The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1793: Commit crimes

"Why, something happened in the team again?"

Qin Yang received Qiao Wei's call, and while typing on the computer, he turned on the hands-free mobile phone and placed it on the desk.

"Well, recently a group of criminals entered Zhonghai. Up to now, they have committed several robberies and injured two people. We would like to ask you to help..."

Since Qin Yang signed the contract back then, he is not hypocritical: "Well, the other party is very powerful?"

Qiao Wei smiled bitterly: "According to the judgement of the other two consultants, one of the three offenders should be a master, and the other two are his younger brothers, with average strength. This is a judgment relative to the strength of your practitioners, not relative. For ordinary people, even if they are the two of average strength, it is not a problem to deal with our special police at will..."

Qin Yang retracted his typing hand from the keyboard, and his expression became two serious: "Is the identity of these three people figured out? None of the masters came out out of thin air. Since there are many witnesses, even without monitoring, I should be able to copy his head, and I should be able to know his identity, right?"

"Yes, the identity of the leading expert has been found. His name is Song Lei. He is from Hebei. A few days ago, he and others had a dispute over drinking at a food stall. There was a fight between the two sides. He shot and caused one death and one injury. He ran away, and Hebei was also wanted, but his strength and anti-reconnaissance consciousness were also strong, and he quickly escaped without a trace."

"Recently, they entered China Overseas and robbed them several times. They chose high-end residential areas. They were able to grab a lot of finances each time. They acted very carefully. A hidden camera on the side of the road captured them. Let us find out his identity."

Qin Yang frowned, "What is Song Lei's origin and strength?"

"Song Lei is a disciple of a sect in Hebei, forty-two years old, and his strength is the peak of the heavens and humans. According to the investigation, they should have been rushing all the way and committing many crimes along the way, because the attack was irregular, plus Song Lei Strong, unable to capture..."

Qiao Wei introduced here and sighed: "For a cultivator like Song Lei, because of his strong strength, he has many more choices in the way of crime, whether it is house robbery, shop robbery, or passerby robbery. For him, he can commit crimes anytime and anywhere. Even if others call the police, he can easily escape. It is very difficult to prevent and arrest, and it is really a headache."

"Okay, I'll come here."

Qin Yang cleaned up briefly and drove to the Criminal Police Brigade.

Such stray criminals are a very big hidden danger, especially desperados like this who kill people who have no fear in their hearts. They will do all kinds of things that have no bottom line. If you catch them earlier, you may be able to catch them earlier. At that time, there may be one or even a few victims less.

Qin Yang is willing to make a contribution. Let’s not talk about serving the country for the people. Even if it’s for the safety of his family and friends, he should also take action. Although there are millions of people in Zhonghai, the probability of Qin Yang’s relatives and friends hitting Song Lei is very small. But the probability is low after all.

In the movie, Batman was shot at his relatives because he let off the gangsters when he was a child. Whoever happened to this kind of thing would never forgive him for his guilt.

Qin Yang parked the car and knocked on Qiao Wei's office.

"How can I help? Are there any of them?"

Qiao Wei smiled bitterly: "No, please come over to see if you can provide us with some ideas. After all, you are a practitioner, and perhaps you understand the thinking of a practitioner better."

Qin Yang's complexion was also helpless. For this kind of person, who would dare to say that he can figure out what other people think, wherever the other person would go, where would you find him?

"It's probably difficult. Show me all the information you found."

"Well, everything is ready."

Qin Yang took the thick pile of documents from Qiao Wei, opened it and read it carefully, then raised his head: "Are all these crime locations marked on the map?"

Qiao Wei was taken aback for a moment: "Yes."

"Show me the map."

Qiao Wei turned to the computer screen and called up a map. The map started from Hebei, and some red dots appeared. These red dots joined together and finally extended to Zhonghai. Zhonghai has five red dots, three of which are red. The points are closer.

Qin Yang glanced around, frowned, and pointed at the three red dots: "Did these three robberies happen last?"

Qiao Wei nodded: "Yes, it happened the day before yesterday and last night, two of them happened last night..."

Qin Yang thought for a while and said, "How much money was robbed in these three robberies?"

"One household was robbed of about 100,000 cash plus gold and silver jewelry, one household was robbed of 50,000 yuan worth of gold and silver jewelry, and the other was robbed of 5,000 cash. This person has just withdrawn money from the bank. Come out, I should have bumped into them and was snatched by the way..."

Qin Yang leaned on the sofa, his eyes fell on the map, and after a long while, he said in a deep voice, "They should be raising funds and preparing to smuggle abroad."

Qiao Wei straightened up suddenly: "Smuggling to go abroad?"

Qin Yang stretched out his finger and pointed to the map: "Look, Song Lei went all the way after the accident in Hebei. Although there were some twists and turns in the center, the final destination has not changed. He should have set the destination before. For, I just didn’t dare to take planes, trains or cars. He had to steal all kinds of vehicles and have to walk section by section. The twists and turns in the middle should be the place where he avoids chasing..."

Qiao Wei frowned and said, "But if you want to smuggle, you don't have to go to Zhonghai, isn't there a closer place?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "China Shipping can go to many places by smuggling. Japan, South Korea, Filipino, etc. are places that smugglers like very much."

"They should be very clear that if they keep making moves like this, something will definitely happen after all. He is just a pinnacle of celestial beings. He is not lawless. According to the truth, he grabbed a single order, and at any rate he also has one hundred thousand yuan plus a sum of money. Silver, this amount of money is enough for them to hide from the limelight for a while, but they can’t wait to do it continuously, even the few thousand dollars they just withdrew from the bank. This shows that they are very short of money, or they are trying to collect money. A sum of money or as much money as possible..."

"You see, these three points are all close to the coastal area, so I suspect that they came here, maybe it is related to someone here, this person may be Song Lei’s friend, or some smuggler, Song Lei all the way I came here to meet this person and then smuggled out of the country from here. Once a person like him smuggled out of the country and went to a few chaotic countries, he would be mixed up like a fish in water. This is also for many practitioners who fled the law. select……"

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