The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1791: Daisy's raising issues

How Chen Hou chooses is his own way after all, not to mention serving the country. No matter what mysterious unit it is, it is a good man after all, and Qin Yang has only full support in his heart.

"Then I wish you good luck, pay attention to safety in everything, only by living can you better serve the country and make more contributions."

At the time of parting, Qin Yang finally told Chen Hou again. After all, he had been an agent for several years, and he had experienced various dangers, and his mentality was very calm and mature. He was worried about Chen Hou’s temperament and just entered. What kind of secret agency, if you encounter dangerous things, your head will be hot regardless of the consequences.

Whether it is a soldier on the battlefield, a special agent performing a mission, or other dangerous jobs, the highest loss rate is the rookie period, and after becoming a veteran, they will become the elite of the elite, such as Without special bad events, the loss rate will be much lower.

"Don't worry, I deliberately want to do something meaningful, but not to die. I know it in my heart."

Facing Qin Yang's advice, Chen Hou did not ridicule, but answered seriously.

Qin Yang patted Chen Hou on the shoulder: "Take care!"

Qin Yang and Han Qingqing turned to leave. Han Qingqing walked a distance before asking curiously: "How to say it so solemnly, is he going to do anything dangerous?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "He is going to play for the country and do something that he thinks is meaningful."

"Do you think?"

Qin Yang laughed and stretched out his hand to hold Han Qingqing's hand: "Whether it makes sense, shouldn't it be more up to you to evaluate it? The unit he might go to is dangerous, so I told him to cherish his life instead of impulsiveness. ."

Han Qingqing's expression was a little surprised: "Looking at him laughing and joking, I didn't expect him to have such a side in his heart."

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Actually, I was also a little surprised. Perhaps it was the last exchange match that inspired the sense of national honor in his heart before he made this decision... This exchange match may change many people."

"That Zhao Qinglong who couldn't fail in a **** battle at the end of the team competition was also the one who was changed?"

Qin Yang sighed: "Originally he was a double pride, but he was injured physically. I am afraid it will take several years to recover. Only time will prove the rest. The dignity and honor of the country has never been easily obtained, and it will always pay the price. Yes, maybe sweating, maybe bleeding, maybe life."

Han Qingqing squeezed for two points: "Everything you do has your truth, and I will not advise you, but you should also pay attention to your safety. There are many people around you who are pointing to you."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "I told Chen Hou, you told me, haha... I'll be careful, I haven't entered the wedding hall with you yet, and I haven't had a baby yet."

Han Qingqing bit her lip, her face was slightly flushed, but her eyes were very happy. After all, the scene Qin Yang said was also what she was looking forward to.

"Speaking of kids, what are you going to do with Daisy?"

Qin Yang frowned, "As you know, no one in their family really likes Daisy. Even Roman is quite Ehausen's order to take back and take care of Daisy temporarily. They themselves I don’t have any affection for Daisy. Why don't you keep Daisy by our side and raise her like a daughter. What do you think?"

Han Qingqing looked a little hesitant: "I also like Daisy very much, but can we be a good parent? After all, raising a child does not only allow her to have food and clothes, but also education and companionship, which requires a lot of money. time……"

Qin Yang thinks too, she runs around every day and spends too little time at home. Han Qingqing will go to work soon after graduation, do what she wants to do, but she doesn’t have much time to accompany her. Daisy.

The growth of a child is inseparable from the company of the parents. This is definitely not something that can be replaced by giving her enough money to spend casually. If this is the case, the child's growth will definitely grow crooked.

Even if Qin Yang is mature and stable, his temperament has long surpassed his peers, but they are still young, they are still fighting, and more energy is placed outside, how to take care of Daisy?

Qin Yang revolved in his mind: "We can also bring Daisy, but we have to find trusted relatives to help us take care of her, companionship and education, so that she can develop a good character while not lacking family care... …You. Mom? Well, no, you. Mom is not talking with uncle...Oh, I didn’t talk nonsense."

Before Qin Yang finished speaking, Han Qingqing slapped him and smiled and distinguished.

Han Qingqing's mother is really not suitable. Firstly, her homeland is hard to leave. Secondly, she has worked hard for most of her life. Now finally her daughter has grown up and can live a happy life for two of her own, which is not too disturbing.

Qin Yang quickly thought about who might take care of Daisy, his parents?

Now they don’t know where the waves are going. Ever since their mother left her company, they have completely freed themselves. With the mentality of making up for their father, they spend their days in the world with their mother, engaging in romance, the waves of the world, Who knows which country they are in now, don't harass them.

Well, who else?



Qin Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, and it seemed to be a good thing.

My aunt is so old and doesn't look for a boyfriend, and listening to her tone seems to be completely prepared to be a single noble in the If there is a child to accompany her, she must have spiritual sustenance...

The master is now living in seclusion. He is now childless. If there is such a cute little girl by his side, he would be very happy, but he and Aunt Long are just getting married. I don’t know what Aunt Long thinks...

Qin Yang thought for a while, and decided to ask some people what they meant.

Qin Yang told Han Qingqing his thoughts, and Han Qingqing also thought it was good, and smiled: "You ask them what they mean first. If Uncle Mo is willing, of course it is good. He has enough time. If your aunt is willing, That’s okay, my aunt can also live here, and then we can take care of her together..."

Qin Yang was right when he thought about it, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, slightly dumbfounded.

"If my master or my aunt is Daisy's guardian, whether Daisy is called uncle or aunt, or godfather or godmother, then we can only call sister Daisy, she will call us brother and sister?"

Han Qingqing chuckles, "Isn't that good, she is five years old, you are twenty-two, I am twenty-one, and a teenager. It’s okay to call brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, haha, you Is it so old?"

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