The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1797: 1 line of life

"Have you seen these three people?"

"I have seen it."

"When did you meet?"

"The day before yesterday afternoon."

"What are they looking for?"

"They are going to Phoebe smuggled."

"Have you arranged for them?"


"What time?"

"Tonight, two o'clock in the middle of the night."


Qin Yang released the shoulder of the snake head, relieved his hypnosis, patted him on the shoulder, and said coldly: "These three are fugitives. They killed a friend of mine. If you send it out, I will Your life!"

The snake head watched Qin Yang squeeze a rock casually, and suddenly urinated, knowing that it was annoying.

"Big brother, I will do what you say. It's not my business. I just make a little money and eat as much as I can..."

Qin Yang snorted coldly: "As long as you cooperate with us to catch them, you will be rewarded, and no one will bother you, but if you secretly trick or inform you, then you will wait. Die!"

"Dare not, I will listen to you."

Qin Yang picked up the phone and dialed the number at home, asking Brewer and Velen to come here.

Although Qin Yang's strength is not afraid of Song Lei at the peak of Dacheng, there are three opponents, alone, and may not be able to win them all at once. If they are run away, they will be troublesome. There are two extraordinary powers of Brewer and Velen. The peak strength is here, as long as they meet, the three of them will not be able to run away.

"Should I call other consultants over?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "No, since I have determined his identity and strength, I have enough people, and those consultants are just great strengths, and they may not be Song Lei's opponents."

Qiao Wei asked curiously: "What kind of strength are the people you called?"

"Two extraordinary peaks. Peaks."

Qiao Wei's eyes widened. Although she is an ordinary person, the practitioners have been discussing for a long time. She also knows the strength of practitioners. This extraordinary peak is already a very powerful and powerful person, but Qin Yang But it's just one phone call and two...

"Are they your friends, or someone from your mentor?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "My bodyguard is a subordinate, I found it from abroad."

Qiao Wei looked at Qin Yang in shock, and shook her head for a long while and exclaimed, "You are amazing!"

Qin Yang smiled and patted the shoulder of the snake head: "Take us to the place you agreed to meet. We will wait for them quietly. Don't worry, as long as you catch them, you will be fine."

Where did the snakehead dare to disobey, he quickly turned around: "I agreed with them to meet near a deserted pier at one o'clock in the morning..."

"Okay, lead the way!"

When Qin Yang and the others arrived at the agreed place, Qin Yang looked around, and it turned out that it was a deserted place, very remote, and there was no ghost shadow here in the middle of the night.

Qin Yang sent his position to Brewer and others, and asked them to rush over.

Finding a suitable place to hide, Qin Yang sat down and arranged: "When they come, you will pick them up here. As long as they get out of the car and come over, your task will be completed."

Snakehead answered honestly: "Okay, you have to catch people, or come back and trouble me, and I will be dead."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as they come, they can't run away."

Qin Yang was about to talk to Qiao Wei next to him, but his cell phone rang suddenly, and the phone's ringtone was extremely clear in the silent night.

Qin Yang took out the phone and looked at the screen.

Wen Yuyan.

Qin Yang was slightly surprised, Wen Yuyan took the initiative to call herself?

Is it because of what I said before?

Qin Yang answered the phone casually and put the phone to his ear: "Hey..."

Qin Yang hadn't heard Wen Yuyan's voice, there was already a pop of glass in the microphone.

"Get off, be honest!"

Qin Yang stood up abruptly, the original smile on his face instantly solidified, his eyes became extremely cold.

Wen Yuyan had an accident.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Wen Yuyan's voice was full of horror, but still full of calmness. What answered her was a violent man's roar: "Stop talking nonsense, get off the car, we just ask for money and cooperate, otherwise we will kill you!"

Qin Yang's heart sank suddenly, and Wen Yuyan had an accident.

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to cover the microphone, and quickly shouted to Qiao Wei next to him: "Wen Yuyan has something wrong, I will deal with it. You are here to wait for my people and continue to round up!"

Qiao Wei opened her eyes wide and exclaimed: "What happened?"

Qin Yang didn't answer her, but waved his hand at her, ran to the car quickly, got in the car, started the car, and the car ran wildly outside.

Qin Yang hung up the phone call from Wen Yuyan, then quickly dialed the number of Long Group, and immediately reported Wen Yuyan's phone number after reporting his identity.

"Immediately locate the location of this phone number, the target Wen Yuyan, the chairman of Tianbo Group, started monitoring to track her location, and feedback to me as soon as he found it."

Qin Yang activated the accelerator and drove towards Tianbo Group.

In a short call, Qin Yang heard the sound of fighting and the door glass being broken. From this, it can be inferred that Wen Yuyan was attacked on the way home from the company, and there was more than one attacker.

Did she really have such bad luck, so she happened to meet Song Lei and other three criminals?

After Wen Yuyan snorted on the phone, there was no sound. Based on what the criminals said before, Wen Yuyan should not have been killed, but stunned.

"Hurry up! Follow the plan!"

Qin Yang heard the sound of the gangster, and then the sound of the car starting, and the surrounding area quickly became quiet, only the sound of the car moving forward.

Where is Moon Yuyan's phone?

Can you keep talking without being noticed?

Qin Yang's phone rang soon, and Qin Yang hung up Wen Yuyan's phone and connected the phone.

"The target has been successfully The target is currently driving north by sea. It is a silver van..."

"Show me the way!"

"Sync location information to my mobile phone!"


Qin Yang clicked on a software on his mobile phone and saw the red dots moving fast on the map.

Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief and continued to listen to Wen Yuyan's voice on the phone.

"The third child, get out of the car and follow the plan. I will give you instructions. I will let her take the money. If you get the money, the second child will pick you up. After getting rid of the chasing soldiers, go directly to the agreed place and we will leave overnight! "


When the car stopped, someone got out of the car, and the man's voice rang again: "Second, you can find out if she has a cell phone or something, and throw it all out..."


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