's three landing on the ground, Ihausen turned his head and looked at Qin Yang. : "Your actions are very fast!"

Qin Yang glanced around and looked at the people searching everywhere, and he was relieved in his heart. Obviously, this group of people had nothing to gain, otherwise, they would not look for it again.

"Looking at you in a helicopter passing by, I naturally have to run faster... but it seems that you have nothing to gain."

Gust stood by, looking at a stone wall, and did not pay attention to Qin Yang who appeared.

They have taken the place first, and they have checked for a few hours and found nothing, so he doesn't mind Qin Yang's appearance...

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